ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager experience-manager-6560

ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager is an important update that includes new features, key customer requested enhancements, and performance, stability, and security improvements, that are released since the general availability of 6.5 release in April 2019. It can be installed on top of ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager 6.5.

The key features and enhancements introduced in ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager includes:

The following is the list of fixes provided in Experience Manager release.

Sites sites-6560

  • In Sites or Screens, select a Project and click Management Publications. Users cannot advance in the Manage Publication wizard due to user interface errors. Specifically, the Publish option does not work (NPR-34099).

  • The position of iParsys (Inherited Paragraph System) is not reverted to its original default position after deselecting Cancel Inheritance or Disable Inheritance options (NPR-34097).

  • If the RolloutConfigManagerFactoryImpl is not able to load a rollout config, it does not attempt to load the missing configs. It returns the cached configurations (NPR-34092).

  • In Text core component, after using source HTML edit option, the class from em tag is removed (NPR-34081).

  • After upgrading from Experience Manager 6.3.3 to Experience Manager 6.5.3, the roll-out process takes much longer and the rollout fails with a timeout error (NPR-34049).

  • The htmlwriter does not encode back the attribute values. The markup that is present in the XF markup is exported with decoded attribute values (namely " instead of &#34). It causes issues on the Target side with Visual Experience Composer that uses the XF exported (NPR-34048).

  • When moving pages in Experience Manager Sites, enhance the logging to capture the version creation failure with reason (NPR-34014).

  • In Rich Text Editor if all text is removed then the paragraph tag gets removed as well (NPR-33976).

  • When the siteadmin page (in Classic UI) is opened or refreshed, the options in the New menu are disabled (NPR-33949).

    Screenshot to illustrate the issue of missing menu in Classic UI

  • A Content Fragment cannot be used as a TemplatedResource as it fails in ContentFragmentUsePojo (NPR-33911).

  • Synchronous and asynchronous move operations can lead to errors due to concurrent transfers. Page move operations are restricted to asynchronous move only. It prevents concurrent move of pages (NPR-33875).

  • Manage Publication operation to replicate content from Author to Publish instance fails and generates a JavaScript error (NPR-33872).

  • When multiple pages or assets are selected to create versions, the new version is created only for the last selected page or asset (NPR-33866).

  • Move a blueprint page with live copies to another folder. When moving it to the original folder, the move operation fails without any error (NPR-33864).

  • When move action is used to rename a web page in the Sites Console, it displays two overlapped dialogs at the last step of the wizard (NPR-33831).

    Screenshot to illustrate NPR-33831 issue of overlapping move dialog

  • The cq:acLinks and cq:acUUID properties for ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Campaign on the copy are removed during copy and paste operation (NPR-33794).

  • When attempting a rollout on a child page of a detached parent live copy, Experience Manager generates a null pointer exception (NPR-33676).

  • The RTE components in a layout container are not visible when the layout container is copied and pasted again on the page. The RTE components are not editable but are displayed upon a page refresh (NPR-33662).

  • When resizing a layout component for different breakpoints (medium and large), the layout does not behave as expected (NPR-33608).

  • In inline editing mode in RTE, dragging an image does not work for Text component (NPR-33602).

  • It is possible to create a component in a blueprint page with the same name as the page name. During rollout, _msm_moved is suffixed to rename the component. The component is moved to the end of the Paragraph System (NPR-33535).

  • When offTime or onTime is set on many pages or assets, it is resource-intensive and slows the system during startup and shutdown (NPR-33482).

  • A user with CRUD permissions on /content/experience-fragment is not able to delete a folder (NPR-33436).

  • You can select HTML & JSON as the option for ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Target export format on a parent folder in Experience Fragments section. The same properties are displayed in Touch-enabled UI for the subfolders of this parent folder. However, in CRXDE, for cq:adobeTargetExportFormat, it displays just HTML instead of displaying html,json (NPR-33423).

  • Publish or Unpublish from a Page Alias is not supported. Remove the option that seems to claim otherwise (NPR-33415).

  • A specific tag can be moved from one location to another in Experience Manager. It can also be applied to different pages before and after moving. When editing the properties of the pages, the tag is not displayed for editing even though the tag is the same (NPR-33353).

