Connect Commerce data to ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Platform

When you install the Data Connection extension, two new configuration pages appear in the System menu under Services in the Commerce Admin.

  • Commerce Services Connector
  • Data Connection

To connect your ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce instance to the ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Platform, you must configure both connectors, starting with the Commerce Services connector then finishing with the Data Connection extension.

Configure the Commerce Services connector

If you have previously installed an ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce service, you probably have already configured the Commerce Services connector. If not, then you must complete the following tasks on the Commerce Services connector page:

  1. Log in to your Commerce account to retrieve your production and sandbox API keys.
  2. Select a SaaS data space.
  3. Log in to your ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ account to retrieve your Organization ID.

After you configure the Commerce Services connector, you then configure the Data Connection extension.

Configure the Data Connection extension

In this section, you learn how to configure the Data Connection extension.

Add service account and credential details

If you plan to collect and send historical order data or customer profile data, you must add service account and credential details. Also, if you are configuring the Audience Activation extension, you must complete these steps.

If you are only collecting and sending storefront or back office data, you can skip to the general section.

Step 1: Create a project in ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Developer Console

Create a project in the ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Developer Console that authenticates Commerce so it can make Experience Platform API calls.

To create the project, follow the steps outlined in the Authenticate and access Experience Platform APIs tutorial.

As you go through the tutorial, ensure that your project has the following:

  • Access to the following product profiles: Default production all access and AEP Default all access.
  • The correct roles and permissions are configured.
  • If you decided to use JSON Web Tokens (JWT) as your server-to-server authentication method, you must also upload a private key.

The result of this step creates a configuration file that you use in the next step.

Step 2: Download configuration file

Download the . Copy and paste the contents of this file into the Service Account/Credential details page of the Commerce Admin.

  1. In the Commerce Admin, navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Services > Data Connection.

  2. Select the server-to-server authorization method that you implemented from the ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Developer Authorization Type menu. ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ recommends using OAuth. JWT has been deprecated. .

  3. (JWT only) Copy and paste the contents of your private.key file into the Client Secret field. Use the following command to copy the contents.

    code language-bash
    cat config/private.key | pbcopy

    See for more information about the private.key file.

  4. Copy the contents of the <workspace-name>.json file into the Service Account/Credential details field.

    Data Connection Admin Configuration {width="700" modal="regular"}

  5. Click Save Config.

  6. Click the Test connection button to make sure the service account and credential information you entered is correct.


  1. In the Admin, go to System > Services > Data Connection.

    Data Connection Settings {width="700" modal="regular"}

  2. On the Settings tab under General, verify the ID associated with your ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Platform account, as configured in the Commerce Services Connector. The organization ID is global. Only one organization ID can be associated per ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce instance.

  3. In the Scope drop-down, set the context to Website.

  4. (Optional) If you already have an AEP Web SDK (alloy) deployed to your site, enable the checkbox and add the name of your AEP Web SDK. Otherwise, leave these fields blank and the Data Connection extension deploys one for you.

    note note
    If you specify your own AEP Web SDK, the Data Connection extension uses the datastream ID associated with that SDK and not the datastream ID specified on this page (if any).

Data collection

In this section, you specify the type of data you want to collect and send to the Experience Platform edge. There are three types of data:

  • Behavioral (client-side data) is data captured on the storefront. This includes shopper interactions, such as View Page, View Product,ÌýAdd to Cart, and requisition list information (for B2B merchants).

  • Back office (server-side data) is data captured in the Commerce servers. This includes information about the status of an order, such as if an order was placed, canceled, refunded, shipped, or completed. It also includes historical order data.

  • Profile is data related to your shopper’s profile information. Learn more.

To ensure that your ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce instance can begin data collection, review the prerequisites.

See the events topic to learn more about storefront, back office, and profile events.

All fields in the Data collection section apply to the Website scope or higher.
  1. Select Storefront events if you want to send storefront behavioral data.

  2. Select Back office events if you want to send order status information, such as if an order was placed, canceled, refunded, or shipped.

    note note
    If you select Back office events, all back office data is sent to the Experience Platform edge. If a shopper chooses to opt out of data collection, you must explicitly set the shopper’s privacy preference in the Experience Platform. This is different from storefront events where the collector already handles consent based on shopper preferences. Learn more about setting a shopper’s privacy preference in the Experience Platform.
  3. (Skip this step if you are using your own AEP Web SDK.) Create a datastream in the ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Platform or select an existing datastream you want to use for collection. Enter that datastream ID in the Datastream ID field.

  4. Enter the Dataset ID that you want to contain your Commerce data. To find the dataset ID:

    1. Open the Experience Platform UI and select Datasets in the left-navigation to open the Datasets dashboard. The dashboard lists all available datasets for your organization. Details are displayed for each listed dataset, including its name, the schema the dataset adheres to, and status of the most recent ingestion run.
    2. Open the dataset associated with your datastream.
    3. In the right-hand pane, view the details about the dataset. Copy the dataset ID.
  5. To ensure back office event data updates based on a schedule according to a cron job, you must change the Sales Orders Feed index to Update by Schedule.

