Working with Project Workflows working-with-project-workflows

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our . Find the supported versions here.

The project workflows available out of the box include the following:

  • Project Approval Workflow - This workflow allows you to assign content to a user, review, then approve.
  • Request Launch - A workflow the requests a launch.
  • Request Landing Page - This workflow requests a landing page.
  • Request Email - Workflow for requesting an email.
  • Product Photo Shoot and Product Photo Shoot (Commerce) - Maps assets with products
  • DAM Create and Translate Copy and DAM Create Language Copy - Creates translated binaries, metadata, and tags for assets and folders.

Depending on which Project template you select, you have certain workflows available:

Simple Project
Media Project
Product Photo Shoot Project
Translation Project
Request Copy
Product Photo Shoot
Product Photo Shoot (Commerce)
Project Approval
Request Launch
Request Landing Page
Request Email
DAM Create Language Copy*
DAM Create and Translate Language Copy*
* These workflows are not started from the Workflow tile in Projects. See Creating Language Copies for Assets.

The steps for starting and completing workflows are the same no matter which workflow you choose. Only the steps change.

You start a workflow directly in Projects (except for DAM Create Language Copy or DAM Create and Translate Language Copy). Information on any outstanding tasks in a project are listed in the Tasks tile. Notifications for tasks that need to be completed appear next to the user icon.

For more information on working with workflows in AEM, see the folllowing:

This section describes the workflows available for Projects.

Request Copy workflow request-copy-workflow

This workflow lets you request a manuscript from a user and then approve it. To start the request copy workflow:

  1. In your Media project, select the + sign in the Workflows tile and select Request Copy Workflow.

  2. Enter a manuscript title and a brief summary of what you are requesting. If applicable, enter a target word count, task priority and a due date.


  3. Click Create. The workflow starts. The task appears in the Tasks tile.


Product Photo Shoot workflow product-photo-shoot-workflow

The Product Photo Shoot workflows (both commerce and without commerce) are covered in detail in Creative Project.

Project Approval workflow project-approval-workflow

In the Project Approval workflow, you assign content to a user, review, and then approve the content.

  1. In your Simple project, select the **+ sign in the Workflows tile and select Project Approval Workflow.

  2. Enter a title and select who to assign it to from the Team list. If applicable, enter a description, content path, task priority and a due date.


  3. Click Create. The workflow starts. The task appears in the Tasks tile.


Request Launch workflow request-launch-workflow

This workflow lets you request a launch.

  1. In your Simple project, select the + sign in the Workflows tile and select Request Launch Workflow.

  2. Enter a title for the launch and provide the launch source path. You can also add a description and live date, if you applicable. Select Inherit source page live data or exclude sub pages depending on how you want the launch to behave.


  3. Click Create. The workflow starts. The workflow appears in the Workflows list (click ellipses … on the Workflows tile to access this list).

Request Landing Page workflow request-landing-page-workflow

This workflow lets you request a landing page.

  1. In your Simple project, select the + sign in the Workflows tile and select Request Landing Page Workflow.

  2. Enter a title for your landing page and the parent path. If applicable, enter a live date or choose a file for your landing page.


  3. Click Create. The workflow starts. The task appears in the Tasks tile.

Request Email workflow request-email-workflow

This workflow lets you request an email. It is the same workflow that appears in the Emails tile.

  1. In your Media or Simple project, select the + sign in the Workflows tile and select Request Email Workflow.

  2. Enter an email title, as well as the campaign and template paths. In addition you can provide a name, description, and live date.


  3. Click Create. The workflow starts. The task appears in the Tasks tile.


Create (and Translate) Language Copy Workflow for Assets create-and-translate-language-copy-workflow-for-assets

The Create Language Copy and the Create and Translate Language Copy workflows are covered in detail in Creating Language Copies for Assets.
