Authoring Nested Groups authoring-nested-groups

Creating Groups on Author creating-groups-on-author

On AEM Author instance, from global navigation:

  • Select Communities > Sites.

  • Select engage folder to open it.

  • Select the card for the Getting Started Tutorial English site.

    • Select the card image.
    • Do not select an icon.

The result is to reach the Groups console:


The groups function displays as a folder in which instances of groups are created. To open it, select the Groups folder. The group created on Publish is visible.


Create Main Arts Group create-main-arts-group

This group can be created because the site structure for engaging includes a group’s function. The configuration of the function in the site’s Reference Template defaults to allowing the selection of any enabled group template. Thus, the template chosen for this new group is the Reference Group.

These consoles are similar to the Communities Sites console.

  • Select Create Group

  • Community Group Template:

    • Community Group Title: Arts
    • Community Group Description: A parent group for various arts groups
    • Community Group Root: leave as default
    • Additional Available Community Group Language(s): use the drop-down menu to select the available community group languages. The menu displays all the languages in which the parent community site is created. Users can select among these languages to create groups in multiple locales in this single step. The same group gets created in multiple specified languages in the Groups console of the respective community sites.
    • Community Group Name: arts
    • Template: drop-down to select Reference Group
    • Select Next

Nested community groups

Continue through the other panels with these settings:

  • Design

    • Change the design or allow the default parent site’s design.
    • Select Next.
  • Settings

    • Moderation

      • Leave empty (inherit from parent site).
    • Membership

      • Use default Optional Membership.

      • Thumbnail

        • optional.*
      • Select Next.

  • Select Create.

Nesting Groups within Arts Group nesting-groups-within-arts-group

The groups folder now contains two groups (refresh the page).

Nesting the groups

Publish Group publish-group

Before creating groups nested within the arts group, hover over the arts card and select the publish icon to publish it.


Wait for confirmation that the group was published.


The arts group should also contain a groups folder, but one that is empty and in which new groups can be created. Navigate to the arts group folder and create three nested groups, each with a different membership setting:

  1. Visual

    • Title: Visual Arts
    • Name: visual
    • Template: Reference Group
    • Membership: select Optional Membership, a public group, open to all members.
  2. Auditory

    • Title: Auditory Arts
    • Name: auditory
    • Template: Reference Group
    • Membership: select Required Membership, an open group, available for members to join.
  3. History

    • Title: Art History
    • Name: history
    • Template: Reference Group
    • Membership: select Restricted Membership, a secret group, visible only to invited members. As an example, invite demo user emily.andrews@mailinator.com.

Refresh the page so you can see all three nested groups (subcommunities).

To navigate to the nested groups from the Communities Sites console:

  • Select the engage folder
  • Select Getting Started Tutorial card
  • Select the Groups folder
  • Select arts card
  • Select the Groups folder


Publishing Groups publishing-groups


After publishing the main community site:

  • Publish each group individually:

    • Waiting for confirmation that the group was published.
  • Publish the parent group before publishing any groups nested within:

    • All groups must be published in a top-down fashion.


Experience on Publish experience-on-publish

It is possible to experience the different groups when signed in, for example, with the demo users used for:

  • Art/History group member: emily.andrews@mailinator.com/password

    • The restricted (secret) group, arts/history, is visible:
    • Able to see optional (public) groups.
    • Able to join restricted (open) groups.
  • Group manager: aaron.mcdonald@mailinator.com/password

    • Able to see optional (public) groups.
    • Able to join restricted (open) groups.
    • Unable to see restricted (secret) groups.

Access the Communities Members and Groups consoles on author to add other users to various member groups that correspond to the community groups.
