Alter the Appearance alter-the-appearance

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our . Find the supported versions here.

Modify the Script modify-the-script

The comment.hbs script is responsible for creating the overall HTML for each comment.

To not display the avatar next to each posted comment:

  1. Copy comment.hbsfrom libsto apps

    1. Select /libs/social/commons/components/hbs/comments/comment/comment.hbs
    2. Select Copy
    3. Select /apps/social/commons/components/hbs/comments/comment
    4. Select Paste
  2. Open the overlaid comment.hbs

    • Double-click on node comment.hbsin /apps/social/commons/components/hbs/comments/comment folder
  3. Find the following lines and either delete or comment them out:

    code language-xml
    <aside class="scf-comment-author">
            <img class="scf-comment-avatar {{#if topLevel}}withTopLevel{{/if}}" src="{{author.avatarUrl}}"></img>

Either delete the lines, or surround them with ‘<!–’ and ‘–>’ to comment them out. Also, the characters ‘xxx’ are being added as a visual indicator of where the avatar would have been.

<!-- do not display avatar with comment
    <aside class="scf-comment-author">
        <img class="scf-comment-avatar {{#if topLevel}}withTopLevel{{/if}}" src="{{author.avatarUrl}}"></img>

Replicate the Overlay replicate-the-overlay

Push the overlaid comments component to the publish instance using the Replication Tool.

A more robust form of replication would be to create a package in Package Manager and activate it. A package can be exported and archived.

From the global navigation, select Tools > Deployment > Replication and then Activate Tree.

For the Start Path enter /apps/social/commons and select Activate.


View Results view-results

If you login to the publish instance as an administrator, e.g., http://localhost:4503/crx/de as admin/admin, you can verify the overlaid components are there.

If you logout and re-login as aaron.mcdonald@mailinator.com/password and refresh the page, you will observe that the posted comment no longer displays with an avatar, instead a simple ‘xxx’ is displayed.

