Validating and Debugging using Dispatcher Tools Dispatcher-in-the-cloud

Introduction apache-and-dispatcher-configuration-and-testing

For more information about Dispatcher in the Cloud and how to download Dispatcher Tools, see the Dispatcher in the Cloud page. If your Dispatcher configuration is in legacy mode, see legacy mode documentation.

The following sections describe the flexible mode file structure, local validation, debugging and migrating from legacy mode to the flexible mode.

This article assumes that your projectā€™s Dispatcher configuration includes the file opt-in/USE_SOURCES_DIRECTLY. This file causes the SDK and runtime to validate and deploy the configuration in an improved way compared to the legacy mode, removing limitations around the number and size of files.

If your Dispatcher configuration does not include the previously mentioned file, ĆŪ¶¹ŹÓʵ recommends that you migrate from legacy mode to the flexible mode as outlined in the Migrating from legacy mode to flexible mode section.

File structure flexible-mode-file-structure

The structure of the projectā€™s Dispatcher subfolder is as follows:

ā”œā”€ā”€ conf.d
ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ available_vhosts
ā”‚   ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ my_site.vhost # Created by customer
ā”‚   ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ default.vhost
ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ dispatcher_vhost.conf
ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ enabled_vhosts
ā”‚   ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ README
ā”‚   ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ my_site.vhost -> ../available_vhosts/my_site.vhost  # Created by customer
ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ rewrites
ā”‚   ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ default_rewrite.rules
ā”‚   ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ rewrite.rules
ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ variables
|       ā”œā”€ā”€ custom.vars
ā”‚       ā””ā”€ā”€ global.vars
ā”‚ā”€ā”€ opt-in
ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ USE_SOURCES_DIRECTLY
ā””ā”€ā”€ conf.dispatcher.d
    ā”œā”€ā”€ available_farms
    ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ my_farm.farm # Created by customer
    ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ default.farm
    ā”œā”€ā”€ cache
    ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ default_invalidate.any
    ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ default_rules.any
    ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ marketing_query_parameters.any
    ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ rules.any
    ā”œā”€ā”€ clientheaders
    ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ clientheaders.any
    ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ default_clientheaders.any
    ā”œā”€ā”€ dispatcher.any
    ā”œā”€ā”€ enabled_farms
    ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ README
    ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ my_farm.farm -> ../available_farms/my_farm.farm  # Created by customer
    ā”œā”€ā”€ filters
    ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ default_filters.any
    ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ filters.any
    ā”œā”€ā”€ renders
    ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ default_renders.any
    ā””ā”€ā”€ virtualhosts
    ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ default_virtualhosts.any
    ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ virtualhosts.any

Below is an explanation of notable files that can be modified:

Customizable Files

The following files are customizable and get transferred to your Cloud instance on deployment:

  • conf.d/available_vhosts/<CUSTOMER_CHOICE>.vhost

You can have one or more of these files. They contain <VirtualHost> entries that match host names and allow Apache to handle each domain traffic with different rules. Files are created in the available_vhosts directory and enabled with a symbolic link in the enabled_vhosts directory. From the .vhost files, other files, such as rewrites and variables, are included.

In flexible mode, you should use relative paths instead of absolute paths.

Ensure that at least one virtual host is always available that matches ServerAlias \*.local, localhost, and which are needed for the Dispatcher invalidation. The server aliases *.adobeaemcloud.net and *.adobeaemcloud.com are also required in at least one vhost configuration and are needed for internal ĆŪ¶¹ŹÓʵ processes.

If you want to match the exact host because you have multiple vhost files, you can follow the below example:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName    "example.com"
    # Put names of which domains are used for your published site/content here
    ServerAlias     "*example.com" "\*.local" "localhost" "" "*.adobeaemcloud.net" "*.adobeaemcloud.com"
    # Use a document root that matches the one in conf.dispatcher.d/default.farm
    DocumentRoot "${DOCROOT}"
    # URI dereferencing algorithm is applied at Sling's level, do not decode parameters here
    AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
    # Add header breadcrumbs for help in troubleshooting which vhost file is chosen
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
        Header add X-Vhost "publish-example-com"
  • conf.d/enabled_vhosts/<CUSTOMER_CHOICE>.vhost

This folder contains relative symbolic links to files under conf.dispatcher.d/available_vhosts.

