
Types of Performance Reports in Campaign Management Views

The campaign management views include comprehensive report data. The available reports help you to identify the packages and placements that are performing well and those that need your attention. Quick action buttons also make you more productive.

All Campaigns View

The Campaigns view opens to a set of performance data charts and a list of all campaigns within your account.

Chart View chart-view

You can customize time series trend charts across all campaigns using three metrics. By default, data for Net Spend, Impressions, and Net CPM are included in separate charts (trellis charts). You can optionally change the metrics. To enable hourly data in the time series trend charts, change your date selection to a single day (Today, Yesterday, or a specific day).

separate trend charts for three metrics

You also can optionally overlay the three metrics for easy detection of anomalies and areas in which to improve scale or performance.

trend chart with overlay

Table View

Campaigns list

By default, each campaign row includes pacing and delivery metrics. Pacing metrics include Gross Spend (Lifetime), which includes a gauge of the actual on-target spend versus the expected on-target spend across all packages in the campaign, so you can identify under-performing campaigns at a glance. You can optionally change the column view or even create a custom column view.

You can further customize the data tables in additional ways and filter the visible data.

To view a campaign in more detail, click the campaign name.

Alert Indicators

An 鈥淎lerts鈥 column indicates when a campaign, or any child entity under it, has an issue. A Pulse Panel icon to the right of the toolbar also indicates if any alerts are available for the entities that are listed. See 鈥View Alerts鈥 for more information.

Single Campaign Reporting single-campaign-reporting

Within a campaign, you can filter data based on the campaign entity: Packages, Placements, and Ads. You can further filter the visible data to include only the packages, placements, or ads that you want to see.

Campaign entity tabs

Chart View

For each campaign, you can customize time series trend charts with three metrics, which are available in each entity view. The same metrics are persisted across all trend charts for the campaign.

See the 鈥淐hart View鈥 section on cross-campaign metrics for more information.

Table View

In each entity tab, each row includes pacing and delivery metrics, by default, but you can change the column view or even create a custom column view to apply across all subtabs for the campaign. You can further customize the data tables in additional ways. Each data table includes a Subtotals row, which shows either the sum or the average value of each metric across all visible rows.

Alert Indicators

An 鈥淎lerts鈥 column indicates when a package, placement, or ad 鈥 or any child entity under a package or placement 鈥 has an issue. An 鈥淎lerts鈥 column indicates when a campaign, or any child entity under it, has an issue. A Pulse Panel icon to the right of the toolbar also indicates if any alerts are available for the entities that are listed. See 鈥View Alerts鈥 for more information.

Other Types of Campaign-level Reporting

For other data breakouts, view the campaign-level reporting pages. The report includes sections on Geography, Device, Viewability, and Audience Performance data.

Other Types of Placement-level Reporting

For other data breakouts, view the placement-level reporting pages. The report includes sections on Geography, Device, Viewability, Audience Performance, Notifications, and Ads data.

In addition, you can view the following data within the placement settings:

Other Types of Ad-level Reporting

For other data breakouts, view the ad-level reporting pages. The report includes Overview, Geography, and Viewability data.
