[Also applies to v8]{class="badge positive" title="Also applies to Campaign v8"}

Use case: create an email delivery use-case-creating-an-email-delivery

In this use case, you will learn steps to design an email delivery using ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Campaign Digital Content Editor (DCE).

Our final goal is to create a delivery with a personalized template which contains:

  • A direct address for a recipient (using first and second names)
  • Two types of links to an external URL
  • A mirror page
  • A link to a Web application
Before you start, you must have at least one HTML template configured to host the content of your future deliveries.
In the delivery Properties, make sure that the Content editing mode (in the Advanced tab) is set to DCE. To ensure the editor’s optimal operation, refer to the Content editing best practices.

Step 1 - Creating a delivery step-1---creating-a-delivery

To create a new delivery, place your cursor in the Campaigns tab and click Deliveries. Next click the Create button above the list of existing deliveries. For more on creating deliveries, refer to this page.

Step 2 - Selecting a template step-2---selecting-a-template

Select a delivery template, then name your delivery. This name will only be visible to users of the ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Campaign console and not by your recipients, however this heading will be displayed in your list of deliveries. Click Continue.

Step 3 - Selecting a content step-3---selecting-a-content

The Digital Content Editor comes with various out-of-the-box templates with varying structures (columns, text areas, etc.).

Select the content template that you want to use, then click the Start with the selected content button to display the template in the created delivery.

You can also import an HTML content created outside of ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Campaign by selecting From a file.

You can save this content as a template for future use. Once a personalized content template is created, you can preview it from the list of templates. For more on this, refer to Template management.

If you are using the ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Campaign web interface, you must import a .zip file containing the HTML content and related images.

Step 4 - Designing the message step-4---designing-the-message

  • Display the first and second names of your recipients

    To insert the first and second names of your recipients into a text field in your delivery, click your chosen text field, then place your cursor where you want to display them. Click the first icon in the pop-up toolbar, then click Personalization block. Select Greetings, then click OK.

  • Insert a link into an image

    To take delivery recipients to an external address via an image, click on the relevant image to display the pop-up toolbar, place the cursor on the first icon then click Link to an external URL. For more on this, refer to Adding a link.

    Enter the URL for the link in the URL field using the following format https://www.myURL.com, then confirm.

    The link can be changed at any time using the section to the right of the window.

  • Insert a link into text

    To integrate an external link into the text in your delivery, select some text or a block of text then click on the first icon in the pop-up toolbar. Click Link to an external URL, enter the link address into the URL field. For more on this, refer to Adding a link.

    The link can be changed at any time using the section to the right of the window.

    note caution
    The text entered in the Label field replaces the original text.
  • Add a mirror page

    To allow your recipients to view your delivery content in a Web browser, you can integrate a link to a mirror page into your delivery.

    Click the text field in which you wish to see the link posted. Click the first icon in the pop-up toolbar, select Personalization block, then Link to Mirror Page (MirrorPage). Click Save to confirm.

    note caution
    The personalization block label automatically replaces the original text in your delivery.
  • Integrate a link to a Web application

    The Digital Content Editor lets you integrate links to Web applications from your ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Campaign console, such as a landing page or a form page. For more on this, refer to Link to a Web application.

    Select a text field for your link to a Web application, then click the first icon. Choose Link to a Web application, then select the desired application by clicking the icon at the end of the Web Application field.

    Click Save to confirm.

    note note
    This step requires you to save at least one Web application beforehand. These can be found in the Campaigns > Web applications tab of your console.

Step 5 - Saving the delivery step-5---saving-the-delivery

Once the content is integrated, save the delivery by clicking Save. It will now be displayed in your list of deliveries, found in the Campaigns > Deliveries tab.
