
Client hints overview and FAQ

Client hints are individual pieces of information about a user’s device. They are provided by Chromium browsers such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. For these browsers, client hints will gradually replace the User-Agent as the source of device information. ۶Ƶ Analytics will update its device lookup process so that it uses client hints in addition to User-Agent to determine device information.

Low-entropy and high-entropy client hints

Google divides User-Agent client hints into two categories: low-entropy and high-entropy hints.

  • Low-entropy hints contain more generic information about devices. These hints are automatically supplied by Chromium browsers.

  • High-entropy hints contain more detailed information. These hints are available only by request. Both AppMeasurement and Web SDK can be configured to request high-entropy hints. By default, both libraries do not request high-entropy hints.

Starting in October 2022, new versions of Chromium browsers started ‘freezing’ the operating system version represented in the User-Agent string. Operating system version is a high-entropy hint, so to maintain accuracy of operating system version in your reporting it is necessary to configure your collection library to collect these high-entropy hints. Over time other device information of the User-Agent will be frozen, requiring client hints to maintain device reporting accuracy.

Client hints will be incorporated into Analytics device lookup process starting February 27, 2023 and concluding on March 2, 2023. Both AppMeasurement and Web SDK currently support collection of hints data but it will not be used in device lookup until mid-February. As noted below operating system version was frozen starting in October but due to a gradual rollout and the fact that many User Agents already provide a frozen OS version (see more here), we estimate that this will affect <3% of Chrome Visitors.

As of January 2023, Some versions of Mac and Windows operating systems are incorrectly represented in the User Agent, but correctly represented in high-entropy client hints. See Operating System for more information.

۶Ƶ Audience Manager requires high-entropy hints to be collected to preserve full functionality. If you are using server-side forwarding to ۶Ƶ Audience Manager then you may want to enable collection of high-entropy hints.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I learn more about client hints?
This is a good reference and starting point.
How do I enable the collection of client hints?

Low-entropy hints are automatically provided by the browser and ingested for deriving device and browser information. Newer versions of Web SDK (starting with 2.12.0) and AppMeasurement (starting with 2.23.0) can be configured to collect high-entropy hints via their respective Tags extensions or directly via a configuration option. See directions for Web SDK and AppMeasurement.

For both libraries, collection of high-entropy hints is disabled by default.

For data submitted via API, such as via or Bulk Data Insertion API, hints must be explicitly included in the payload. See the respective documentation for details.

Can I choose which high-entropy hints I collect?

Not at this time. You can choose to collect all high-entropy hints or none.

Note that fullVersionList is currently not collected because browser major version is captured as a low-entropy hint.

What are the various client hints values?

The table below describes the client hints as of October 2022.

table 0-row-4 1-row-4 2-row-4 3-row-4 4-row-4 5-row-4 6-row-4 7-row-4 8-row-4
Hint Description High or Low Entropy Example
Sec-CH-UA Browser and significant version Low "Google Chrome 84"
Sec-CH-UA-Mobile Mobile device (true or false) Low true
Sec-CH-UA-Platform Operating System/Platform Low "Android"
architecture Architecture of the site High "arm"
bitness Architecture bitness High "64"
fullVersionList List of brands with their version High "Not A;Brand";v="99", "Chromium";v="98", "Google Chrome";v="98"
model Device model High "Pixel 3"
platformVersion Operating System/Platform version High "10"
  • Low-entropy hints are collected through the request header.
  • High-entropy hints are collected through JavaScript and passed through query string parameter values. The query string parameters use h. as a prefix in the image request. Note that fullVersionList is currently not collected because browser major version is captured as a low entropy hint.

High entropy hints are collected via JavaScript call and passed via query parameter

Will there be any changes to device reporting in Analytics?
The device fields available for reporting will not change. The data captured for those fields may change depending on which field and how you have configured collection for client hints.
Which Analytics reporting fields are derived from the User-Agent?

These fields are directly derived from the User-Agent but User-Agent may be used to help derive values for other device related fields, depending on the device details.

What portions of the User-Agent are being "frozen" and when?
See the . This may be subject to change.
In what ways does Analytics depend on the User Agent?

Device information in reporting is derived from the User Agent. We have updated our processes to use both User Agent and client hints where available.

The Fallback ID (s_fid) is derived from the User Agent and IP Address. This ID is only used if a cookie cannot be set so is not widely used

Which Analytics reporting fields are derived from values stored in high-entropy hints?

This will change over time as Google ‘freezes’ more parts of the User Agent. The first field to be directly impacted is “Operating System” which includes the operating system version According to Google’s published timeline for “freezing” User-Agent hints, operating system version will be frozen starting late October 2022 with Chromium version 107. At that point the operating system version in the User Agent will be inaccurate in some cases.

Refer to the to see the timing for freezing of other portions of the User-Agent.

How will ۶Ƶ use client hints to derive device information?
۶Ƶ uses a third party, Device Atlas, who will use both client hints and the User-Agent to derive device information.
Which browsers are affected by client hints?
Client hints apply only to Chromium browsers such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. There is no change to data from other browsers or mobile apps.
Are client hints supported over insecure connections?
No. Client hints can only be collected through a secure HTTP connection, such as HTTPS.
How do I include client hint data when using API submission?
See documentation for including these via .
Will client hints be available in data sent to ۶Ƶ Experience Platform and Customer Journey Analytics via the ۶Ƶ Source Connector?
۶Ƶ plans to include client hints in data via ۶Ƶ Source Connector in the first half of 2023.
How are client hints represented in XDM?
See the in ۶Ƶ Experience Platform.
Will ۶Ƶ Audience Manager server-side forwarding support client hints?
Yes. Client hints will be included in the data forwarded to ۶Ƶ Audience Manager. Note that ۶Ƶ Audience Manager requires high-entropy hints to be collected to preserve full functionality. If you are using server-side forwarding to ۶Ƶ Audience Manager then you may want to enable collection of high-entropy hints.