  • A page template does not render properly when a layout container is deleted from a template that contains multiple layout containers (NPR-33347).

  • In the template editor, try to delete a template that is used by more than 100000 pages under /content/. An error is displayed without any error message (NPR-33312).

  • Redirection to Experience Manager page with anchor does not work on Author instance as PageRedirectServlets puts query string after a URL fragment or an anchor (NPR-34288).

  • Creating a brand under /content/campaign results in a structure that does not let you create campaigns. Create Brand option leaves the newly created brand without ability to create Offers and Activities as there is no Create option (NPR-34113).

  • You can suspend the Live Copy of a page and inheritance are broken in as seen in the Editor mode. In the page properties, the icon representing inheritance incorrectly indicates that the inheritance exists and is not broken (NPR-34017).

  • Pages with many references cannot be moved asynchronously and sometimes the move operation fails (CQ-4297969).

  • A web page with / character in the URL becomes unresponsive while authoring. When a component is added while authoring, the CPU usage increases and browser stops responding (CQ-4295749).

  • In the browse mode, NVDA does not narrate a value selected from Type/Size menu option. The visual focus is not on the selected element. User who rely on a screen reader cannot use the browse mode (CQ-4294993).

  • When creating a web page, users can select Content Page template. In the Social Media tab, users select a Preferred XF variation. To select an Experience Fragment in NVDA browse mode, users cannot use keyboard keys (CQ-4292669).

  • Updated the handlebars library to the more secure v4.7.3 (NPR-34484).

  • Multiple cross site scripting instances in Experience Manager Sites components (NPR-33925).

  • The folder name field when creating a folder is vulnerable to stored cross site scripting (GRANITE-30094).

  • The search results on the Welcome page and the path completion template are vulnerable to cross site scripting (NPR-33719, NPR-33718).

  • Creating a binary property on an unstructured node results in cross site scripting on the binary property dialog (NPR-33717).

  • Cross site scripting when using Access Control Test option on the CRX DE interface (NPR-33716).

  • User inputs are not appropriately encoded for various components when sending information to the client (NPR-33695).

  • Cross site scripting in Calendar view for Experience Manager Inbox (NPR-33545).

  • A URL that ends with childrenlist.html displays an HTML page instead of a 404 response. Such URLs are vulnerable to cross site scripting (NPR-33441).

Assets assets-6560

Accessibility enhancements in Experience Manager Assets

  • Using the keyboard keys, users can now access and focus on the interactive user interface options in References list of assets (NPR-34115).

  • Screen reader now announces the intended action of the predicates on search page (NPR-34104).

  • Search page and search result page now have more informative titles for better understanding of screen reader users (NPR-34093).

  • Screen readers now announce the options to delete the selected tags in Basic tab of asset Properties page (NPR-33972).

  • The elements in each row in list view are now announced as the elements of the same row by screen readers (NPR-33932).

  • User focus when navigating using Tab key now moves to the close option in version preview (NPR-33863).

  • User focus now moves to search icon after Omnisearch is closed (NPR-33705).

  • The actionable user interface options now have more prominent visual focus with enhanced contrast when navigated using keyboard keys. The keyboard users can identify the focused areas (NPR-33542).

  • The drag functionality using keyboard now works in Metadata Schema Editor in browse mode of screen reader (CQ-4296326).

  • In the link sharing dialog, when navigating in browse mode, a screen reader,

    • Does not narrate the table information as soon as the dialog is loaded.

    • Can navigate to all the listed auto-suggestions.

    • Narrates the displayed auto-suggestions for the Add Email Address/Search (CQ-4294232).

  • Use of the Esc key to remove the quick action icons from card view no longer removes keyboard focus from the last focused item (CQ-4293554).

  • For interactive options on the user interface, screen reader now announces their purpose rather than the literal names of the icons (CQ-4272943).

  • Keyboard focus now successfully moves to Flyout, InlineZoom, Shoppable_Banner, Zoom_dark, Zoom_light, ZoomVertical_dark, and ZoomVertical_light options when navigating using keyboard Tab key in asset details Viewers in Dynamic Media (CQ-4290605).

  • Save & Close option on asset Properties page can now be accessed using keyboard keys (NPR-34107).