Example commands required to create these symbolic links:

Apple macOS, Linux and WSL

ln -s ../available_vhosts/wknd.vhost wknd.vhost

Microsoft Windows

mklink wknd.vhost ..\available_vhosts\wknd.vhost
When working with symbolic links under Windows, you should be running in an elevated command prompt, in the Windows Subsystem for Linux or have the privilege assigned.
  • conf.d/rewrites/rewrite.rules

The file is included from inside your .vhost files. It has a set of rewrite rules for mod_rewrite.

  • conf.d/variables/custom.vars

The file is included from inside your .vhost files. You can add defines for Apache variables in this location.

  • conf.d/variables/global.vars

The file is included from inside the dispatcher_vhost.conf file. You can change your Dispatcher and rewrite log level in this file.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/available_farms/<CUSTOMER_CHOICE>.farm

You can have one or more of these files, and they contain farms to match host names and allow the Dispatcher module to handle each farm with different rules. Files are created in the available_farms directory and enabled with a symbolic link in the enabled_farms directory. From the .farm files, other files like filters, cache rules, and others are included.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms/<CUSTOMER_CHOICE>.farm

This folder contains relative symbolic links to files under conf.dispatcher.d/available_farms.

Example commands required to create these symbolic links:

Apple macOS, Linux and WSL

ln -s ../available_farms/wknd.farm wknd.farm

Microsoft Windows

mklink wknd.farm ..\available_farms\wknd.farm
When working with symbolic links under Windows, you should be running in an elevated command prompt, in the Windows Subsystem for Linux or have the privilege assigned.
  • conf.dispatcher.d/cache/rules.any

The file is included from inside your .farm files. It specifies caching preferences.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/clientheaders/clientheaders.any

The file is included from inside your .farm files. It specifies what request headers should be forwarded to the backend.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/filters/filters.any

The file is included from inside your .farm files. It has a set of rules that change what traffic should be filtered out and not make it to the backend.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/virtualhosts/virtualhosts.any

The file is included from inside your .farm files. It has a list of host names or URI paths to be matched by glob matching. This matching determines what backend to use to serve a request.


This file enables a more flexible Dispatcher configuration and removes previous limitations around the number and size of files. It also causes the SDK and runtime to validate and deploy the configuration in an improved way.

The above files reference the immutable configuration files listed below. Changes to the immutable files are not processed by Dispatchers in Cloud environments.

Immutable Configuration Files

These files are part of the base framework and enforce standards and best practices. The files are considered immutable because modifying or deleting them locally has no impact on your deployment, because they do not get transferred to your Cloud instance.

It is recommended that the above files reference the immutable files listed below, followed by any additional statements or overrides. When Dispatcher configuration is deployed to a cloud environment, the latest version of the immutable files is used, regardless of what version was used in local development.

  • conf.d/available_vhosts/default.vhost

Contains a sample virtual host. For your own virtual host, create a copy of this file, customize it, go to conf.d/enabled_vhosts and create a symbolic link to your customized copy.
Do not copy the default.vhost file directly into conf.d/enabled_vhosts.

Ensure that a virtual host is always available that matches ServerAlias \*.local, localhost, and which are needed for the Dispatcher invalidation. The server aliases *.adobeaemcloud.net and *.adobeaemcloud.com are needed for internal ĆŪ¶¹ŹÓʵ processes.

  • conf.d/dispatcher_vhost.conf

Part of the base framework, used to illustrate how your virtual hosts and global variables are included.

  • conf.d/rewrites/default_rewrite.rules

Rewrite rules that are default are suitable for a standard project. If you need customization, modify rewrite.rules. In your customization, you can still include the default rules first, if they suit your needs.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/available_farms/default.farm

Contains a sample Dispatcher farm. For your own farm, create a copy of this file, customize it, go to conf.d/enabled_farms and create a symbolic link to your customized copy.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/cache/default_invalidate.any

Part of the base framework, gets generated on startup. You are required to include this file in every farm you define, in the cache/allowedClients section.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/cache/default_rules.any

Default cache rules suitable for a standard project. If you need customization, modify conf.dispatcher.d/cache/rules.any. In your customization, you can still include the default rules first, if they suit your needs.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/clientheaders/default_clientheaders.any

Default request headers to forward to the backend, suitable for a standard project. If you need customization, modify clientheaders.any. In your customization, you can still include the default request headers first, if they suit your needs.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/dispatcher.any

Part of base framework, used to illustrate how your Dispatcher farms are included.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/filters/default_filters.any

Default filters suitable for a standard project. If you need customization, modify filters.any. In your customization, you can still include the default filters first, if they suit your needs.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/renders/default_renders.any

Part of base framework, this file gets generated on startup. You are required to include this file in every farm you define, in the renders section.

