Design an iOS rich push delivery rich-push

Before designing a Rich Push Notification, you first need to configure your V2 connector. Refer to this page for the detailed procedure.

Define the content of an iOS notification push-message

Once your push delivery is created, you can define its content using one of the following templates:

  • Default allows you to send notifications with a simple icon and an accompanying image.

  • Basic can include text, images, and buttons in your notifications.

  • Carousel enables you to send notifications with text and multiple images that users can swipe through.

Navigate through the tabs below to learn more on how to personalize these templates.

  1. Choose General notification (Alert, Sound, Badge) as your Notification type.

  2. From the Notification Type drop-down, select Default.

  3. In the Title field, enter the label of the title that you want to appear in the list of notifications available from the notification center.

    This field allows you to define the value of the title parameter of the iOS notification payload.

  4. Optionally, add a Subtitle, which corresponds to the subtitle parameter of the iOS notification payload.

  5. Enter the content of the message in the Message content section of the wizard.

  6. Navigate to the Sound and Badge tab to customize additional settings such as sound and badge options for your notifications. Learn more

  7. From the Application variables tab, your Application variables are automatically added. They let you define notification behavior, for instance, you can configure a specific application screen to be displayed when the user activates the notification.

  8. For further customization, explore the Advanced options available for your push notifications. Learn more

  9. Once the notification is configured, click the Preview tab to preview the notification.

  1. Choose General notification (Alert, Sound, Badge) as your Notification type.

  2. From the Notification Type drop-down, select Basic.

  3. To compose your message, enter your text in the Title,Expanded message, Message and Expanded message fields.

    The Message text appears in the collapsed view while the Expanded message is displayed when the notification is expanded.

  4. Optionally, add a Subtitle, which corresponds to the subtitle parameter of the iOS notification payload.

  5. Navigate to the Sound and Badge tab to customize additional settings such as sound and badge options for your notifications. Learn more

  6. From the Application variables tab, your Application variables are automatically added. They let you define notification behavior, for instance, you can configure a specific application screen to be displayed when the user activates the notification.

  7. For further customization, explore the Advanced options available for your push notifications. Learn more

  8. In the Color options menu, enter hexadecimal color codes for the Title, Message and Background.

Once you have defined your message content, you can use test subscribers to preview and test the message.

  1. Choose General notification (Alert, Sound, Badge) as your Notification type.

  2. From the Notification Type drop-down, select Carousel.

  3. To compose your message, enter your text in the Title, Expanded Title and Message fields.

  4. Navigate to the Sound and Badge tab to customize additional settings such as sound and badge options for your notifications. Learn more

  5. From the Application variables tab, your Application variables are automatically added. They let you define notification behavior, for instance, you can configure a specific application screen to be displayed when the user activates the notification.

  6. For further customization, explore the Advanced options available for your push notifications. Learn more

  7. In the Color options menu, enter hexadecimal color codes for the Title, Message and Background.

  8. Choose how the Carousel operates in the Carousel options tab:

    • Auto: automatically cycles through images as slides, transitioning at predefined intervals.
    • Manual: allows users to manually swipe between slides to navigate through the images.
  9. Click Add image and enter your Image URL, Text and Action URL.

    Ensure that you include a minimum of three images and a maximum of five images.

Once you have defined your message content, you can use test subscribers to preview and test the message.

  1. Choose General notification (Alert, Sound, Badge) as your Notification type.

  2. From the Notification Type drop-down, select Timer.

  3. To compose your message, enter your text in the Title,Expanded title, Message and Expanded message fields.

    The Message text appears in the collapsed view while the Expanded message is displayed when the notification is expanded.

  4. Optionally, add a Subtitle, which corresponds to the subtitle parameter of the iOS notification payload.

  5. Navigate to the Sound and Badge tab to customize additional settings such as sound and badge options for your notifications. Learn more

  6. From the Application variables tab, your Application variables are automatically added. They let you define notification behavior, for instance, you can configure a specific application screen to be displayed when the user activates the notification.

  7. For further customization, explore the Advanced options available for your push notifications. Learn more

  8. In the Color options menu, enter hexadecimal color codes for the Title, Message and Background.

  9. From the Timer tab, set your Timer duration in seconds or the Timer end timestamp to a specific epoch timestamp.

  10. Enter the text and image that will be displayed after the timer has expired in the Alternate title, Alternate message and Alternate image fields.

Once you have defined your message content, you can use test subscribers to preview and test the message.

Push notification advanced settings push-advanced

Sound and badge options sound-badge

Clean Badge
Enable this options to refresh the badge value.
Set a number which will be used to display directly on the application icon the number of new unread information.
Critical alert mode
Enable this option to add sound to your notification even the user’s phone is set on focus mode or if the iPhone is muted.
Select the sound to be played by the mobile terminal when the notification is received.
Set volume of your sound from 0 to 100. Sounds must be included in the application and defined when the service is created.

Advanced options notification-options

Mutable content
Enable this option to allow the mobile application to download media content.
Set the identifier used to group related notifications together.
Set the name of your category ID which will display action buttons. These notifications give the user a faster way to perform different tasks in response to a notification without opening or navigating in the application.
Target content ID
Set an identifier used to target which application window to brought forward when the notification is opened.
Launch image
Set name of the launch image file to display. If the user chooses to launch your application, the selected image will displayed instead of your application’s launch screen.
Click action
Set the action associated with a user click on your notification.
Interruption level
  • Active: Set by default, the system presents the notification immediately, lights up the screen, and can play a sound. Notifications do not break through Focus modes…
  • Passive: The system adds the notification to the notification list without lighting up the screen or playing a sound. Notifications do not break through Focus modes.
  • Time sensitive: The system presents the notification immediately, lights up the screen, can play a sound and break through Focus modes. This level does not require a special permission from Apple.
  • Critical: The system presents the notification immediately, lights up the screen, and bypasses the mute switch or focus modes. Note that this level requires a special permission from Apple.
Relevance score
Set a relevance score from 0 to 100. The system uses this to sort the notifications in the notification summary.