Customizing the Consoles customizing-the-consoles

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our . Find the supported versions here.
This document describes how to customize consoles in the modern, touch-enabled UI and does not apply to the classic UI.

AEM provides various mechanisms to enable you to customize the consoles (and the page authoring functionality) of your authoring instance.

  • Clientlibs

    Clientlibs allow you to extend the default implementation to realize new functionality, while reusing the standard functions, objects, and methods. When customizing, you can create your own clientlib under /apps. For example it can hold the code required for your custom component.

  • Overlays

    Overlays are based on node definitions and allow you to overlay the standard functionality (in /libs) with your own customized functionality (in /apps). When creating an overlay a 1:1 copy of the original is not required, as the sling resource merger allows for inheritance.

These can be used in many ways to extend your AEM consoles. A small selection are covered below (at a high level).

For further information see:
This topic is also covered in the AEM Gems session - User interface customization for AEM 6.0.
You must not change anything in the /libs path.
This is because the content of /libs is overwritten the next time you upgrade your instance (and may well be overwritten when you apply either a hotfix or feature pack).
The recommended method for configuration and other changes is:
  1. Recreate the required item (i.e. as it exists in /libs) under /apps

  2. Make any changes within /apps

For example, the following locations within the /libs structure can be overlaid:

  • consoles (any consoles based on Granite UI pages); for example:

    • /libs/wcm/core/content
See the Knowledge Base article, , for further tips and tools.

Customizing the Default View for a Console customizing-the-default-view-for-a-console

You can customize the default view (column, card, list) for a console:

  1. You can reorder the views by overlaying the required entry from under:


    The first entry will be the default.

    The nodes available correlate to the view options available:

    • column
    • card
    • list
  2. For example, in a overlay for list:


    Define the following property:

    • Name: sling:orderBefore
    • Type: String
    • Value: column

Add New Action to the Toolbar add-new-action-to-the-toolbar

  1. You can build your own components and include the corresponding client libraries for custom actions. For example, a Promote to Twitter action at:


    This can then be connected to a toolbar item on your console:


    For example, in selection mode:


Restrict a Toolbar Action to a specific Group restrict-a-toolbar-action-to-a-specific-group

  1. You can use a custom rendering condition to overlay the standard action and impose specific conditions that must be fulfilled before it is rendered.

    For example, create a component to control the renderconditions according to group:


  2. To apply these to the Create Site action on the Sites console:


    Create the overlay:


  3. Then add the rendercondition for the action:


    Using properties on this node you can define the groups allowed to perform the specific action; for example, administrators

Customizing Columns in the List View customizing-columns-in-the-list-view

This feature is optimized for columns of text fields; for other data types it is possible to overlay cq/gui/components/siteadmin/admin/listview/columns/analyticscolumnrenderer in /apps.

To customize the columns in the list view:

  1. Overlay the list of available columns.

    • On the node:


    • Add your new columns - or remove existing ones.

    See Using Overlays (and the Sling Resource Merger) for more information.

  2. Optionally:

    • If you want to plug additional data, you need to write a [PageInforProvider](https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/6-4/sites/developing/using/reference-materials/javadoc/com/day/cq/wcm/api/PageInfoProvider.html) with a

      pageInfoProviderType property.

    For example, see the class/bundle attached (from GitHub) below.

  3. You can now select the column in the column configurator of list view.

Filtering Resources filtering-resources

When using a console, a common use case is when the user must select from resources (e.g. pages, components, assets, etc.). This can take the form of a list for example from which the author must choose an item.

In order to keep the list to a reasonable size and also relevant to the use case, a filter can be implemented in the form of a custom predicate. See this article for details.
