The Segment Builder lets you compare and constrain values using selected operators. There are three categories of operators: Standard, Data Warehouse, and Distinct Count.
The only supported wildcard character is the asterisk: *. If you need to search for *, you can escape it with a backslash.
The selected dimension, segment, or metric event…
Returns items that match exactly for a numeric or string value. Note: If using wildcard characters, use the “matches” operator.
does not equal
Returns all items that do not contain the exact match of the value entered. Note: If using wildcard characters, use the “does not match” operator.
equals any of
Returns items that match exactly for any value in the input field (up to 500 items). For example, entering “Search Results, Homepage” with this operator would match “Search Results” and “Homepage”, and count as 2 items. The input field for this operator is comma-delimited.
does not equal any of
Identifies items that match exactly for any value in the input field (up to 500 items), and then only returns items without these values. For example, entering “Search Results, Homepage” with this operator would identify “Search Results” and “Homepage” and then exclude them from the returned items. This example would count as 2 items. The input field for this operator is comma-delimited.
Returns items that compare to the substrings of the values entered. For example, if the rule for “Page” contains “Search”, then it will match any page that has the substring “Search” in it, including “Search Results”, “Search”, and “Searching”. The “contains” clause is not case sensitive in ۶Ƶ Analytics, but it is case sensitive in Customer Journey Analytics.
does not contain
Returns the inverse of the “contains” rule. Specifically, all items that match the entered value will be excluded from the entered values. For example, if the rule for “Page” does not contain “Search”, then it will not match any page that has the substring “Search” in it, including “Search Results”, “Search”, and “Searching”. These values will be excluded from the results.
contains all of
Returns items compared to the substrings, including multiple values joined together. For example, entering “Search Results” with this operator would match “Search Results” and “Results of Search”, but not “Search” or “Results” independently. It would match Search AND Results found together. The input field for this operator is space-delimited (100 words).
does not contain all of
Identifies items compared to substrings—including multiple values joined together—and then only return items without these values. For example, entering “Search Results” with this operator would identify “Search Results” and “Results of Search” (but not “Search” or “Results” independently) and then exclude these items. The input field for this operator is space-delimited (100 words).
contains any of
Returns items compared to the substrings, including multiple values joined or independently identified. For example, entering “Search Results” with this operator would match “Search Results”, “Results of Search”, “Search”, and “Results”. It would match either “Search” OR “Results” found together or independently. The input field for this operator is space-delimited (100 words).
does not contain any of
Identifies items based on substrings and then returns values that do not contain these substrings. It can have multiple joined values or values independently identified. For example, entering “Search Results” would match “Search Results”, “Results of Search”, “Search”, and “Results” where either “Search” or “Results” are found together or independently. It would then exclude items that contain these substrings. The input field for this operator is space-delimited (100 words).
starts with
Returns items that start with the character or strings of the value entered.
does not start with
Returns all items that do not start with the characters or strings of the values entered. This is the inverse of the “starts with” operator.
ends with
Returns items that end with the character or strings of the value entered.
does not end with
Returns all items that do not end with the characters or strings of the value entered. This is the inverse of the “ends with” operator.
Returns items that match exactly based on a given numeric or string value. The “matches” clause is case sensitive in ۶Ƶ Analytics and in Customer Journey Analytics. Note: Use this operator when using wildcard (globbing) features. Examples of “globbing”:
would match ae
, abcde
, adobe
, and a whole sentence
would match adobe
, adobe analytics
, and adobo recipe
would match dobe
, adobe
, and cute little dobe
does not match
Returns all items that do not contain the exact match of the value entered. Note: Use this operator when using wildcard (globbing) features.
Returns the number of items that exist. For example, if you evaluate the Pages Not Found dimension using the “exist” operator, the number of error pages that exist is returned.
does not exist
Returns all items that do not exist. For example, if you evaluate the Pages Not Found dimension using the " does not exist" operator, the number of pages where this error page did not exist is returned.