Step 4 of 4: Connect the Marketo Solution with Resource Owner Password Control Connection step-4-of-4-connect-the-marketo-solution-ropc

This is the last step of the sync. You’re almost there!

Admin Permissions Required
If you’re upgrading from Basic Authentication to OAuth, you can use this article to reconfigure your authentication.

Enter Dynamics Sync User information enter-dynamics-sync-user-information

  1. Log in to Marketo and click Admin.

  2. Click CRM.

  3. Select Microsoft.

  4. Click Edit in Enter Credentials.

    note caution
    Please make sure your org URL is correct as we are unable to revert the subsequent schema changes after submission. If an incorrect Org URL is used, you’ll have to obtain a new Marketo subscription. If you don’t know the URL, learn how to find it here.
    note note
    Before you enter new credentials, you can validate them here.
  5. Enter the Username, Password, Microsoft Dynamics URL, Client ID, and Client Secret. Click Save when done.

    note note
    The Username in Marketo must match the User Name for the sync user in CRM. The format can be user@domain.com or DOMAIN\user.

Select Fields to Sync select-fields-to-sync

  1. Click Edit in Select Fields to Sync.

  2. Select the fields that you want to sync to Marketo, so they will be pre-selected. Click Save.

Marketo stores a reference to the fields to sync. If you delete a field in Dynamics, we recommended doing so with the sync disabled. Then refresh the schema in Marketo by editing and saving the Select Fields to Sync.

Sync Fields for a Custom Filter sync-fields-for-a-custom-filter

If you’ve created a custom filter, be sure to go in and select the new fields to be synced with Marketo.

  1. Go to Admin and select Microsoft Dynamics.

  2. Click Edit on Field Sync Details.

  3. Scroll down to the field and check it. The actual name must be new_synctomkto but the Display Name can be anything. Click Save.

Enable Sync enable-sync

  1. Click Edit in Enable Sync.

    note caution
    Marketo will not automatically de-dupe against a Microsoft Dynamics sync, or when you manually enter people or leads.
  2. Read everything in the pop-up, enter your email address, and click Start Sync.

  3. The first sync may take a few hours. Once it’s done, you’ll receive an email notification.

Excellent work!