  • Error messages due to incorrect user name and password combinations on login page are now announced by screen readers each time the error occurs (NPR-33722).

  • In Experience Manager header section, when navigating in browse mode, screen reader now announces,

    • Auto-edited suggestions in Type to search in Omnisearch.

    • The state as expanded or collapsed for Solutions, Help, Inbox, and User options.

    • The Searching Help status message that is displayed when user enters a search string in Search for Help field under Help option.

    Help menu in header

    Figure: Search for Help in Help menu.

    • The error message if incorrect value is entered in Impersonate as field under User option and focus correctly moves to the text field (NPR-33804).

    User menu in header

    Figure: Impersonate as field in User menu in header.

  • User can now change focus using the keyboard within:

    • Search/Add Email Address field in the Link Sharing dialog.

    • Add User or Group field under Closed User Group in the Permissions tab of folder Properties (NPR-34452).

Issues fixed in Experience Manager Assets

ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager Assets provides fixes to the following issues:

  • Annotations are not highlighted when selected from the asset’s timeline (CQ-4302422).

  • Preview of marketing collateral assets (such as Brochure, Flyer, and Business card) created using ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ InDesign template does not display line breaks and paragraph breaks (NPR-34268).

  • Text extraction and hence the full-text search for the uploaded PDF files does not work (NPR-34164). To fix it, restart the sÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager deployment after installing Service Pack 6.

  • Timeline of multi-page assets displays annotations applied to all the sub assets when browsing the asset in Timeline view, instead of displaying the annotations specific to the specific sub assets (NPR-34100).

  • Assets folders are not getting published using Manage Publication option if the folders contain resources in JavaScript, CSS, or JSON file formats (NPR-34090).

  • Deselecting or removing the applied tags or filters in Omnisearch executes the search query multiple times, which leads to increase in the search time (NPR-34078).

  • In card view when a workflow (on an asset in a folder) is in progress or pending, the page reloads until the workflow is complete or terminated. Therefore, authors cannot work on those assets in the folder for which they have to scroll down (NPR-33986).

  • If user moves a published asset to a new location, then the asset gets republished even if Republish option is deselected. This leads to many orphaned assets lying on the publish instance. The default behavior, however, is that move operation on a published asset automatically unpublishes it; this asset is republished if author selects the Republish option when moving the asset (NPR-33934).

  • The Move Assets page for assets in collections does not load all the HTML content, such as Adjust/ Republish option. Therefore, users cannot complete the move operation (NPR-33860).

  • Moving an asset and adding special characters in the name and title of the moved assets creates an extra folder (with the same name) at the new location of the asset (NPR-33826).

  • Download button for an asset gets disabled when Email option is selected on the Download dialog (NPR-33730).

  • The error ‘Request-URI too long’ is observed on performing bulk operations on assets, such as bulk metadata editing (NPR-33723).

  • JavaScript error is observed and users cannot select or delete the choices generated in Dropdown field by Add through JSON path functionality in the Folder Metadata Schema Form Editor, if the uploaded JSON file has space or special characters in value (NPR-33712).

  • The static renditions of assets are not updated when asset is updated using Open option in desktop app or ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Asset Link and are synced back to ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager (CQ-4296279).

  • In column view the move operation on a set of assets also moves those assets which were selected before using Filter option for them. Note that use of Filter option deselects the previous selection (NPR-34018).

  • Backslashes are added before special characters in search suggestions of assets, which have special characters in their name (NPR-33834).

  • When creating rules for dropdown in Folder Metadata Schema Form, user cannot select values from Field Choices column (CQ-4297530).

  • The run-time copy of assets custom workflow model (created in /var/workflow/models/dam) is deleted when you install Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 5 or a previous version on Experience Manager 6.5 (NPR-34532). To retrieve the run-time copy, sync the design-time copy of the workflow model with the run-time copy using HTTP API:

Issues fixed in Dynamic Media

  • If user defines the encoding settings in edits after creating the video profile, then the smart crop settings are removed from video profiles (CQ-4299177).

  • Assets flicker on page load when user toggles between side rail options (for example, Overview, Timeline, Viewers) on asset details page (NPR-34235).

