Sync feeds using the Commerce CLI

The saas:resync command in the magento/saas-export package lets you manage data synchronization for ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce SaaS services.

ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ does not recommend using the saas:resync command regularly. Typical scenarios for using the command are:

  • Initial sync
  • Sync data to new data space after changing the SaaS Data Space ID
  • Troubleshooting

Monitor sync operations in the var/log/saas-export.log file.

Initial Sync

Initial sync runs automatically when Live Search or Product Recommendations are enabled. Manual commands are not needed.

When you trigger a saas:resync from the command line, depending on your catalog size, it can take from a few minutes to a few hours for the data to update.

For the initial sync, ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ recommends running the commands in the following order:

bin/magento saas:resync --feed productattributes
bin/magento saas:resync --feed products
bin/magento saas:resync --feed scopesCustomerGroup
bin/magento saas:resync --feed scopesWebsite
bin/magento saas:resync --feed prices
bin/magento saas:resync --feed productoverrides
bin/magento saas:resync --feed variants
bin/magento saas:resync --feed categories
bin/magento saas:resync --feed categoryPermissions

Sync using CLI commands

The saas:resync command supports various sync operations:

  • Partial sync by SKU
  • Resume interrupted syncs
  • Validate data without syncing

View all available options:

bin/magento saas:resync --help

See the following sections for option descriptions with examples.

For advanced options to manage export processing, see Customize export processing.


Partially resync specific entities by their IDs. Supports products, productAttributes, and productOverrides feeds.

By default, entities are specified by product SKU. Use --id-type=ProductID to use product IDs instead.


bin/magento saas:resync --feed='<FEED_NAME>' --by-ids='<SKU-1>,<SKU-2>,<SKU-3>'

bin/magento saas:resync --feed='<FEED_NAME>' --by-ids='<ID-1>,<ID-2>,<ID-3>' --id-type='productId'


Cleans the feed indexer table before reindexing and sending data to SaaS. Only supported for products, productOverrides, and prices feeds.

Use only after environment cleanup. Can cause data sync issues in Commerce Services.


bin/magento saas:resync --feed='<FEED_NAME>' --cleanup-feed


Resumes an interrupted resync operation. Only supported for products, productAttributes, and productOverrides feeds.


bin/magento saas:resync --feed='<FEED_NAME>' --continue-resync


Runs the feed reindex process without submitting to SaaS or saving to the feed table. Use to validate data.

Add the EXPORTER_EXTENDED_LOG=1 environment variable to save payload to var/log/saas-export.log.


EXPORTER_EXTENDED_LOG=1 bin/magento saas:resync --feed='<FEED_NAME>' --dry-run


Required. Specifies the feed entity to resync.

Available feeds:

  • categories
  • categoryPermissions
  • inventoryStockStatus
  • orders
  • prices
  • products
  • productAttributes
  • productOverrides
  • scopesWebsite
  • scopesCustomerGroup
  • variants


bin/magento saas:resync --feed='<FEED_NAME>'


Resubmits existing catalog data to Commerce Services without reindexing. Not supported for product-related feeds.

Behavior varies by export mode:

  • Legacy mode: Resubmits all data without truncating.
  • Immediate mode: Option is ignored, only syncs updates/failures.


bin/magento saas:resync --feed='<FEED_NAME>' --no-reindex


If you do not see expected data in connected Commerce Services, troubleshoot issues by checking data export error logs and using the saas:resync command with environment variables to review payloads and profiler data. See Review logs and troubleshoot.