  • conf.dispatcher.d/virtualhosts/default_virtualhosts.any

Default host globbing suitable for a standard project. If you need customization, modify virtualhosts.any. In your customization, you shouldnā€™t include the default host globbing, as it matches every incoming request.

Supported Apache Modules apache-modules

See Supported Apache Modules.

Local validation local-validation-flexible-mode

The sections below include commands using either the Mac or LinuxĀ® versions of the SDK, but the Windows SDK can also be used in a similar way.

Use the validate.sh script as shown below:

$ validate.sh src/dispatcher
opt-in USE_SOURCES_DIRECTLY marker file detected
Phase 1: Dispatcher validator
Cloud manager validator 2.0.32
Phase 1 finished
Phase 2: httpd -t validation in docker image
values.csv not found in deployment folder: /Users/foo/src - using files in 'conf.d' and 'conf.dispatcher.d' subfolders directly
processing configuration subfolder: conf.d
processing configuration subfolder: conf.dispatcher.d
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/10-check-environment.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/20-create-docroots.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/30-wait-for-backend.sh
Waiting until localhost is available
localhost resolves to ::1
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/40-generate-allowed-clients.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/50-check-expiration.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/60-check-loglevel.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/70-check-forwarded-host-secret.sh
# Dispatcher configuration: (/etc/httpd/conf.dispatcher.d/dispatcher.any)
/farms {


Syntax OK
Phase 2 finished
Phase 3: Immutability check
reading immutable file list from /etc/httpd/immutable.files.txt


no immutable file has been changed - check is SUCCESSFUL
Phase 3 finished

The script has the following three phases:

  1. It runs the validator. If the configuration is not valid, the script fails.
  2. It executes the httpd -t command to test if the syntax is correct such that Apache httpd can start. If successful, the configuration should be ready for deployment.
  3. Checks that the subset of the Dispatcher SDK configuration files, which are intended to be immutable as described in the File structure section, has not been modified and match the current SDK version.

During a Cloud Manager deployment, the httpd -t syntax check is run as well and any errors are included in the Cloud Manager Build Images step failure log.

See the Automatic reloading and validation section for an efficient alternative to running validate.sh after each configuration modification.

Phase 1 first-phase

If a directive is not allowlisted, the tool logs an error and returns a non-zero exit code. Also, it further scans all files with pattern conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms/*.farm and checks that:

  • No filter rule exists that uses allows via /glob (see ) for more details.
  • No admin feature is exposed. For example, access to paths such as /crx/de or /system/console.

The validation tool reports only the prohibited use of Apache directives that have not been allowlisted. It does not report syntactical or semantic problems with your Apache configuration, as this information is only available to Apache modules in a running environment.

Presented below are troubleshooting techniques for debugging common validation errors that are output by the tool:

Unable to locate a conf.dispatcher.d subfolder in the archive

Your archive should contain folders conf.d and conf.dispatcher.d. Note, that you should not
use the prefix etc/httpd in your archive.

Unable to find any farm in conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms

Your enabled farms should be in the mentioned subfolder.

File included (ā€¦) must be named: ā€¦

There are two sections in your farm configuration that must include a
specific file: /renders and /allowedClients in the /cache section. Those
sections must look as follows:

/renders {
    $include "../renders/default_renders.any"


/allowedClients {
    $include "../cache/default_invalidate.any"

File included at unknown location: ā€¦

There are four sections in your farm configuration where you are allowed to include your own files: /clientheaders, filters, /rules in /cache section and /virtualhosts. The included files must be named as follows:

Include file name

Alternatively, you can include the default version of those files, whose names are prepended with the word default_, for example, ../filters/default_filters.any.

