Working with the Author Environment working-with-the-author-environment

The following documentation focuses on the classic UI. For information about authoring in the modern, touch-enabled UI, see the standard Authoring documentation.

The author environment lets you perform tasks related to:

Two graphical user interfaces are provided to achieve this, these are accessible through any modern browser:

  1. Classic UI

    • This UI has always been available in AEM for many years.
    • It is predominantly green.
    • It was designed for use on desktop devices.
    • It is no longer maintained.
    • The following documentation focuses on this classic UI. For information about authoring in the modern, touch-based UI, see the standard Authoring documentation.


  2. Touch-Enabled UI

    • This is the modern, standard AEM UI.

    • It is predominantly grey, with a clean, flat interface.

    • It is designed for use on both touch and desktop devices (optimized for touch). The look and feel is the same on all devices, though viewing and selecting your resources differs slightly (taps versus clicks).

    • See the standard Authoring documentation for further details on how to author using the touch-based UI. The following documentation focuses on the classic UI.

    • Desktop:


    • Tablet devices (or desktop less than 1024 pixels wide):

