Bulk Program Member Extract
The Bulk Program Member Extract set of REST APIs provides a programmatic interface for retrieving large sets of program member records out of Marketo. This is the recommended interface for use cases which require continuous interchange of data between Marketo and one or more external systems, for ETL, data warehousing, and archival purposes.
The Bulk Program Member Extract APIs require that the owning API user have a role with one or both of the Read-Only Lead, or Read-Write Lead permissions.
is the primary source of truth for whether fields are available for use, and metadata about those fields. The name
attribute contains the REST API name.
GET /rest/v1/programs/members/describe.json
"requestId": "f813#1791563c7cc",
"result": [
"name": "API Program Membership",
"description": "Map for API program membership fields",
"createdAt": "2021-03-20T01:30:05Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-03-20T01:30:05Z",
"dedupeFields": [
"searchableFields": [
"fields": [
"name": "acquiredBy",
"displayName": "acquiredBy",
"dataType": "boolean",
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "attendanceLikelihood",
"displayName": "attendanceLikelihood",
"dataType": "integer",
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "createdAt",
"displayName": "createdAt",
"dataType": "datetime",
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "isExhausted",
"displayName": "isExhausted",
"dataType": "boolean",
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "leadId",
"displayName": "leadId",
"dataType": "integer",
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "membershipDate",
"displayName": "membershipDate",
"dataType": "datetime",
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "nurtureCadence",
"displayName": "nurtureCadence",
"dataType": "string",
"length": 4,
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "program",
"displayName": "program",
"dataType": "string",
"length": 255,
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "programId",
"displayName": "programId",
"dataType": "integer",
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "reachedSuccess",
"displayName": "reachedSuccess",
"dataType": "boolean",
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "reachedSuccessDate",
"displayName": "reachedSuccessDate",
"dataType": "datetime",
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "registrationLikelihood",
"displayName": "registrationLikelihood",
"dataType": "integer",
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "statusName",
"displayName": "statusName",
"dataType": "string",
"length": 255,
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "statusReason",
"displayName": "statusReason",
"dataType": "string",
"length": 255,
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "trackName",
"displayName": "trackName",
"dataType": "string",
"length": 255,
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "updatedAt",
"displayName": "updatedAt",
"dataType": "datetime",
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "waitlistPriority",
"displayName": "waitlistPriority",
"dataType": "integer",
"updateable": false,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "myCustomField",
"displayName": "myCustomField",
"dataType": "string",
"length": 255,
"updateable": true,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "registrationCode",
"displayName": "registrationCode",
"dataType": "string",
"length": 100,
"updateable": true,
"crmManaged": false
"name": "webinarUrl",
"displayName": "webinarUrl",
"dataType": "string",
"length": 2000,
"updateable": true,
"crmManaged": false
"success": true
Program Members support various filter options. Multiple filter types can be specified for a job, in which case they are ANDed together. You must specify either the programId
or the programIds
filter. All other filters are optional. The updatedAt
filter requires additional infrastructure components which have not yet been rolled out to all subscriptions.
Filter type is unavailable for some subscriptions. If unavailable for your subscription, you receive an error when calling the Create Export Program Member Job endpoint (“1035, Unsupported filter type for target subscription”). Customers may contact Marketo Support to have this functionality enabled in their subscription.
The Create Export Program Member Job endpoint provides several formatting options. These options give the user the ability to:
- Specify the fields to include within the exported file
- Rename column headers of these fields
- Specify the format of the exported file
MemberCustom ProgramMember
. Specify a field using it’s REST API name which can be retrieved using Describe Lead2 and/or Describe Program Member endpoints.Creating a Job
The parameters for the job are defined before kicking off the export using the endpoint. We must define the filter
containing the program id, and the fields
that are needed for export. Optionally we can define the format
of the file, and the columnHeaderNames
POST /bulk/v1/program/members/export/create.json
"format": "CSV",
"fields": [
"filter": {
"requestId": "4d44#16f92734f6e",
"result": [
"exportId": "b5ca52a9-5ecb-4966-b5a9-11659a8b4c2b",
"format": "CSV",
"status": "Created",
"createdAt": "2020-01-11T02:33:48Z"
"success": true
This returns a status response indicating that the job has been created. The job has been defined and created, but it hasn’t yet been kicked off. To do so, the endpoint must be called using the exportId
from the creation status response:
POST /bulk/v1/program/members/export/{exportId}/enqueue.json
"requestId": "d70b#16f9273ae32",
"result": [
"exportId": "b5ca52a9-5ecb-4966-b5a9-11659a8b4c2b",
"format": "CSV",
"status": "Queued",
"createdAt": "2020-01-11T02:33:48Z",
"queuedAt": "2020-01-11T02:34:13Z"
"success": true
This will respond with an initial status
of “Queued” after which it will be set to “Processing” when there is an available export slot.
Polling Job Status
Note: Status can only be retrieved for jobs which were created by the same API user.
