Add Facets
Any filterable product attribute can be used as a facet. The Add facets panel lists the current facets and makes it easy to assign additional product attributes as facets. During this three-step process, an attribute is chosen to be used as a facet, properties are edited if needed, and the changes published to the storefront.
Step 1: Add a facet
In the Admin, go to Marketing > SEO & Search > Live Search.
On the Faceting tab, click Add facets.
In the Add facets list, each available attribute has a separate
In the Faceting attributes list, choose the product attribute that you want to use as a facet and click Add.
To find a specific product attribute, enter the first few characters of the attribute name in the Search box. Then, click Add.
To configure price faceting intervals and groupings, refer to Settings. To learn more, go to Facet Types.
The facet is added to the bottom of the Dynamic Facets list and the Publish changes button becomes available.
If the facet you want to add can’t be found, go to Stores > Attributes > Product and verify that the attribute has the required properties to be used as a facet. If necessary, update the following storefront properties of the attribute:
- Use in Search -
- Use in Search Results Layered Navigation -
- Use in Layered Navigation -
Filterable (with results)
- Use in Search -
When prompted, refresh the cache.
The facet becomes available in the storefront the next time the catalog is synchronized with Live Search. If the facet isn’t available after two hours, see Synchronize catalog data.
Step 2: Edit facet properties (Optional)
To edit the facet properties, click More (
On the menu, click Edit. Then, adjust the following properties as needed.
- Label - (Headless only) Enter the facet label that you want to use.
- Sort type - Facets are sorted alphabetically for all Commerce storefronts. For headless implementations, facets can be sorted either alphabetically or by count. Options: Alphabetical, Count (headless only)
- Max Value - Enter the maximum number of facet values displayed in the storefront. Valid entries: 0 - 100; Default: 8
When complete, click Save.
To pin the facet to the top of the Filters list, click the gray pushpin (
To change the order of the pinned facet, click the Move (
Step 3: Publish changes
- When the facet is complete, click Publish changes.
- Wait for the facet to appear in the store.
If the facet isn’t available after two hours, see Verify export in the installation instructions.
Field descriptions
. Options:Alphabetical - Sorts facets alphabetically.
Count - (Headless only) Sorts facets based on the number of matches found.