Editing Page Properties editing-page-properties

You can define the required properties for a page. These can vary depending on the nature of the page. For example, some pages might be connected to a live copy while others are not and the live copy information is available as appropriate.

Page Properties page-properties

The properties are distributed across several tabs.

Basic basic

  • Title & Tags

    • Title - The title of the page is shown in various locations. For example, the Websites tab list and the Sites card/list views.

      • This is a mandatory field.
    • Tags - Here you can add, or remove tags from the page by updating the list in the selection box.

      • After selecting a tag is it listed below the selection box. You can remove a tag from this list using the x.

      • A completely new tag can be entered by typing the name in an empty selection box.

        • The new tag is created when you press enter.
        • The new tag will then be shown with a small star on the right indicating that it is a new tag.
      • With the drop-down functionality you can select from existing tags.

      • An x appears when you mouse-over a tag entry in the selection box, which can be used to remove that tag for this page.

      • For more information about tags, see Using Tags.

    • Hide in Navigation - Indicates whether the page is shown or hidden in the page navigation of the resulting site.

  • Branding

    Apply a consistent brand identity across pages by appending a brand slug to each page title. This functionality requires use of the Page Component from release 2.14.0 or later of the Core Components.

    • Brand Slug

      • Override - Check to define the brand slug on this page.
        • The value is inherited by any child pages unless they also have their Override values set.
      • Override value - The text of the brand slug to be appended to the page title.
        • The value is appended to the page title after a pipe character such as “Cycling Tuscany | Always ready for the WKNDâ€

    • ID - HTML ID to apply to the component.
  • More Titles and Description

    • Page Title - A title to be used on the page. Typically used by title components. If empty, the Title is used.
    • Navigation Title - You can specify a separate title for use in the navigation (for example, if you want something more concise). If empty, the Title is used.
    • Caption - A subtitle for use on the page.
    • Description - Your description of the page, its purpose, or any other details you want to add.
  • On/Off Time

    note note
    See On and Off Times - Trigger Configuration for details of how to configure the related automatic replication.
    note note
    If either the On Time or Off Time is in the past, and automatic replication is configured, then the relevant action is triggered immediately.
    • On Time - The date and time at which the published page is made visible (rendered) on the publish environment. The page must be published, either manually or by pre-configured auto-replication.

      • If already published (manually) this page is kept dormant (hidden) until rendering at the specified time.
      • If not published, and configured for auto-replication, the page is automatically published, then rendered, at the specified time.
      • If not published, and not configured for auto-replication, the page is not automatically published, so a 404 is seen when an attempt to access the page is made.
    • Off Time - Similar to and often used in combination with On Time, this defines the time at which the published page is hidden on the publish environment.

    • Leave these fields (On Time and Off Time) empty for pages you want to publish immediately and have available on the publish environment until they are deactivated (the normal scenario).

  • Vanity URL

    • Lets you enter a vanity URL for this page, which can allow you to have a shorter and/or more expressive URL.
    • For example, if the Vanity URL is set to welcome to the page identified by the path /v1.0/startpage for the website http://example.com, then http://example.com/welcome would be the vanity URL of http://example.com/content/v1.0/startpage
    note caution
    Vanity URLs:
    • Must be unique so you should take care that the value is not already used by another page.
    • Do not support regex patterns.
    • Should not be set to an existing page.
    • Add - Select to show a field to define a vanity URL for the page.

      • Select again to add multiple.
      • Select the Remove icon to delete the vanity URL.
    • Redirect Vanity URL - Indicates whether you want the page to use the vanity URL.

Advanced advanced

  • Settings

    • Language - The page language

    • Language Root - Must be checked if the page is the root of a language copy

    • Redirect - Indicates the page to which this page should automatically redirect with an HTML 302 Found status.

