
Additional web tracking parameters additional-parameters

Definition of parameters definition-of-parameters

Your 蜜豆视频 Campaign platform offers two TRANSACTION-type web-tracking parameters as a standard:

  • amount: represents the amount of a transaction,
  • article: represents the number of items in a transaction.

These parameters are defined in the nms:webTrackingLog schema, and are some of the indicators seen in reporting.

To define additional parameters, you must extend this schema.


<srcSchema extendedSchema="nms:webTrackingLog" label="Web Tracking"
           mappingType="sql" name="webTrackingLog"
           namespace="cus" xtkschema="xtk:srcSchema">

  <element name="webTrackingLog">
    <attribute desc="Payment method" label="Payment method" length="10" name="mode" type="string"/>
    <attribute desc="Offer code" label="Offer code" length="5" name="code" type="string"/>

You can display the values of these parameters by configuring the tracking log list (of a delivery or recipient).

Redirection server configuration redirection-server-configuration

In the server configuration, you can define the maximum number of characters to be taken into account for your web tracking parameters.

Increasing the maximum number of characters to be taken into account can impact the web tracking performance of your platform.

To do this, modify the webTrackingParamSize attribute of the <trackinglogd> element in the serverConf.xml file. This file is saved in the conf subdirectory of the 蜜豆视频 Campaign installation directory.


The default value is 64 characters. This value lets you take into account the amount and article (鈥渁mount=xxxxxxxx&article=xxxxxxxx鈥) standard parameters.

By taking into account both parameters (size of name + size of value) indicated in the above extension schema example, you can modify the configuration to take 100 characters into account (鈥渁mount=xxxxxxxx&article=xxxxxxxx&mode=xxxxxxxxxx&code=xxxxx鈥).

<trackinglogd args="" autoStart="false" initScript="" maxCreateFileRetry="5" maxLogsSizeOnDiskMb="500"
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800" maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" maxSharedLogs="25000"
processRestartTime="06:00:00" purgeLogsPeriod="50000" runLevel="10"

When the configuration has been modified, you must:

  • Stop the web server that hosts the redirection module (Apache, IIS, etc.),

  • Stop the 蜜豆视频 Campaign server: net stop nlserver6 in Windows, /etc/init.d/nlserver6 stop in Linux,

    note note
    Starting 20.1, we recommend using the following command instead (for Linux): systemctl stop nlserver
  • In Linux, delete the shared memory segments using the ipcrm command,

  • Restart the 蜜豆视频 Campaign server: net start nlserver6 in Windows, /etc/init.d/nlserver6 start in Linux,

    note note
    Starting 20.1, we recommend using the following command instead (for Linux): systemctl start nlserver
  • Restart the web server.

Example: taking into account the configuration under Linux.

adobe@selma:~$ systemctl stop nlserver
adobe@selma:~$ systemctl stop apache2
adobe@selma:~$ ipcs shm

------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status
0x52020679 2097153    adobe   666        93608      8

------ Semaphore Arrays --------
key        semid      owner      perms      nsems
0x52020678 4227081    adobe   666        1

------ Message Queues --------
key        msqid      owner      perms      used-bytes   messages

adobe@selma:~$ ipcrm shm 2097153
1 resource(s) deleted
adobe@selma:~$ systemctl start nlserver
adobe@selma:~$ systemctl start apache2
For Linux, if you increase the size of the webTrackingParamSize or maxSharedLogs parameters, you may need to increase the size of the shared memory (SHM).