Legacy Payment Services Configuration

You can customize Payment Services to your needs with helpful configuration options in the Admin.

When you configure Payment Services for ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce and Magento Open Source in the Admin, those configurations apply only to the environment that is set in the Method field of General Configuration. Any changes you make in the configuration fields are independent of switching the Method selection—if you switch the method, your selections do not reset.

General configuration

You can enable Payment Services for your store and your Merchant Location, and enable either sandbox testing or live payments in the General Configuration section.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Sales and choose Payment Methods.

  3. Set the Merchant Country field in the Merchant Location. If a Merchant Country is not specified, the Default Country from the general configuration is used.

  4. Expand the FEATURED ADOBE PAYMENT SOLUTION section to access the Payment Services section.

  5. In the Payment Services section, expand the General Configuration section.

  6. For Enable, set it to Yes to enable Payment Services for your store.

  7. For Method, set it to Sandbox if you are still testing Payment Services for your store or Production if you are ready to enable live payments.

  8. Your Payment Services Sandbox ID and Payment Services Production ID values are automatically populated once you setup the Commerce Services Connector and visit the Payment Services dashboard for the first time. Do this to finish the onboarding for your sandbox and/or production environments. These values associate your SaaS ID to Payment Services.

    note warning
    If you need to change your dataspace ID in the Commerce Services Connector, you need to reset your Payment Services ID. Click Reset Payment Services ID to reset your Sandbox or Production IDs. If you reset your Payment Services IDs, you must onboard again.
  9. Your PayPal Merchant ID and PayPal Merchant Status values are automatically provided by PayPal once you visit the Payment Services dashboard for the first time.

  10. For Soft Descriptor (custom values which show on customer transaction bank statements to delineate between stores/brands/catalogs), add your custom text (up to 22 characters) in the text field, replacing Soft descriptor or the existing value.

  11. Click Save Config to save your changes.

  12. Navigate to System > Cache Management, and then click Flush Cache to refresh all invalid caches.

Featured ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Solution view {width="700" modal="regular"}

Configuration options

Enable or disable Payment Services for your website. Options: Yes / No
store view
Set the method, or environment, for your store. Options: Sandbox / Production
Payment Services Sandbox ID
store view
Your sandbox merchant ID, which is auto-generated during sandbox onboarding.
Payment Services Production ID
store view
Your production merchant ID, which is auto-generated during production (live) onboarding.
PayPal Merchant ID
store view
Your unique PayPal Merchant account ID, generated when you create your PayPal account.
PayPal Merchant Status
store view
Status of your PayPal Merchant ID.
Soft Descriptor
website or store view
Add a soft descriptor to your website(s) and store view(s) to add information to customer transactions which delineate brands, stores, or product lines.

Credit Card Fields

The Credit Card Fields payment options provide a simple and secure checkout for credit card or debit card payment methods.

See Payments options for more information.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.
  2. In the left panel, expand Sales and choose Payment Methods.
  4. In the Payment Services section, expand the Credit Card Fields section.
  5. For Title, enter text (if needed) to change the name of the payment method as shown during checkout.
  6. To set the payment action, select Authorize or Authorize and Capture.
  7. To prioritize a payment method on the checkout page, provide a Numeric Only value in the Sort order field.
  8. For Show on checkout page, choose Yes to enable credit card fields on the checkout page.
  9. For Vault Enabled, choose Yes to enable credit card vaulting for checkout.
  10. For Vault Enabled in Admin, choose Yes to enable the merchant to create orders for customers using their vaulted credit card.
  11. To enable 3D Secure authentication (Off by default) choose Always or When required.
  12. For Debug Mode, choose Yes to enable debug mode, or No to disable it.
  13. Click Save Config to save your changes.
  14. Navigate to System > Cache Management, and then click Flush Cache to refresh all invalid caches.