      • Permanent Redirect - When checked, the page redirects to the target path provided along with an HTML 301 Moved Permanently status.
    • Design - Indicates whether the page is shown or hidden in the page navigation of the resulting site

    • Alias - Specifies an alias to be used with this page

      • For example, if you define an alias of private for the page /content/wknd/us/en/magazine/members-only, then this page can also be accessed via /content/wknd/us/en/magazine/private
      • Creating an alias sets the sling:alias property on the page node, which only impacts the resource, not the repository path.
      • Pages accessed by aliases in the editor cannot be published. Publish options in the editor are only available for pages accessed via their actual paths.
      • See Localized page names under SEO and URL Management Best Practices.
  • Configuration

    • Inherited from <path> - enable/disable inheritance; toggles availability of Cloud Configuration for selection

    • Cloud Configuration - The path to the selected configuration

  • Template Settings

  • Authentication Requirement

    • Enable - Enable use of authentication to access the page

      note note
      Closed user groups for the page are defined on the Permissions tab.
    • Login Page - The page to be used for login

  • Export

    • Export Configuration - Specifies an export configuration
  • SEO

    • Canonical Url - can be used to overwrite the page’s canonical Url; if left blank the page’s Url is its canonical Url

    • Robots Tags - select the robots tags to control the behavior of search engine crawlers.

      note note
      Some of the options conflict with each other. In case of a conflict the more permissive option takes precedence.
    • Generate Sitemap - when selected, a sitemap.xml is generated for this page, and its descendants

Images images

  • Featured Image

    Select, and configure, the image to be featured. This is used in components referencing the page; for example, teasers, page lists, and so on.

    • Image

      You can Pick an Asset, or browse for a file to upload, then Edit, or Clear.

    • Alternative Text - a text used to represent the meaning and/or function of the image; for example, for use by screen readers.

    • Inherit - Value taken from the DAM asset - when checked this will populate the alternative text with the value of the dc:descriptionmetadata in DAM

  • Thumbnail

    Configure the page thumbnail

    • Generate Preview - Generate a preview of the page to use as thumbnail
    • Upload Image - Upload an image to use as thumbnail
    • Select Image - Select an existing Asset to use as the thumbnail
    • Revert - This option becomes available after you have made a change to the thumbnail. If you do not want to keep your change, you can revert that change before saving.

Cloud Services cloud-services

  • Cloud Service Configurations - Define properties for cloud services

Personalization personalization

  • ContextHub Configurations

    • Inherited from <path> - enable/disable inheritance; toggles availability of ContextHub Pathn and Segments Path for selection

    • ContextHub Path - Define the ContextHub configuration

    • Segments Path - Define the Segments path

  • Targeting Configuration

    note note
    This option requires the user account to be in the Target Administratorsgroup.

Permissions permissions

  • Permissions

    • Add Permissions
    • Edit Closed User Group
    • View the Effective Permissions

Blueprint blueprint

This tab is only visible for pages that serve as blueprints. Blueprints serve as the basis for Live Copies, and are part of Multi Site Management.

  • Current Live Copies - Lists pages that are based on (that is, are Live Copies of) this blueprint page

  • Rollout Configs - Controls the circumstances under which modifications are propagated to the Live Copy

Live Copy live-copy

This tab is only visible for pages that are configured as live copies. As with Blueprints, Live Copies are part of Multi Site Management.

  • Synchronize - Synchronize Live Copy with Blueprint, keeping local modifications

  • Reset - Reset Live Copy to state of Blueprint, removing local modifications

  • Suspend - Suspend Live Copy from further rollout modifications

  • Detach - Detach Live Copy from Blueprint

  • Source

    • Displays the path of the blueprint for this Live Copy
  • Status

    • Lists current Live Copy status of the page
  • Configuration

    • Live Copy Inheritance - If checked, Live Copy configuration is effective on all children
    • Inherit Rollout Configs from Parent - If checked, the rollout configuration is inherited from the parent of the page
    • Choose Rollout Config - Defines the circumstances under which modifications are propagated from the Blueprint and only available when Inherit Rollout Configs from Parent is not selected

Preview preview

When a Preview environment is enabled you see the following:

  • Preview URL - the URL used for accessing the content on the Preview environment

Progressive Web App progressive-web-app

Through a simple configuration, a content author can now enable progressive web app (PWA) features for experiences created in AEM Sites.

