How to build a lead / person scoring program

Watch how to build a lead / person scoring operational program, use tokens in the campaign, and import pre-built campaigns.

Now that you know how lead scoring works let’s set up a lead scoring program in Marketo. In this exercise, we’ll create a scoring model using Operational Smart Campaigns and a Lead Lifecycle Campaign that takes a specific action when a person score reaches a specific threshold. In our example, we will show you how to create a basic lead score operational program using behavioral and demographic Smart Campaigns. Create a lead score operational Campaign using tokens. Using tokens to populate your demographic and behavioral scores. Import prebuilt Campaigns. Instead of creating Campaigns from scratch you can download prebuilt programs that can be tailored to your company’s marketing needs.
Okay. Let’s get started and create a basic lead score operational program. First, navigate to the marketing activities tab.
We need to have a folder created before we can create a program. We’ve created a folder titled My Operational to organize our lead scoring content. Let’s right click the My Operational folder and select New Program. The Campaign folder field automatically pulls in the My Operational folder since we just right clicked it to create this program. We’ll name this Scoring. The program type is Default. The channel is Operational. And for description let’s say demographic and behavioral lead scoring program. Then click the create button. Now we’ll create two new folders for behavioral and demographic Campaigns. So right click the scoring program and select new folder. Let’s call the first one Behavioral Scoring. Then create another folder by right clicking the scoring folder, select New Folder, and call this one Demographic Scoring. Now we’re going to create the first behavioral Campaign. Right click the behavioral scoring folder and select New Smart Campaign. The program field will default to scoring. We’ll name this View Pricing Pages. The description is, add 10 points whenever someone visits one of the pricing pages. Then click the create button.
Now we’ll make sure this Smart Campaign is in the right folder. So we’ll drag it to the behavioral scoring folder.
Across the top we have Smart List, Flow, Schedule and Results. Let’s define the who. We’ll start with the Smart List first and define who will take this action on. Click the Smart List tab at the top. Type member into the search field. Locate the member of Smart List filter and drag it over to Canvas. Leave Person as in. Then select Lifecycle Status from the dropdown. Next we’ll type into the search field visits. Locate the visits page, trigger and drag that over to the Canvas.
We’ll leave Webpage is and then select LP pricing list from the dropdown. Now we’ve defined our who. Anyone who visits our pricing page who is in Lifecycle Status. Next we define the what. So if someone meets the criteria set in the Smart List then we want to add 10 points to their score. So click the flow tab, type change in the search field, and drag over the change score filter to the Canvas. We’ll leave the score name filled as is and in change field we’ll type in +10 because we want to add 10 points to their score every time they visit the pricing page.
Now we’ll define the win. So we’ll click the schedule tab.
By default this is set up so people in our Smart Campaign only get points one time when they visit the pricing page. We want to adjust this so they get points every time they visit. Because the more they visit the pricing page the more interest they are showing in buying.
We’ll click the edit button, and in the edit qualification rules window select every time then click save. The last thing to do in this setup process is to activate the Smart Campaign. Now, whenever someone that meets the Smart List criteria clicks the pricing page they will have 10 points added to their score.
Now that we have a behavioral Smart Campaign in place let’s add a demographic one. Right click the demographic scoring folder and select New Smart Campaign. We’ll name this one industry. For a description we’ll say add 10 points to score if in healthcare, manufacturing or technology. Then click create.
We’ll make sure this Smart Campaign is in the correct folder. So we’ll drag it into the demographic scoring folder. Next we’ll click the Smart List tab. Type in member in the search field, locate the member of Smart List filter and drag it over to our Canvas. We’ll leave person is in and select Lifecycle status from the dropdown. Back in the search field we’ll type industry, then drag the industry filter over. We want to select multiple values here. So select the green circle with the plus sign. We’ll type in the values, healthcare, manufacturing, and technology into the selected values field, then click okay. Now we’ve defined our who, anyone in healthcare manufacturing or technology who is in Lifecycle status.
To define the what, select the flow tab and in the search field type change. Locate the change score filter and drag it over to the Canvas. We’ll leave score name as is, and in the change field we’ll type +10 to add 10 points.
Now to the win. Since this is a Demographic Batch Campaign, we only want the people on our Smart List to run through this flow one time. So we need to set up how often this filter will run. So let’s click the schedule recurrence tab. In the scheduled recurrence window we’ll set the schedule to weekly. Schedule the first run date and time and choose a day of the week for it to repeat. We’ll choose Monday, select an end date or select no end date and click save. So now every Monday, this Smart Campaign will run and find everyone with healthcare, manufacturing or technology associated with their record and add 10 points to their score. When it runs the following Monday, it will only add 10 points to new contacts in these industries. Since we only want the contact to run through this process once. To completely build out this scoring program you would create a separate Smart Campaign for each demographic or behavior attribute identified in your model.
Now let’s create a lead score Operational Campaign using tokens. Tokens are useful because they help us manage all of our scores from one location. So if we want to change a value for one score we can change it once and it’ll update everywhere it’s used.
We’re going to create two tokens, so we’ll click the scoring program. Then click the My Tokens tab. Now we’ll drag over the score token option.
In the name field enter visits pricing page. In the value field enter +10, then click save. Now we’ll create the industry token. Drag over the score token option again and here we’ll enter industry in the token name field, and +10 in the value field. When we are finished, we’ll click the save button.
Earlier we covered manually creating change score values in our behavioral and demographic Smart Campaigns. But now we want to replace the +10 point value with the tokens we just created.
We’re going to show an example, starting by cloning the Smart Campaign we created earlier. So click to expand the contents in the scoring program then click to expand the contents in the behavioral scoring folder. Right click the views pricing page Smart Campaign then click Clone. In the Clone Smart Campaign window set the clone to field to programs, the program to scoring. And for this example we’ll name this Token Views Pricing Page. The description field is optional. So we’ll skip it and click the clone button. We’ll go ahead and drag the new clone Smart Campaign into the behavioral scoring folder.
For the Smart List tab everything stays the same. So no change is needed. Now in the flow tab we’ll remove the value we previously entered in the change field and enter the token we just created.
Now the value added to the lead score is the token value which you can easily change. As a final step in our example we would deactivate the non-tokenized Smart Campaigns so that both are not running.
Now let’s take a tour of some best practice Campaigns. Instead of creating Campaigns from scratch, you can download prebuilt programs that can be tailored to your company’s marketing needs. We’ll begin by importing the program library. Start on the Marketing Activities page click the new dropdown and select Import Program. Step one is going to be to select the program to import. In the subscription field choose Marketo Program Library. In the import program field select the Operational Lifecycle Basic or OP-Lifecycle Basic program and click next.
Now we are going to choose the import settings. For our example, we’ll choose the Operational Programs folder. Keep the used default conflict rules checked and click next. In step three we’ll click import. We’ll repeat these same steps to import the program OP-Scoring Behavior and OP-Scoring Demographic. Let’s take a look at the Campaigns we just imported. You’ll see Campaigns that can be modified for your own specific marketing purposes. For instance, we can see how a lead score is used in a Lead Lifecycle Program and how a group of Campaigns can manage the sync of people to a CRM, then send an alert to the sales team when a lead has become marketing qualified.
Note the behavioral and demographic Smart Campaigns add points to both a lead’s overall score and their behavior or demographic score. This gives you insight into what goes into any person’s lead score. Using imported programs are a great way to use Marketo’s best practices in organization, naming, and managing the content in your Marketo instance. -