    1. On the Admin sidebar, go to System > Tools > Index Management.

    2. Select the checkbox for the Sales Orders Feed indexer.

    3. Set Actions to Update by Schedule.

    4. If you are enabling back office data for the first time, run the following commands to reindex and trigger a resync. Subsequent resyncs occur automatically as long as the cron job is set up correctly.

      code language-bash
      bin/magento index:reindex sales_order_data_exporter_v2
      code language-bash
      bin/magento saas:resync --feed orders

Field descriptions

Specific website where you want the configuration settings to apply.
Organization ID (global)
ID that belongs to the organization that purchased the ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ DX product. This ID links your ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce instance to ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Platform.
Is the AEP Web SDK already deployed to your site
Select this checkbox if you have deployed your own AEP Web SDK to your site
AEP Web SDK Name (global)
If you already have an Experience Platform Web SDK deployed to your site, specify the name of that SDK in this field. This allows the Storefront Event Collector and Storefront Event SDK to use your Experience Platform Web SDK rather than the version deployed by the Data Connection extension. If you do not have an Experience Platform Web SDK deployed to your site, leave this field blank, and the Data Connection extension deploys one for you.
Storefront events
Is checked by default as long as the Organization ID and datastream ID are valid. Storefront events collect anonymized behavioral data from your shoppers as they browse your site.
Back office events
If checked, event payload contains anonymized order status information, such as if an order was placed, canceled, refunded, or shipped.
Datastream ID (website)
ID that allows data to flow from ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Platform to other ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ DX products. This ID must be associated to a specific website within your specific ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce instance. If you specify your own Experience Platform Web SDK, do not specify a datastream ID in this field. The Data Connection extension uses the datastream ID associated with that SDK and ignores any datastream ID specified in this field (if any).
Dataset ID (website)
ID of the dataset that contains your Commerce data. This field is required unless you have deselected the Storefront events or Back office events checkboxes. Also, if you are using your own Experience Platform Web SDK and therefore did not specify a datastream ID, you must still add the dataset ID associated with your datastream. Otherwise, you cannot save this form.

After onboarding, storefront data begins to flow to the Experience Platform edge. Back office data takes about five minutes to appear at the edge. Subsequent updates are visible at the edge based on the cron schedule.

Send customer profile data

There are two types of profile data that you can send to the Experience Platform: profile records and time series profile events.

A profile record contains data that is saved when a shopper creates a profile in your Commerce instance, such as the shopper’s name. When your schema and dataset are properly configured, a profile record is sent to the Experience Platform and forwarded to ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ’s profile management and segmentation service: Real-Time CDP.

Time series profile events contain data about your shopper’s profile information, such as if they create, edit, or delete an account on your site. When profile event data is sent to the Experience Platform, it resides in a dataset where it can be used by other DX products.

  1. Make sure you have provided service account and credential details.

  2. Make sure you have a schema and dataset specified for profile record data ingestion and time series profile event data ingestion.

  3. Place a checkmark in the Customer profiles checkbox if you want to send profile data to the Experience Platform.

  4. Enter the Profile Dataset ID.

    Profile record data must use a different dataset than what you are currently using for behavioral and back office event data.

  5. If you do not want to stream profile events through the same datastream ID that you are using for behavioral and back office data, remove the checkmark from the Stream customer profiles through same datastream ID and enter the datastream ID you want to use instead.

It can take about 10 minutes for a profile record to be available in Real-Time CDP. Profile events begin streaming immediately.

If you are not seeing profile data in the Experience Platform, see the Commerce KnowledgeBase for troubleshooting suggestions.

Field descriptions

Customer profiles
Select this checkbox if you want to collect and send customer profile records.
Profile Dataset ID
A profile record must use a different dataset than the dataset used for behavioral and back office events.
Stream customer profiles through same datastream ID
Decide if you want to use the same datastream currently used for your behavioral and back office events or not.
Datastream for customer profiles
Specify the customer profile record-specific datastream.

Send historical order data

ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce collects up to five years of historical order data and status. You can use the Data Connection extension to send that historical data to the Experience Platform to enrich your customer profiles and personalize the customer experiences based on those past orders. The data is stored in a dataset within Experience Platform.

While Commerce already collects the historical order data, there are several steps you must complete to send that data to Experience Platform.

Watch this video to learn more about historical orders then complete the following steps to implement historical order collection.

video poster

Set up the Order Sync service

The order sync service uses the and RabbitMQ. After you complete these steps, order status data can sync to SaaS, which is required before it is sent to Experience Platform.