  • Configure installable experience

    • Enable PWA - enable/disable the feature; allows users to install the site as a PWA
    • StartupURL - the preferred startup Url
    • Display Mode - how the browser should be hidden or otherwise presented to the user on the local device
    • Screen orientation - how the PWA will handle device orientations
    • Theme color - the color of the app that affects how the local user’s operating system displays the native UI toolbar and navigation controls
    • Background color - the background color of the app, which is shown as the app loads
    • Icon - the icon that represents the app on the user’s device
  • Cache management (Advanced)

    • Caching strategy and frequency of content refresh - defines the caching model for your PWA

    • Files to cache for offline use

      • File pre-caching (technical preview) - files hosted on AEM are saved to the local browser cache when the service worker is installing and before it is used
      • Client-side Libraries - client-side libraries to cache for offline experience
      • Path inclusions - network requests for the defined paths are intercepted and cached content is returned in accordance with the configured Caching strategy and frequency of content refresh
      • Path exclusions - these files will never be cached regardless of the settings under File pre-caching and Path inclusions

Editing Page Properties editing-page-properties-1

  • From the Sites console:

    • Creating a new page (a subset of the properties)

    • Clicking or tapping Properties

      • For a single page
      • For multiple pages (only a subset of the properties are available for editing en masse)
  • From the page editor:

    • Using Page Information (then Open Properties)

From the Sites Console - Single Page from-the-sites-console-single-page

Clicking or tapping Properties to define the page properties:

  1. Using the Sites console, navigate to the location of the page for which you want to view and edit properties.

  2. Select the Properties option for the required page using either:

  3. Either view or edit the properties as required.

  4. Then use Save to save your updates followed by Close to return to the console.

When Editing a Page when-editing-a-page

When editing a page you can use Page Information to define the page properties:

  1. Open the page for which you want to edit properties.

  2. Select the Page Information icon to open the selection menu:

  3. Select Open Properties and a dialog box opens that lets you edit the properties, sorted by the appropriate tab. The following buttons are also available at the right of the toolbar:

    • Cancel
    • Save & Close
  4. Use the Save & Close button to save the changes.

From the Sites Console - Multiple Pages from-the-sites-console-multiple-pages

From the Sites console you can select several pages then use View Properties to view and/or edit the page properties. This is referred to as bulk editing of page properties.

You can select multiple pages for bulk editing by various methods, including:

  • When browsing the Sites console
  • After using Search to locate a set of pages

After selecting the pages and then clicking or tapping the Properties option, the bulk properties are shown:

Bulk editing page properties

You can only bulk edit pages that:

  • Share the same resource type
  • Are not part of a livecopy
    • If any of the pages are in a live copy, then a message is shown when the properties are opened.

Once you have entered Bulk Editing you can:

  • View

    • A list of the pages impacted

      • You can select/deselect if necessary
      • Tabs
        • As when viewing properties for a single page, the properties are ordered under tabs.
    • A subset of properties

      • Properties that are available on all selected pages and have been explicitly defined as available to bulk editing are visible.
      • If you reduce the page selection to one page, then all properties are visible.
    • Common properties with a common value

      • Only properties with a common value are shown in View mode.
      • When the field is multi-value (for example, Tags), values will only be shown when all are common. If only some are common, they will only be shown when editing.
      • When no properties with a common value exist, a message is displayed.
  • Edit

    • You can update the values in the fields available.

      • The new values are applied to all selected pages when you select Done.
      • When the field is multi-value (for example, Tags), you can either append a new value or remove a common value.
    • Fields that are common, but have different values across the various pages are indicated with a special value such as the text <Mixed Entries>.