Configuration options

store view
Add the text to display as the title for this payment option in the Payment Method view during checkout. Options: text field
Payment Action
The payment action for the specified payment method. Options: Authorize / Authorize and Capture
Sort order
store view
The sorting order for the specified payment method on the checkout page. Numeric Only value
Show on checkout page
Enable or disable credit card fields on the checkout page. Options: Yes / No
Vault enabled
store view
Enable or disable credit card vaulting. Options: Yes / No
Vault enabled in Admin
store view
Enable or disable ability for merchant to complete orders for customers in the Admin using a vaulted payment method. Options: Yes / No
3D Secure authentication
Enable or disable 3DS Secure authentication. Options: Always / When Required / Off
Debug Mode
Enable or disable Debug Mode. Options: Yes / No

Apple Pay

The Apple Pay payment option allows the merchant to offer Apple Pay to their shoppers, who can use Touch ID on their devices to make purchases from the Safari browser. Merchants can add up to 99 domains per merchant account.

See Payments options for more information.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Sales and choose Payment Methods.


  4. In the Payment Services section, expand the Apple Pay section.

  5. For Title, enter text (if needed) to change the name of the payment method as shown during checkout.

  6. To set the payment action, select Authorize or Authorize and Capture.

  7. Specify where the Apple Pay option is enabled in ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce by selecting Yes in the following options as needed:

    • Show Apple Pay on checkout page
    • Show Apple Pay on product detail page
    • Show Apple Pay in mini cart preview
    • Show Apple Pay on cart page
  8. To enable debug mode, select Yes for the Debug Mode (No disables it).

  9. To save your changes, click Save Config .

  10. Navigate to System > Cache Management, and then click Flush Cache to refresh all invalid caches.

Configuration options

store view
Add the text to display as the title for this payment option in the Payment Method view during checkout. Options: text field
Payment Action
The payment action for the specified payment method. Options: Authorize / Authorize and Capture
Show on checkout page
Enable or disable Apple Pay on the checkout page. Options: Yes / No
Sort order
store view
The sort order for the specified payment method on the checkout page. Numeric Only value
Show buttons on product detail page
store view
Enable or disable Apple Pay on the product detail page. Options: Yes / No
Show buttons in mini-cart preview
store view
Enable or disable Apple Pay in the mini-cart preview. Options: Yes / No
Show buttons on cart page
store view
Enable or disable Apple Pay in on the cart page. Options: Yes / No
Debug Mode
Enable or disable Debug Mode. Options: Yes / No

Google Pay

The Google Pay payment option allows the merchant to offer Google Pay to their shoppers, who can use the Google Wallet on their devices to make purchases.

See Payments options for more information.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Sales and choose Payment Methods.


  4. In the Payment Services section, expand the Google Pay section.

  5. (Optional) Change the name of the payment method shown during checkout by entering the new name in the Title field.

  6. Set the payment action by selecting Authorize or Authorize and Capture.

  7. Specify where the Google Pay option is enabled in ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce by selecting Yes in the following options as needed:

    • Show Google Pay on checkout page
    • Show Google Pay on product detail page
    • Show Google Pay in mini cart preview
    • Show Google Pay on cart page
  8. To enable 3D Secure authentication (Off by default) choose Always or When required.

  9. To enable debug mode, select Yes for the Debug Mode (No disables it).

  10. Configure the appearance of the Google Pay button by selecting the Button Color, Button Type, and Button Style as needed.

  11. To set the height, uses the default value for height defined in Button Style.

  12. To save your changes, click Save Config .

  13. Navigate to System > Cache Management, and then click Flush Cache to refresh all invalid caches.

Configuration options

store view
Specifies the text label that displays for this payment option in the Payment Method view during checkout. Options: text field
Payment Action
The payment action for the specified payment method. Options: Authorize / Authorize and Capture
Show on checkout page
Enable or disable Google Pay on the checkout page. Options: Yes / No
Sort order
store view
The sort order for the specified payment method on the checkout page. Numeric Only value
Show buttons on product detail page
store view
Enable or disable Google Pay on the product detail page. Options: Yes / No
Show buttons in mini-cart preview
store view
Enable or disable Google Pay in the mini-cart preview. Options: Yes / No
Show buttons on cart page
store view
Enable or disable Google Pay on the cart page. Options: Yes / No
3D Secure authentication
store view
Enable or disable 3D Secure authentication. Options: Always / When Required / Off
Debug Mode
Enable or disable Debug Mode. Options: Yes / No
Button Color
Store View
Define color of the Google Pay button. Options: Default / Black / White
Button Type
Store View
Define type of the Google Pay button. Options: buy / checkout / order / pay / plain

See documentation for more information.