  1. Make sure you have provided service account and credential details.

  2. Enable RabbitMQ.

    note note
    RabbitMQ is already set up for Commerce versions 2.4.7 and newer, but you must enable consumers.
  3. Enable message queue consumers by cron job in .magento.env.yaml using CRON_CONSUMERS_RUNNER environment variable.

    code language-yaml
             cron_run: true
    note note
    See the deploy variables documentation to learn about all the available configuration options.

With the order sync service enabled, you can then specify the historical order date range in the Data Connection page.

Specify order history date range

Specify the date range for the historical orders that you want to send to Experience Platform.

  1. In the Admin, go to System > Services > Data Connection.

  2. Select the Order History tab.

    Data Connection Order History {width="700" modal="regular"}

  3. Under Order History Sync, the Copy Dataset ID from Settings checkbox is already enabled. This ensures you are using the same dataset specified in the Settings tab.

  4. In the From and To fields, specify the date range for the historical order data you want to send. You cannot select a date range that exceeds five years.

  5. Select Start Sync to trigger the sync to begin. Historical order data is batched data as opposed to storefront and back office data that is streaming data. Batched data takes about 45 minutes to arrive in Experience Platform.

Field descriptions
Copy Dataset ID from Settings
Copies the dataset ID you entered on the Settings tab.
Dataset ID (website)
ID of the dataset that contains your Commerce data. This field is required unless you have deselected the Storefront events or Back office events checkboxes. Also, if you are using your own Experience Platform Web SDK and therefore did not specify a datastream ID, you must still add the dataset ID associated with your datastream. Otherwise, you cannot save this form.
Date from which you want to begin collecting order history data.
Date from which you want to end collecting order history data.
Start Sync
Begins the process of syncing the order history data to the Experience Platform edge. This button is disabled if the Dataset ID field is blank or the dataset ID is invalid.

Data Customization

On the Data Customization tab, you can view any custom attributes configured in Commerce and sent to Experience Platform.

Data Connection Data Customization {width="700" modal="regular"}

Ensure that the datastream ID you specified on the Data Collection tab matches the ID linked to the schema for ingesting custom attributes.

When creating custom attributes for orders and sending them to the Experience Platform, the attribute names in Commerce must match those in the Commerce schema on the Experience Platform. If they do not match, it can be difficult to identify the differences. If you have mismatched names, the Custom Order Attributes table can help solve the problem.

The Custom Order Attributes table provides visibility into the configuration and mapping of custom order attributes between the Commerce back office and the Commerce schema in Experience Platform. This table allows you to view order level and order item level custom attributes across different sources, making it easier to identify missing or misaligned attributes. It also displays dataset IDs to help differentiate between live and historic datasets, as each can have its own custom attributes.

If you do not see a green checkmark next to a custom attribute name in the table, it indicates a mismatch between attribute names in the sources. Correct the attribute name in one source, and a green checkmark will appear, indicating that the names now match.

  • If the attribute name is updated in the schema in Experience Platform, you must save the configuration on the Data Customization tab to trigger the Experience Platform schema change. This change will be reflected in the Custom Order Attributes table when you click the Refresh button.
  • If the attribute name is updated in Commerce, an order event must be generated to update the name in the Custom Order Attributes table. The change will be reflected in about 60 minutes.

Learn more about how to set up custom attributes.

Field descriptions

Displays the datasets that contain the custom attributes. Live and historic datasets can have their own custom attributes.
ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce
Displays any custom attributes created in the Commerce back office.
Experience Platform
Displays any custom attributes specified in your Commerce schema in Experience Platform.
Retrieves any custom attribute names from the Commerce schema in Experience Platform.

Confirm that event data is collected

To confirm that data is being collected from your Commerce store, use the ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Platform debugger to examine your Commerce site. After you confirm that data is being collected, you can verify that your storefront and back office event data appears at the edge by running a query that returns data from the dataset you created.

  1. Select Queries in the left navigation of Experience Platform and click Create Query.

    Query Editor

  2. When the Query Editor opens, enter a query that selects data from the dataset.

    Create query

    For example, your query might look like the following:

    code language-sql
    SELECT * from `your_dataset_name` ORDER by TIMESTAMP DESC
  3. After the query runs, the results are displayed in the Results tab, next to the Console tab. This view shows the tabular output of your query.

    Query Editor

In this example, you see event data from the commerce.productListAdds, commerce.productViews, web.webpagedetails.pageViews, and so on. This view allows you to verify that your Commerce data arrived at the edge.

If the results are not what you expect, open your dataset and look for any failed batches imports. Learn more about troubleshooting batch imports.

Verify profile data appears in the Experience Platform

If you are not seeing profile data in the Experience Platform, see the Commerce KnowledgeBase for troubleshooting suggestions.

Next steps

When Commerce data is sent to the Experience Platform edge, other ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Cloud products, such as ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Journey Optimizer, can use that data. For example, you can configure Journey Optimizer to listen to certain events, and based on that event data, trigger an email for a first-time user or if there is an abandoned cart. Learn how you can extend your Commerce platform by creating customer journeys in Journey Optimizer.
