Wish list storefront experience
A wish list is a convenient way for customers to recall products that they like, but are not ready to buy. Items from a wish list can be shared with others or added to the shopping cart. If the customer has multiple wish lists, the name of the current wish list appears at the top of the page. Customers can manage their wish lists from their account dashboard. Store administrators can also help customers manage their wish lists from the Admin.
Create a wish list
In the storefront, a customer can create a wish list from their account dashboard, a product page, a catalog page, and the shopping cart.
Method 1: From a customer account
In the sidebar of their account dashboard, the customer chooses My Wish List.
In the upper-right corner, clicks Create New Wish List.
Enter the Wish List Name.
To allow others to see their wish list, selects the Public Wish List checkbox.
note note NOTE The main difference between Public
wish lists is that private wish lists are not searchable through wish lists. -
When complete, click Save.
Method 2: From the catalog page
From the storefront, the customer goes to the catalog page that contains the product they want to add to a wish list.
Hovers over the product.
The customer clicks the arrow next to the Add to Wish List icon and selects the Create New Wish List.
Enters the wish list name.
To allow others to see their wish list, selects the Public Wish List checkbox.
When complete, clicks Save.
Method 3: From the product detail page
From the storefront, the customer goes to the detail page of the product they want to add to a wish list.
Clicks the arrow next to Add to Wish List and chooses Create New Wish List.
Enters the Wish List Name.
To allow others to see their wish list, selects the Public Wish List checkbox.
When complete, clicks Save.
Method 4: From the shopping cart
Customer opens the Shopping Cart page.
Under the item, click the arrow next to Move to Wishlist and chooses Create New Wish List.
Enters the Wish List Name.
To allow others to see their wish list, selects the Public Wish List checkbox.
When complete, clicks Save.
Update the product listing
From the wish list, the customer points to the product to display the options.
To add a Comment about the product, enters the text in the box below the price.
To change the selection of product options, clicks Edit and does the following:
- Updates the options on the product detail page.
- Clicks Update Wish List.
Add a wish list product to the cart
In the wish list, the customer points to the product that you want to add.
Updates the Qty and edit the other options as necessary.
Clicks Add to Cart.
Share the wish list
The customer clicks Share Wishlist.
Enters the email address of each person who is to receive the wish list, separated by a comma.
Adds a Message to be included in the email.
Clicks Share Wish List.
The message is sent from your primary store contact and includes a thumbnail image of each product, with links to your store.
Edit wish lists
Customers can modify their wish list in multiple ways from their account dashboard.
Move items to a different list
The customer selects the checkbox of each item to be moved.
Clicks Move Selected to Wish List and does one of the following:
- Chooses an existing wish list.
- Clicks Create New Wish List.
Copy items to a different list
Selects the checkbox of each item to be moved.
Clicks Copy Selected to Wish List and does one of the following:
- Chooses an existing wish list.
- Clicks Create New Wish List.
Delete a wish list
Customer opens the wish list to be deleted.
Clicks Delete Wish List.
When prompted to confirm, clicks OK.
Transfer wish list items to the cart
To transfer all wish list items to the cart, the customer clicks Add All to Cart.
To add a single item, the customer does the following:
Hovers over the item and enters the Qty that they want to add to the cart.
Clicks Add to Cart.
Find a customer wish list
If the Wish List Search widget in included in your store pages, customers can search by the name or email address of the wish list owner.
From the wish list search widget, the customer selects a search option.
Enters the wish list owner’s name or email address and clicks Search.
The Wish List Search page opens and any matching wishlists are displayed in the search results section.
note note NOTE Only public wishlists are displayed in search results—customers’ private wishlists are not publicly viewable. -
To view the list of wish list items, clicks View.
The owner name and the date of the last update is displayed for each wish list.
To add a product to their cart, the customer selects the checkbox below the product and clicks Add to Cart.
You can also add items you like from another customer’s wishlist to your own.