ContextHub Diagnostics contexthub-diagnostics

ContextHub provides a diagnostics page where you can see an overview of the ContextHub framework. To open the page, go to the contexthub.diagnostics.html page of your AEM author instance, for example:


The ContextHub Diagnostics page provides information about the stores and UI modules that have been created, the client library folders that are loaded, and links to useful pages.

In order for diagnostic information to be returned, debug mode must be enabled, otherwise the diagnostics page is blank. See this document for details on how to enable debug mode.

Stores stores

The Stores section lists all the ContextHub stores that have been configured. Each item in the list consists of the following information:

  • Title: The store type that the store is based on.
  • path: The path to the repository node that holds the configuration.
  • resourceType: The path of the repository node where the store type is defined.
  • clientlibs: The categories of the client libraries that are loaded which implement the store type.

Modules modules

The Modules section lists all the ContextHub UI modules that have been configured. Each item in the list consists of the following information:

  • Title: The UI Module type that the UI module is based on.
  • path: The path to the repository node that holds the configuration.
  • resourceType: The path of the repository node where the UI module type is defined.
  • clientlibs: The categories of the client libraries that are loaded which implement the UI module type.

Clientlibs clientlibs

The Clientlibs section lists all of tclient library folders that ContextHub has loaded. The client libraries are categorized as follows:

  • kernel.js: Client libraries that implement the ContextHub framework, the segment engine, and store types.
  • ui.js: Client libraries that implement the ContextHub UI and UI module types.
  • style.css: CSS files that are loaded from client libraries.

URLs urls

The URLs section contains links to ContextHub features:

  • Configuration editor: Opens the ContextHub Configuration page where you can configure stores, UI modes, and UI modules.
  • Configuration of ContextHub modules: Opens the /etc/cloudsettings/default/contexthub.config.kernel.js file, which contains the JavaScript object representation of the ContextHub store configurations.
  • Configuration of ContextHub UI: Opens the /etc/cloudsettings/default/contexthub.config.ui.js file, which contains the JavaScript object representation of the ContextHub UI mode configurations.
  • kernel.js: Opens the /etc/cloudsettings/default/contexthub.kernel.js file, which contains the source code of the client libraries that implement the ContextHub framework, the segment engine, and store types.
  • ui.js: Opens the /etc/cloudsettings/default/contexthub.ui.js file, which contains the source code of the client libraries that implement the ContextHub UI and UI module types.
  • style.css: Opens the /etc/cloudsettings/default/contexthub.styles.css file, which contains the CSS styles for the ContextHub UI and UI modules.