
Product Listing Page Widget

The Live Search Product Listing Page Widget (PLP) uses the Commerce Services platform to provide a performant, searchable, and facet-able product listing page. This topic describes how to enable and style the PLP widget.

Enabling the PLP widget

When the Live Search service is installed, the default search functionality is converted to Live Search automatically.

The Live Search PLP widget is enabled by default for new installations. If you are upgrading Live Search and the PLP widget has already been turned off, it will remain so.

When the Live Search Product Listing Page Widget is enabled, the sort order direction on a product listing page cannot be changed.

Widget features

The PLP widget provides the following out-of-the-box features:

  • Add to Cart buttons - Available only for simple products.
  • Multiple images per product - Image can change when a different color is chosen for a configurable product.
  • Support for color swatches - Note that the color attribute must be spelled color for the code to properly validate.

Customizing the widget

In addition to the out-of-the-box features of the PLP widget, you can further customize the widget to include the following features:

  • Filtering by attributes
  • Multiple language support
  • Price sliders

For information about how to customize the PLP widget to handle the above features, see the storefront-product-listing-page readme in the following . The readme in this repository provides an example for how to customize the PLP widget and deploy those customizations to your site.

If you customize the PLP widget using the code available in the repo, you are responsible for the maintenance and any updates needed. Any new PLP widget features that ۶Ƶ releases might be incompatible with your customized implementation.

Styling example

You can customize the look and feel of the PLP widget to match your site using .

Elements with custom classes within an ۶Ƶ Commerce theme are not inherited. These elements must be targeted by their specific class to match the custom classes; primary action classes will not work on a widget button. Generic targeted elements within the CSS are inherited; button applies to widget buttons.

The highlighted divs contain the target class ds-sdk-product-item__product-name.


Customize the product name by adding a rule to make them uppercase.

.ds-sdk-product-item__product-name {
 text-transform: uppercase;


CSS classes

Product list

  • .ds-sdk-product-list: Outer div
  • .ds-sdk-product-list__grid: Inner div


Product list pagination

  • .ds-plp-pagination


  • .ds-plp-pagination_item

Pagination item

  • .ds-plp-pagination_item--current

Pagination current item


  • .ds-widgets: Outer div
  • .ds-widgets__actions: Left side inner div
  • .ds-widgets__results: Right side inner div

Widget results

Sort dropdown

  • .ds-sdk-sort-dropdown

Sort dropdown

  • .ds-sdk-sort-dropdown__button

Dropdown button

  • .ds-sdk-sort-dropdown__items

Dropdown items

  • .ds-sdk-sort-dropdown__items--item

Dropdown item

  • .ds-sdk-sort-dropdown__items--item-selected

Dropdown selected item

  • .ds-sdk-sort-dropdown__items--item-active

Dropdown active selection


  • .ds-plp-facets
  • .ds-plp-facets__header
  • .ds-plp-facets__header_title
  • .ds-plp-facets__header__clear-all

Facets header title {width="350"}

  • .ds-plp-facets__pills
  • .ds-sdk-pill

Facet pills {width="350"}

  • .ds-sdk-pill__label
  • .ds-sdk-pill__cta

Facets label {width="350"}

  • .ds-plp-facets__list

Facets list {width="350"}

  • .ds-sdk-input
  • .ds-sdk-input__label
  • .ds-sdk-product-item__product-swatch-group
  • ds-sdk-product-item__product-swatch-item
  • .ds-sdk-input_fieldset_show-more


  • .ds-sdk-labelled-input

Labelled input

  • .ds-sdk-labelled-input__input
  • .ds-sdk-labelled-input__label

Input label

Product item

  • .ds-sdk-product-item

  • .ds-sdk-product-item__image

  • .ds-sdk-product-item__product-name

  • .ds-sdk-product-item__product-options

  • .ds-sdk-product-price

    • .ds-sdk-product-price--no-discount
    • .ds-sdk-product-price--grouped
    • .ds-sdk-product-price--bundle
    • .ds-sdk-product-price--discount



  • .ds-sdk-loading
  • .ds-sdk-loading__spinner
  • .ds-sdk-loading__spinner-label

Loading indicator

Disabling the PLP widget

To disable the PLP widget:

  1. Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Live Search > Storefront Features and set Enable Product Listing Widgets to “No”.
  2. Select Save Config to save the setting.