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Enforce data usage policies in Journey Optimizer channels

Learn how data usage policies are enforced in Journey Optimizer channels.

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Hi, this is Mike Maffeo, and I’m here to talk about data usage labeling enforcement available for content in the AGO channels. We’re first going to start, we’re going to look at the channel configuration for SMS. And I want to go in, I want to take a look at one that I’m going to be using. It is this channel configuration and has a marketing action of email targeting. Now I’m going to go and create a campaign. I’m going to then give it a simple quick name, SMS push notification. I’m now going to go and select the action, which is SMS. This is just one example where you can use any channel. I’ll go and apply that configuration to this and go and start the content. I start off first by giving it some simple text, but then I want to go in and use the personalization editor. I’m going to copy and paste in a helper function that looks at the personal email address in the content. That personal email address is labeled and is part of the marketing action that we used for this SMS channel. So after I go in and activate, what I’ve seen now here is an error and a warning. I see I have a policy violation detected. And what we can show here on the bottom, the schema, the data set, the merge policy, where the information is. It also gives examples of how you can go and correct that. So if I come back into the content again, at this point I can go in, I need to correct the offending error. I go back into the personalization. I’m not able to use that personal email field. So I remove it, I save it. And at this point I can try to activate it. There’s another error message, but that’s just another alert. Has nothing to do with the policy violation. So to recap, we showed an example in a campaign using the SMS channel of the data usage labeling enforcement policy occurring where it blocks the marketer from using content that they’re not allowed to use. This is applicable also inside of Journeys as well as every other channel. So not just SMS. Thank you.

Bye. Bye.



See the product documentation for more information on data governance and how to work with consent policies in Journey Optimizer.
