Update Person Data update-person-data

Mission: Update a person’s contact info or other data mission-update-a-persons-contact-info-or-other-data

Let’s imagine that at your recent tradeshow, a person gave you some additional contact info. Here’s how to update person data.

Find the Person You Need to Update find-the-person-you-need-to-update

  1. Go to your Database.

  2. Search the person’s name or email address.

    note tip
    Using the email address to search will result in faster search.

  3. Double-click to open the person detail.

    note tip
    There are lots of ways to update person data in Marketo. See Import a List of People and Change Data Value.

Update the Person Data update-the-person-data

  1. Type in the new info you received and then close the tab.

  • Make sure email addresses contain ASCII characters only.

  • Marketo does not support email addresses that contain emojis.

Once you change the data, Smart Lists and Smart Campaigns will recognize the new information immediately.

Mission Complete mission-complete

Nice job! You’ve updated your person data.

â—„ Mission 8: Alert the Sales Rep

Mission 10: Redirect a Landing Page â–º
