Member Contribution Limits member-contribution-limits
Overview overview
The contribution limits feature provides the ability to limit the contributions of community members as a means of protecting against spam.
When a member is limited, any post that exceeds the allowed number of contributions will result in an alert that the limit was exceeded and the post is rejected. The community member may then go to the community message center and contact a community manager who can remove the limits if appropriate.
Contribution limits may be enabled individually from the Members console and/or configured to be automatically enabled when site visitors become new members.
Using the Members console, contribution limits can be proactively removed for a member by a community manager at any time, or reactively removed when a member sends a message to a community manager making such a request.
AEM Communities User Generated Content Contribution Limits Configuration aem-communities-user-generated-content-contribution-limits-configuration
This OSGi configuration
- Defines the characteristics of the contribution limits (number of posts within a time period)
- Identifies who the member will be able to message when the limit has been reached
- Identifies domains that need never be constrained
To reach this OSGi configuration:
On the primary publisher
Sign in with administrator privileges
Access the Web Console
- For example,
AEM Communities User Generated Content Contribution Limits Configuration
Select the edit icon
Automatically Apply UGC Contribution Limits
If checked, automatically set contribution limits on users when they register as community members. This is reflected in the community member’s profile and may be enabled/disabled from the members console. New members with an email address from a allowlist of domains are never constrained.
Default is unchecked.
UGC Limit
Maximum number of contributions.
Default is 10 posts.
UGC Limit Frequency
The time period constraining the UGC limit.
Default is 60 minutes.
An allowlist list of one or more email domains. Select the + icon to make addtional entries.
Users with email addresses in the allowlist of domains are not affected when UGC contribution limits are automatically applied. For example, if domain
is added to the list of domains, then a member with email
is never restricted from posting.Default is an empty allowlist.
Messaging Recipients
List of one or more authorizable IDs of members able to modify the contribution limits for members. Select the + icon to make addtional entries.
Members may only reach out to specified members when their limit has been reached.
Default is no messaging recipients.
Note: The default configuration results in a limit of 10 posts within a period of one hour.