Include statement at (ā€¦), outside any known location: ā€¦

Apart from the six sections mentioned in the paragraphs above, you are not allowed
to use the $include statement, for example, the following would generate this error:

/invalidate {
    $include "../cache/invalidate.any"

Allowed clients/renders are not included from: ā€¦

This error is generated when you do not specify an ā€œincludeā€ for /renders and /allowedClients in the /cache section. See the
file included (ā€¦) must be named: ā€¦ section for more information.

Filter must not use glob pattern to allow requests

It is not secure to allow requests with a /glob style rule, which is matched against the complete request line, for example,

/0100 {
    /type "allow" /glob "GET *.css *"

This statement is meant to allow requests for css files, but it also allows requests to any resource followed by the query string ?a=.css. It is therefore forbidden to use such filters (see also CVE-2016-0957).

Included file (ā€¦) does not match any known file

By default, two types of files in your Apache virtual host configuration can be specified as includes: rewrites and variables.

Include file name

In flexible mode, other files can also be included, as long as they are in subdirectories (at any level) of conf.d directory prefixed as follows.

Include file upper directory prefix

For example, you can include a file in some created directory under conf.d/includes directory as follows:

Include conf.d/includes/mynewdirectory/myincludefile.conf

Alternatively, you can include the default version of the rewrite rules, whose name is conf.d/rewrites/default_rewrite.rules.
Note, that there is no default version of the variables files.

Deprecated configuration layout detected, enabling compatibility mode

This message indicates that your configuration has the deprecated version 1 layout, containing a complete
Apache configuration and files with ams_ prefixes. While this configuration is still supported for backwards
compatibility, you should switch to the new layout.

The first phase can also be run separately, rather than from the wrapper validate.sh script.

When run against your maven artifact or your dispatcher/src subdirectory, it reports validation failures:

$ validator full -relaxed dispatcher/src
Cloud manager validator 1.0.4
2019/06/19 15:41:37 Apache configuration uses non-allowlisted directives:
  conf.d/enabled_vhosts/aem_publish.vhost:46: LogLevel
2019/06/19 15:41:37 Dispatcher configuration validation failed:
  conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms/999_ams_publish_farm.any: filter allows access to CRXDE

On Windows, the Dispatcher validator is case-sensitive. As such, it can fail to validate the configuration if you do not respect the capitalization of the path where your configuration resides, for example:

bin\validator.exe -relaxed full src
Cloud manager validator 2.0.xx
2021/03/15 18:15:40 Dispatcher configuration validation failed:
  conf.dispatcher.d\available_farms\default.farm:15: parent directory outside server root: c:\k\a\aem-dispatcher-sdk-windows-symlinks-testing3\dispatcher\src

Avoid this error by copying and pasting the path from Windows Explorer and then on the command prompt using a cd command into that path.

Phase 2 second-phase

This phase checks the Apache syntax by starting Apache HTTPD in a docker container. Docker must be installed locally, but note that itā€™s not necessary for AEM to be running.

Windows users must use Windows 10 Professional or other distributions that support Docker. This requirement is a pre-requisite for running and debugging Dispatcher on a local computer.
For both Windows and macOS, ĆŪ¶¹ŹÓʵ recommends using Docker Desktop.

This phase can also be run independently through bin/docker_run.sh src/dispatcher host.docker.internal:4503 8080.

During a Cloud Manager deployment, the httpd -t syntax check is also run and any errors are included in the Cloud Manager Build Images step failure log.

Phase 3 third-phase

If there is a failure in this phase, it implies that ĆŪ¶¹ŹÓʵ has changed one or more immutable files. In such case, you must replace the corresponding immutable files with the new version delivered in the src directory of the SDK. The log sample bellow illustrates this issue:

Phase 3: Immutability check
reading immutable file list from /etc/httpd/immutable.files.txt
checking existing 'conf.dispatcher.d/clientheaders/default_clientheaders.any' for changes
immutable file 'conf.dispatcher.d/clientheaders/default_clientheaders.any' has been changed:
--- /etc/httpd/conf.dispatcher.d/clientheaders/default_clientheaders.any
+++ /etc/httpd-actual/conf.dispatcher.d/clientheaders/default_clientheaders.any
@@ -40,4 +40,3 @@
** error: immutable file 'conf.dispatcher.d/clientheaders/default_clientheaders.any' has been changed!