  • Following issues are observed with reprocess job:

    • Job ID is missing in job handle returned by reprocess job.

    • Reprocess job for video logs only filename and not full path.

    • Reprocess job does not have option to set the asset type as static.

    • ExcludeFromAVS option is not provided (CQ-4298401).

  • The Smart Crop functionality fails with error when image profile is added to a folder having multiple (for example, 11) aspect ratios (NPR-34082).

  • DAM update assets workflow is triggered when user scrolls down on Workflow Archive page on Workflow tab within Tools in ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager configured with Dynamic Media Scene7 (CQ-4299727).

  • Symbols in Behavior tab of Viewer Preset Editor are not localized (CQ-4299026).

  • The main view displays image in incorrect layout that does not fit in viewer, if the viewer is in responsive mode (CQ-4298293).

  • Changes to image presets in ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager do not sync to Scene7 Publishing System (CQ-4299713).

Commerce commerce-6560

  • Links to assets from products are not refactored when assets are moved (NPR-34098).

Platform platform-6560

  • Cannot download logs using the Diagnosis tool on an upgraded Experience Manager instance (NPR-34336).
  • Upgrade fails with an error due to dependencies on a specific version of the cq-wcm-api foundation package (CQ-4300520).
  • The default values for the Connect Timeout and Socket Timeout settings for the Default Agent (publish) configuration are not specified (NPR-33707).
  • Updates to the mapping configuration under /etc/map.publish do not reflect on the site pages (NPR-34015).
  • does not include the documentation for the com.day.cq.tagging package (CQ-4295864).

User Interface ui-6560

  • The Offloading Browser interface does not display all job topics (NPR-34308).
  • The Configuration Browser interface does not display all configurations (NPR-33644).
  • On pressing the Esc key when searching for users to impersonate, the User dialog closes instead of the user list (NPR-34084).

Integrations integrations-6560

  • Activities with long names are not synchronized with ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Target (NPR-34254).

  • Selecting a property while creating an ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Launch configuration results in the following error message (NPR-33947):

    code language-javascript
    GET http://hostname:Port/libs/cq/dtm-reactor/content/configurations/createcloudconfigwizard/jcr:content/body/items/form/items/wizard/items/general/items/fixedcolumns/items/container/items/general/items/property/data.html?query=&start=0&end=25&imsConfigurationId=ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ%20Launch&companyId=&_charset_=utf-8 400 (Bad Request)

Translation Projects translation-6560

  • A translation project is not created if the user’s authorizableID includes special characters (NPR-33828).

Sling sling-6560

  • Health Check and Pattern Detector have overlapping functionality. As a result, Heath check is removed from the product (NPR-33928).

WCM wcm-6560

  • Foundation Components - When you add a foundation image component to a page and reference an image, the Undo operation does not work (NPR-34516).

  • Unable to use the Page Move operation (CQ-4303028).

Communities communities-6560

  • Sharing a post on social media is showing an obsolete option Google+ (NPR-33877).

  • Community member is unable to modify group template or other Group Function settings (NPR-33530).

  • Hyperlink tags on images are not generated properly in a forum post (NPR-33464).

  • Accessibility failures are identified in Community Assignment feature (NPR-33442).

  • The existing users of a community group added through admin console are removed from the user list on any modification in the community group console (NPR-34315).

  • The TagFilterServlet leaks potentially sensitive data (NPR-33868).

Forms forms-6560

Experience Manager Service Pack does not include fixes for Forms. They are delivered using a separate Forms add-on package. In addition, a cumulative installer is released that includes fixes for Experience Manager Forms on JEE. For more information, see Install AEM Forms add-on and Install AEM Forms on JEE.

After installing the Experience Manager Forms add-on package:

  • Stop the Experience Manager Forms instance.

  • Delete bcpkix-1.51, bcmail-1.51, and bcprov-1.51 JAR files from the crx-repository\launchpad\ext directory.

  • Delete sling.bootdelegation.class.org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider property from the sling.properties file.

  • Restart the Experience Manager Forms instance.

Adaptive Forms

  • When there is a missing adaptive form fragment, the adaptive form fails to render (NPR-34302).

  • Help content description for an adaptive form fields display a paragraph HTML tag (NPR-34116).

