Convert a PDF to Excel

In this 60-second video tutorial, learn how to convert a PDF file to a fully editable Microsoft Excel document.

Did you know that you can convert a PDF file into a Microsoft Excel file? Let me show you how easy this is. Here I have an attendance report for an employee retreat and I need to update some of the numbers. I’d like to get this back into Excel so I can add a simple formula. So I’ll choose Export To under the File menu, then choose the Microsoft Excel workbook from the spreadsheet option. Document Cloud will automatically convert this to a PDF and then open the file in Excel. And here I can see all of my content has been converted into a spreadsheet. So here in Excel, I’ll click the cell for total, I’ll click the AutoSum to add a formula, and then I’ll make sure that this formula includes all of the number counts in the rows above. And once it does, I’ll press Return. Now I can begin to update my attendance counts and the total will be recalculated. Now I have a fully functional spreadsheet that was created from a PDF file. And that was 60 Second Acrobat.