PayPal Payment Buttons

The PayPal payment buttons payment options provide a simple, fast, and secure checkout process for your customer.

See Payments options for more information.

Configure PayPal payment buttons

You can enable and configure the PayPal payment buttons payment options within the Admin:

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Sales and choose Payment Methods.


  4. In the Payment Services section, expand the PayPal payment buttons section.

  5. To change the name of the payment method as shown during checkout, edit the Title field.

  6. To set the payment action, select Authorize or Authorize and Capture.

  7. To prioritize a payment method on the checkout page, provide a Numeric Only value in the Sort order field.

  8. To enable/disable the Pay Later messaging, select Yes/No for Display Pay Later Message.

  9. Specify where the PayPal payment buttons are enabled in ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce by selecting Yes in the following options as needed:

    • Show buttons on checkout page
    • Show buttons on product detail page
    • Show buttons in mini cart preview
    • Show buttons on cart page
  10. To enable Venmo as a payment option, select Yes for Venmo Enabled.

  11. To enable credit and debit cards as a payment option (PayPal Smart button), select Yes for Credit and Debit Card Enabled.

  12. To enable/disable the PayPal Pay Later payment option, select Yes/No for PayPal Pay Later Enabled.

  13. To enable debug mode, select Yes for the Debug Mode (No disables it).

  14. To save your changes, click Save Config .

  15. Navigate to System > Cache Management, and then click Flush Cache to refresh all invalid caches.

Configuration options

store view
Add the text to be displayed as the title for this payment option in the Payment Method view during checkout. Options: text field
Payment Action
The payment action for the specified payment method. Options: Authorize / Authorize and Capture
Display Pay Later Message
Enable or disable the Pay Later messaging in the shopping cart, product page, mini-cart, and during the checkout flow. Options: Yes / No
Show buttons on checkout page
store view
Enable or disable PayPal payment buttons on the checkout page. Options: Yes / No
Show buttons on product detail page
store view
Enable or disable PayPal payment buttons on the product detail page. Options: Yes / No
Show buttons in mini-cart preview
store view
Enable or disable PayPal payment buttons in the mini-cart preview. Options: Yes / No
Show buttons on cart page
store view
Enable or disable PayPal payment buttons in on the cart page. Options: Yes / No
Venmo Enabled
store view
Enable or disable the Venmo payment option where payment buttons are displayed. Options: Yes / No
Credit and Debit Card Enabled
store view
Enable or disable the Credit and Debit card options where payment buttons are displayed. Options: Yes / No
PayPal Pay Later Enabled
store view
Enable or disable PayPal Pay Later payment option appearance where payment buttons are displayed. Options: Yes / No
Debug Mode
Enable or disable Debug Mode. Options: Yes / No

Button style

You can also configure the Button style options of the payment buttons:

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.
  2. In the left panel, expand Sales and choose Payment Methods.
  4. In the Payment Services section, expand the PayPal Smart Button Styling section.
  5. To set the layout, select Vertical or Horizontal for Layout
  6. To set the color, select from the available colors in Color.
  7. To set the shape, select Rectangular or Pill for Shape.
  8. To use the default height, select Yes or No for Use Default Height.
  9. To set the custom height, add desired pixel height for Height.
  10. To set the tagline, select Yes or No for Tagline.
  11. To save your changes, click Save Config .
  12. Navigate to System > Cache Management, and then click Flush Cache to refresh all invalid caches.

You can also configure payment button styling in Settings from Payment Services Home.

Configuration options

Store View
Define style of layout for Paypal payment buttons. Options: Vertical / Horizontal
Store View
Define color of the Paypal payment buttons. Options: Blue / Gold / Silver / White / Black
Store View
Define shape of the Paypal payment buttons. Options: Rectangular / Pill
Use Default Height
Store View
Defines if PayPal payment buttons use a default height. Options: Yes / No
Store View
Define height of the PayPal payment buttons. Default value: none
Store View
Define label that appears in the PayPal payment buttons. Options: PayPal / Checkout / Buynow / Pay / Installment
Store View
Enables tagline. Options: Yes / No

Flush the cache

If you change the configuration, manually flush the cache so that your store shows the latest configuration settings.
