Lead to account matching in Real-Time CDP B2B

Overview overview

Account-based marketing is an increasingly important strategy for B2B marketing. Account-based marketing provides the following key benefits to acquire specific high-value customers:

  • Clear ROI
  • Sales and marketing alignment
  • A personalized approach
  • Fewer wasted resources
  • A shorter sales cycle

Account-based marketing provides the capability to link known people and anonymous web visitors to sales accounts. This allows marketing teams to engage with potential leads from the target accounts early in the customer journey to increase their chances of conversion. A known person record typically includes part or all of the following information:

  • Person name
  • Email address
  • Contact number
  • Company name
  • Company website
  • Job title
  • Location

Lead to account matching enables you to join known person profiles to account profiles. You can then segment and target data in a B2B context such as accounts, opportunities, and so on. The person profiles can be classified into the following three categories:

  • Account person profile: The person profile is already associated to at least one account profile through the relationship from a data source. This implies that there is at least one contact fragment.
Account person profiles are not matched when running lead to account matching jobs.
  • Known person profile: The person profile is NOT associated to any account profile, and at least one of the following person profile attributes has a value:

    • Email address
    • Company name
    • Company website
  • Anonymous person profile: The person profile is NOT associated to any account profile, and none of the following person profile attributes has a value:

    • Email address
    • Company name
    • Company website
A person profile may be related to multiple account profiles. However, the lead to account matching process will only match to the best match. If a broader set of matches is required, couple the lead to account matching with the related accounts feature.

How it works how-it-works

Daily-run jobs use both deterministic and probabilistic factors to match known lead profiles without existing account associations. Known lead profiles will have one of the following attributes available:

  • b2b.companyName
  • b2b.companyWebsite
  • workEmail
The b2b.personKey.sourceKey attribute must exist.

The b2b.companyName, b2b.companyWebsite and b2b.personKey.sourceKey attributes can be located in the b2b field group in the B2B person schema.

B2B person schema showing attributes

The workEmail attribute can be found as a top-level field group in the B2B person schema.

B2B person schema showing workEmail

Profiles will be best matched only if the match score is over an internal confidence threshold. The results are saved in a new system dataset of the existing account person relation XDM.

The lead to account matching service runs when a new person profile snapshot becomes available which is once every 24 hours. See the documentation for more information about the configuration of lead to account matching.

How to view lead to account matching output how-to-view

After the job run, the results are saved in a new dataset of the existing account person relation XDM.

To preview the dataset, select Preview dataset in the top right.

New dataset

The dataset includes the matched account information as well as the match score for your chosen dataset. The Relationship Source field indicates whether it came from the lead to account matching process.

Preview dataset confidence scores and output

Monitoring lead to account matching jobs monitoring-jobs

You can monitor the job status and associated metrics for any lead to account matching jobs through the dashboard.

See the documentation for more information about the monitoring jobs for lead to account matching.
