
Native Display Ad Settings

Ad Options


Ad Type: (Read-only) The ad type you鈥檙e creating, which corresponds to the placement type to which the ad can be attached.

Ad Name: The ad name. The ad type is used by default, but you can change the name.

Use a name that鈥檚 easy to find when you attach the ad to a placement, in the Ads view, and in reports. For example, describe the unit type and some key attributes (such as Holiday Product Preview: 15sec Native鈥).

Native Creative: A 1200x627 image to maximize delivery on mobile inventory. Click Browse and locate the file on your device or network, and then click Upload.

Title: An eye-catching title to engage viewers.

Description: The body of the ad. The maximum length is 100 characters.

Landing Page: The URL on which the viewer lands when they click the ad.

Final Landing Page: The Landing Page URL with the necessary Advertising DSP tracking macros inserted, if applicable.

Sponsored By (Advertiser Name): The advertiser for the ad.

Call to Action: (Optional) The step you want viewers to take once they see this ad.

Advertiser Logo: (Optional) A 1:1 ratio logo to include with the ad for more brand recognition. Click Browse and locate the file on your device or network, and then click Upload.


All existing event tracking pixels for the placement are automatically attached. You can detach existing pixels and create new pixels as needed, based on your tracking needs for the individual ad. Tip: To edit the third-party tracking pixels for multiple ads in a placement at once using the Ad Tools view, see 鈥Attach Third-Party Tracking Pixels to Ads in a Placement.鈥

The following settings apply to each pixel that you create or edit.

Integration Event: The event that triggers the pixel to fire.

Pixel Type: Whether the pixel is an IMG URL (1x1 pixel image file), HTML, or JavaScript URL.

Pixel URL or Code: The URL of the pixel image, in the appropriate format for the specified Pixel Type.

Pixel Name: The pixel name. Use a name that helps you easily identify the pixel.

Pixel Provider: The pixel provider: None, Comscore, WhiteOps, or IAS.