Since this is an asynchronous endpoint, after creating the job we must poll its status to determine its progress. Poll using the endpoint. The status is only updated once every 60 seconds, so a polling frequency lower than this is not advised, and in nearly all cases is still excessive. The status field may respond with any one of: Created, Queued, Processing, Canceled, Completed, Failed.
GET /bulk/v1/program/members/export/{exportId}/status.json
"requestId": "9a40#16f9274d250",
"result": [
"exportId": "b5ca52a9-5ecb-4966-b5a9-11659a8b4c2b",
"format": "CSV",
"status": "Processing",
"createdAt": "2020-01-11T02:33:48Z",
"queuedAt": "2020-01-11T02:34:13Z",
"startedAt": "2020-01-11T02:35:19Z"
"success": true
The status endpoint responds indicating that the job is still processing, so the file is not yet available for retrieval. Once the job status
changes to “Completed” it is available for download.
"requestId": "11ad1#16f9ff6da23",
"result": [
"exportId": "1118dc83-273b-4d44-becb-4d212fece550",
"format": "CSV",
"status": "Completed",
"createdAt": "2020-01-11T02:33:48Z",
"queuedAt": "2020-01-11T02:34:13Z",
"startedAt": "2020-01-11T02:35:19Z"
"finishedAt": "2020-01-11T02:36:12Z",
"numberOfRecords": 13,
"fileSize": 1752,
"fileChecksum": "sha256:b3c8e70e6e501cf1025e345a66b409d4fd07364c7da773cfa68a2b68ce1a7212"
"success": true
Retrieving Your Data
To retrieve the file of a completed program member export, simply call the endpoint with your exportId
The response contains a file formatted in the way that the job was configured. The endpoint responds with the contents of the file. If a requested program member field is empty (contains no data), then null
is placed in the corresponding field in the export file.
GET /bulk/v1/program/members/export/{exportId}/file.json
firstName,lastName,email,Member Date,Program,Status,Lead Id,Success,leadCustomField01,leadCustomField02,pMCustomField01,pMCustomField02
Meera,Reed,mree@housestark.com,2020-01-08T18:10:26Z,PMCF Program,On List,1789,false,Lead01_Value,Lead02_Value,PM01_Value,PM02_Value
Jon,Umber,jumb@housestark.com,2020-01-08T18:10:26Z,PMCF Program,On List,1790,false,Lead01_Value,Lead02_Value,PM01_Value,PM02_Value
Lyanna,Mormont,lmor@housestark.com,2020-01-08T18:10:26Z,PMCF Program,On List,1791,false,Lead01_Value,Lead02_Value,PM01_Value,PM02_Value
Rickon,Stark,rsta@housestark.com,2020-01-08T18:10:26Z,PMCF Program,On List,1792,false,Lead01_Value,Lead02_Value,PM01_Value,PM02_Value
Hodor,null,hodor@housestark.com,2020-01-08T18:10:26Z,PMCF Program,On List,1793,false,Lead01_Value,Lead02_Value,PM01_Value,PM02_Value
Osha,null,osha@housestark.com,2020-01-08T18:10:26Z,PMCF Program,On List,1794,false,Lead01_Value,Lead02_Value,PM01_Value,PM02_Value
Jojen,Reed,Jree@housestark.com,2020-01-08T18:10:26Z,PMCF Program,On List,1795,false,Lead01_Value,Lead02_Value,PM01_Value,PM02_Value
Rickard,Karstark,rkar@housestark.com,2020-01-08T18:10:26Z,PMCF Program,On List,1796,false,Lead01_Value,Lead02_Value,PM01_Value,PM02_Value
Maester,Luwin,mluw@housestark.com,2020-01-08T18:10:26Z,PMCF Program,On List,1797,false,Lead01_Value,Lead02_Value,PM01_Value,PM02_Value
Rodrik,Cassel,rcas@housestark.com,2020-01-08T18:10:26Z,PMCF Program,On List,1798,false,Lead01_Value,Lead02_Value,PM01_Value,PM02_Value
Jory,Cassel,jcas@housestark.com,2020-01-08T18:10:26Z,PMCF Program,On List,1799,false,Lead01_Value,Lead02_Value,PM01_Value,PM02_Value
Septa,Mordane,smor@housestark.com,2020-01-08T18:10:26Z,PMCF Program,On List,1800,false,Lead01_Value,Lead02_Value,PM01_Value,PM02_Value
To support partial and resumption-friendly retrieval of extracted data, the file endpoint optionally supports the HTTP header Range of the type bytes. If the header is not set, the whole of the contents will be returned. You can read more about using the Range header with Marketo Bulk Extract.
Canceling a Job
If a job was configured incorrectly, or becomes unnecessary, it can be easily canceled using the endpoint:
POST /bulk/v1/program/members/export/{exportId}/cancel.json
"requestId": "bb4f#16f86727f89",
"result": [
"exportId": "f0d3520c-3a60-4568-9e71-2e619d3805a4",
"format": "CSV",
"status": "Cancelled",
"createdAt": "2020-01-07T21:47:35Z"
"success": true
This responds with a status
indicating that the job has been canceled.