This phase can also be run independently through bin/docker_immutability_check.sh src/dispatcher.

Your local immutable files can be updated by running the bin/update_maven.sh src/dispatcher script on your Dispatcher folder, where src/dispatcher is your Dispatcher configuration directory. This script also updates any pom.xml file in the parent directory so that the maven immutability checks also get updated.

Debugging your Apache and Dispatcher configuration debugging-apache-and-dispatcher-configuration

You can run Apache Dispatcher locally by using ./bin/docker_run.sh src/dispatcher docker.for.mac.localhost:4503 8080.

As stated previously, Docker must be installed locally and it is not necessary for AEM to be running. Windows users must use Windows 10 Professional or other distributions that support Docker. This requirement is a pre-requisite for running and debugging Dispatcher on a local computer.

The following strategy can be used to increase the log output for the Dispatcher module and see the results of the RewriteRule evaluation in both local and cloud environments.

Log levels for those modules are defined by the variables DISP_LOG_LEVEL and REWRITE_LOG_LEVEL. They can be set in the file conf.d/variables/global.vars. Its relevant part follows:

# Log level for the dispatcher
# Possible values are: error, warn, info, debug and trace1
# Default value: warn
# Define DISP_LOG_LEVEL warn

# Log level for mod_rewrite
# Possible values are: error, warn, info, debug and trace1 - trace8
# Default value: warn
# To debug your RewriteRules, it is recommended to raise your log
# level to trace2.
# More information can be found at:
# https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_rewrite.html#logging

When running Dispatcher locally, logs are printed directly to the terminal output. Most of the time, you want these logs to be in DEBUG, which can be done by passing the Debug level as a parameter when running Docker. For example: DISP_LOG_LEVEL=Debug ./bin/docker_run.sh src docker.for.mac.localhost:4503 8080.

Logs for cloud environments are exposed through the logging service available in Cloud Manager.

For environments on AEM as a Cloud Service, debug is the maximal verbosity level. The trace log level is not supported so you should avoid setting it when working in cloud environments.

Automatic reloading and validation automatic-reloading

Due to a Windows operating system limitation, this feature is available only for macOS and LinuxĀ® users.

Instead of running local validation (validate.sh) and starting the docker container (docker_run.sh) each time the configuration is modified, you can alternatively run the docker_run_hot_reload.sh script. The script watches for any changes to the configuration and automatically reloads it and reruns the validation. By using this option, you can save a significant amount of time when debugging.

You can run the script by using the following command: ./bin/docker_run_hot_reload.sh src/dispatcher host.docker.internal:4503 8080

The first lines of output look similar to what would run for docker_run.sh. For example:

~ bin/docker_run_hot_reload.sh src host.docker.internal:8081 8082
opt-in USE_SOURCES_DIRECTLY marker file detected
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/10-check-environment.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/15-check-pod-name.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/20-create-docroots.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/30-wait-for-backend.sh
Waiting until host.docker.internal is available
host.docker.internal resolves to
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/40-generate-allowed-clients.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/50-check-expiration.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/60-check-loglevel.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/70-check-forwarded-host-secret.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/80-frontend-domain.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/zzz-import-sdk-config.sh
WARN Mon Jul  4 09:53:54 UTC 2022: Pseudo symlink conf.d seems to point to a non-existing file!
INFO Mon Jul  4 09:53:55 UTC 2022: Copied customer configuration to /etc/httpd.
INFO Mon Jul  4 09:53:55 UTC 2022: Start testing
Cloud manager validator 2.0.43
2022/07/04 09:53:55 No issues found
INFO Mon Jul  4 09:53:55 UTC 2022: Testing with fresh base configuration files.
INFO Mon Jul  4 09:53:55 UTC 2022: Apache httpd informationServer version: Apache/2.4.54 (Unix)

Injecting custom environment variables environment-variables

Custom environment variables can be used with the dispatcher SDK by setting them in a separate file and referencing it in the ENV_FILE environment variable before starting the local dispatcher.