  • When you select the Revalidate on Server property, the adaptive form fails to submit (NPR-33876).

  • The Submit to REST endpoint submit action does not work for an adaptive form (CQ-4299044).

  • Accessibility: When you try to submit an adaptive form without uploading an attachment for a mandatory field, the focus does not shift to the attachment field automatically (CQ-4298065).

  • When you add rows to a table of an adaptive form, the Add to top and Add to bottom options does not display appropriate results (CQ-4297511).

  • The Value Commit script is triggered incorrectly, which results in data loss in an adaptive form (CQ-4296874).

  • Date Picker does not work correctly for localized adaptive forms (NPR-34333).

  • When there is an underscore or space in the filename, you are unable to attach the file to an adaptive form (CQ-4301001).

  • When a nested repeatable panel has more occurrences than its parent, all the occurrences of such the nested repeatable panel fail to prefill (NPR-33666).

  • Adaptive forms have some open resource resolvers. These lead to submission failures. The issue occurs intermittently (CQ-4299407).

  • When you open the field configuration for the first time, the properties icon does not display (CQ-4296284).

  • Users can edit submission metadata, such as afPath, afSubmissionTime and signers, when submitting an adaptive form. To resolve the issue, the metadata values are removed from the form submission data on the client side. Users can use the FormSubmitInfo object to retrieve these values from the server (NPR-33654).

  • User inputs are not appropriately encoded for Forms components when sending information to the client (NPR-33611).


  • When a workflow approver uploads an attachment, the attachment is renamed to undefined (NPR-33699).

  • Experience Manager Workflow Purge operation fails and displays the following error message (NPR-33575):

    java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The query read more than 500000 nodes in memory

  • Experience Manager Forms app for Windows stops responding after submitting a form (NPR-34409).

  • When you install AEM Service Pack, the To Do list of items does not display as links. The text for the To Do items include HTML tags (NPR-34317).

Interactive Communication

  • When you include a text document fragment with nested repeatable components, the Interactive Communication fails to save (NPR-34095).

Correspondence Management

  • When you modify a text document fragment that includes data dictionary values, the Agent UI stops responding (NPR-33930).

  • Copy-pasting content from a Microsoft Word document to a text document fragment in a letter results in formatting issues (NPR-33536).

Document Services

  • When you generate a PDF file from an XDP file using Output and Forms services, it results in missing and overlapping text (NPR-34237, CQ-4299331).

  • When you convert an HTML file to PDF, the MaxReuseCount attribute is not configurable (NPR-33470).

  • When you download a PDF file that includes Reader Extensions interactive features, you cannot add an attachment to the PDF file using ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Reader (NPR-33729).

Document Security

  • Unable to execute the Sign operation with HSM-based certificates in a PDF file after installing Experience Manager Service Pack (NPR-34310).


  • Unable to open XForms in Designer version 6.5.x (CQ-4295322).

  • When you open Designer, the Welcome screen displays an incorrect year (CQ-4295289).

  • When you install Acrobat DC on the server, the Distribute Form option is inactive (CQ-4296304).

For information on security updates, see .

Enhanced caching for translated adaptive form pages ( enhanced-caching-translated-adaptive-forms

You can now specify locale as a selector in the adaptive form URL instead of an argument in adaptive form URL. It helps cache translated adaptive forms on Experience Manager Dispatcher. Caching translated adaptive form was not possible in previous versions. For detailed information about configuring caching for using locale as a selector in the adaptive form URL, see Configure adaptive form cache at dispatcher.

Save output of form data model service to a variable ( save-fdm-service-to-variable

Form data model lets you save output of a form data model service to a variable. Experience Manager Forms now automatically maps the type of the form data model service to the type of variable.

Attach multiple files for File Attachment component ( attach-multiple-files

You can now attach multiple files to the File Attachment component of adaptive forms.

UberJar uber-jar

The UberJar for Experience Manager is available in the .

To use UberJar in a Maven project, see how to use UberJar and include the following dependency in your project POM:

UberJar and the other related artifacts are available on Maven Central Repository instead of ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Public Maven repository (repo.maven.apache.org). The main UberJar file is renamed to uber-jar-<version>.jar. So, there is no classifier, with apis as the value, for the dependency tag.