Images not uploaded to public resources

This article explains how to fix the Campaign Classic issue where images fail to upload in production even when they are already synced between all containers. The error could be because of incorrect permissions in some files of the IMG folder.

Description description


Campaign Classic v7


Although all images are already synced between all containers, there is an error while trying to upload images in production in any public resources folder.

In ACC open delivery, the delivery window lets you add local images, or images stored in the library, to the content of messages.

  • To do this, click the  Image  button in the HTML content toolbar.
  • Select the image and click upload.

Resolution resolution

Follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Check if images are synched between all containers (here images were already synched)
  • Check all user permissions.
  • Check permissions of the  IMG  folder. (all files should have the same owner > Neolane)
  • Modify permissions if necessary.
  • Restart apache + clean nlserver

The issue should be resolved post these steps.


Many files from  the IMG folder  don’t have correct permissions (they are owned by the Apache process, instead of Neolane)