An file with custom environment variables would look like this:


And it can be used in the local dispatcher SDK with the following commands:

export ENV_FILE=custom.env
./bin/docker_run.sh src/dispatcher docker.for.mac.localhost:4503 8080

Different Dispatcher configurations per environment different-dispatcher-configurations-per-environment

Currently, the same Dispatcher configuration is applied to all environment on AEM as a Cloud Service. The runtime has an environment variable ENVIRONMENT_TYPE that contains the current run mode (development, stage, or production) and a ā€œdefineā€. The ā€œdefineā€ can be ENVIRONMENT_DEV, ENVIRONMENT_STAGE, or ENVIRONMENT_PROD. In the Apache configuration, the variable can be used directly in an expression. Alternatively, the ā€œdefineā€ can be used to build logic:

# Simple usage of the environment variable
ServerName ${ENVIRONMENT_TYPE}.company.com

# When more logic is required
  # These statements are for stage
  Define VIRTUALHOST stage.example.com
  # These statements are for production
  Define VIRTUALHOST prod.example.com

In the Dispatcher configuration, the same environment variable is available. If more logic is required, define the variables as shown in the example above and then use them in the Dispatcher configuration section:

/virtualhosts {
  { "${VIRTUALHOST}" }

Alternatively, you can use Cloud Manager environment variables in your httpd/dispatcher configuration, although not environment secrets. This method is especially important if a program has multiple dev environments and some of those dev environments have different values for httpd/dispatcher configuration. The same ${VIRTUALHOST} syntax would be used as in the example above, however the Define declarations in the above variables file would not be used. Read the Cloud Manager documentation for instructions on configuring Cloud Manager environment variables.

When testing your configuration locally, you can simulate different environment types by passing the variable DISP_RUN_MODE to the docker_run.sh script directly:

$ DISP_RUN_MODE=stage docker_run.sh src docker.for.mac.localhost:4503 8080

The default run mode when not passing in a value for DISP_RUN_MODE is ā€œdevā€.
For a complete list of options and variables available, run the script docker_run.sh without arguments.

Viewing the Dispatcher configuration in use by your Docker container viewing-dispatcher-configuration-in-use-by-docker-container

With environment-specific configurations, it can be difficult to determine what the actual Dispatcher configuration looks like. After having started your docker container with docker_run.sh, it can be dumped as follows:

  • Determine the docker container ID in use:

$ docker ps
d75fbd23b29        adobe/aem-ethos/dispatcher-publish:...
  • Execute the following command line with that container ID:

$ docker exec d75fbd23b29 httpd-test
# Dispatcher configuration: (/etc/httpd/conf.dispatcher.d/dispatcher.any)
/farms {
  /publishfarm {
    /clientheaders {

Migrating from legacy mode to flexible mode migrating

With the Cloud Manager 2021.7.0 release, new Cloud Manager programs generate maven project structures with AEM archetype 28 or higher, which includes the file opt-in/USE_SOURCES_DIRECTLY. It removes previous limitations of the legacy mode around the number and size of files, also causing the SDK and runtime to validate and deploy the configuration in an improved way. If your Dispatcher configuration does not have this file, it is highly recommended that you migrate. Use the following steps to ensure a safe transition:

  1. Local testing. Using the most recent Dispatcher tools SDK, add the folder and file opt-in/USE_SOURCES_DIRECTLY. Follow the ā€œlocal validationā€ instructions in this article so you can test that the Dispatcher works locally.

  2. Cloud development testing:

    • Commit the file opt-in/USE_SOURCES_DIRECTLY to a git branch that is deployed by the non-production pipeline to a Cloud development environment.
    • Use Cloud Manager to deploy to a Cloud development environment.
    • Test thoroughly. It is critical to validate that your Apache and Dispatcher configuration behaves as you expect before deploying changes to higher environments. Check all behavior related to your custom configuration. File a customer support ticket if you believe that the deployed Dispatcher configuration does not reflect your custom configuration.
    note note
    In flexible mode, you should use relative paths instead of absolute paths.

    1. **Deploy to production:** * Commit the file `opt-in/USE_SOURCES_DIRECTLY` to a git branch that is deployed by the production pipeline to the Cloud stage and production environments. * Use Cloud Manager to deploy to staging. * Test thoroughly. It is critical to validate that your Apache and Dispatcher configuration behaves as you expect before deploying changes to higher environments. Check all behavior related to your custom configurationj. File a customer support ticket if you believe that the deployed Dispatcher configuration does not reflect your custom configuration. * Use Cloud Manager to continue the deployment to production.
