Manage ad templates for inventory feeds
Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, Yahoo! Japan Ads (delete actions only), and Yandex accounts only
Before or after you upload data, you can create search-engine specific ad templates through which your data can be processed. You can create templates for text ads and expanded/extended text ads, Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising responsive search ads, and for Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising shopping ads.
You can associate each template with one feed file, Google Merchant Center account, or Microsoft Merchant Center account, and you can associate multiple templates with the same feed file or account. An ad template can include variables, which are substituted with actual data columns from an uploaded file or an account. In most cases, the variables also can include a modifier group you set up in Search, Social, & Commerce to create multiple ads, keywords, campaigns, or ad groups for each applicable row in the data file. The template options allow you to either create new account structure (campaigns, ad groups, keywords) for the ads or map the ads to the existing account structure.
In addition to creating new templates from scratch, you can optionally create new templates by cloning existing ones and edit existing templates.
Once you create a template and associate it with a data feed file or a merchant center account, you can propagate the data in the file through the template to create campaign data and account structure, optionally creating a bulksheet file for review or for immediate posting to the ad network.
Any template can be activated, paused, or deleted. Feed data can be automatically propagated only through active templates. However, you can manually propagate data through a paused template.
Create, clone, or edit a feed template
Create separate templates for text and expanded/extended text ads, responsive search ads, Google Ads shopping ads, and Microsoft Advertising shopping ads.
In the main menu, click Search > Campaigns > Advanced (ACM), which opens to the Templates tab.
Do one of the following:
To create a template from scratch, click Create/Clone in the toolbar above the data table, and then select the applicable ad network.
To clone an existing template:
Select the check box next to the template that you want to copy.
In the toolbar above the data table, click Create/Clone, and then select the applicable ad network.
(To edit an existing template) Next to the template name, click
Specify the settings for the text ad template, Google Ads shopping ad template, or Microsoft Advertising shopping ad template:
At the top of the template settings window, specify the template name and the applicable account.
When you clone an existing template, rename the new template so that the ads that are created from the new template aren’t associated with ads that are created from the source template.
(Optional) In the left column, specify the product feed file or merchant center account whose data will be propagated through the template:
(For product feed files) To select a previously-uploaded file, click
(For a synced merchant center account) Select the account name.
The columns for the selected file or account are displayed.
On the Account Structure tab, specify the account structure settings.
(Text ads only) Click the Keywords tab, and specify the keyword settings.
(Text and responsive search ads only) Click the Ads tab, and do any of the following:
note note NOTE - You can include up to four ad variation templates per standard text ad template, five ad variation templates per expanded/extended text ad template, and three ad variation templates per responsive search ad template.
- Each ad group can include up to three enabled responsive search ads.
- You can’t edit existing standard text ad variations, and existing templates no longer generate standard text ads.
- If you change an ad variation template, then existing ads may be deleted and new ones may be created when you propagate data through the template, depending on the ad type and ad network.
To add an ad variation, do the following:
Click Add Ad Variation to create a text ad, Add ETA Variation to create an expanded/extended text ad, or Add RSA Variation to create a responsive text ad.
Once you specify the ad type, you can create only that ad type with the template.
Specify the ad settings.
For responsive search ads, you can include 3-15 headlines and 2-4 descriptions.
(Optional) To pre-fill all alternate ad copy fields with text from the original ad copy fields, select the check box next to Prefill.
(Optional) To add another set of ad copy to an ad, which may be used if any of the lines in the original ad copy exceed the maximum length once any dynamic parameters are substituted with data during propagation, click Add Alternate, and then add the alternate values.
note note NOTE - If the Prefill option is selected, then the alternate fields are pre-filled with the original fields, and you can edit them as needed.
- Only the ad copy fields that exceed the maximum length are replaced with the alternate value. For example, if only an original headline or title is too long, then the generated ad variation uses the alternate headline or title and the original descriptions(s). Therefore make sure that the alternate ad copy makes sense when combined with the original ad copy.
- If the original ad copy meets the search engine’s length requirements, then the alternate ad copy is discarded.
- You can specify up to four alternates for each ad copy field.
To edit an ad variation, do the following:
Edit the ad settings.
For responsive search ads, you can include 3-15 headlines and 2-4 descriptions.
(Optional) To pre-fill all alternate ad copy fields with text from the original ad copy fields, select the check box next to Prefill.
(Optional) To add another set of ad copy to an ad, which may be used if any of the lines in the original ad copy exceed the maximum length once any dynamic parameters are substituted with data during propagation, click Add Alternate, and then add the alternate values.
note note NOTE - If the Prefill option is selected, then the alternate fields are pre-filled with the original fields, and you can edit them as needed.
- Only the ad copy fields that exceed the maximum length are replaced with the alternate value. For example, if only an original headline or title is too long, then the generated ad variation uses the alternate headline or title and the original descriptions(s). Therefore make sure that the alternate ad copy makes sense when combined with the original ad copy.
- If the original ad copy meets the search engine’s length requirements, then the alternate ad copy is discarded.
- You can specify up to four alternates for each ad copy field.
To remove an ad variation, click Remove ETA Variation (for expanded/extended text ads) or Remove RSA Variation (for responsive search ads) next to the ad variation, as applicable.
(Shopping templates only) Click the Product Groups tab, and then specify information about the product groups that you want to target.
(Optional) Click the Feed Filters tab, and then specify which rows in the feed file to propagate.
(Optional) Click the Label Classifications tab, and then specify the label classification values to assign to the different campaign components that are created:
Click the check box next to [Component] Label Classifications.
For each label classification to assign to the component, do the following:
Click Add Label Classification.
Select the label classification, and then either select an existing value or enter a new value.
Save the template:
To simply save the template, click Save, and then click Save again.
To save the template and propagate the specified data file through it, click Save, and then click Save & Propagate.
Change the status of feed templates
You can activate any paused data feed template or pause any active data feed template.
In the main menu, click Search > Campaigns > Advanced (ACM), which opens to the Templates tab.
Select the check box next to each template whose status you want to change.
In the toolbar above the data table, click Change Status, and then click Activate or Pause.
Delete feed templates
In the main menu, click Search > Campaigns > Advanced (ACM), which opens to the Templates tab.
Select the check box next to each template that you want to delete.
In the toolbar above the data table, click Delete.
In the confirmation message, click Yes.