
Salesforce Sync Status salesforce-sync-status

Use the Sync Status Dashboard to view sync stats as part of the sync steps and its success status.

The Sync steps reflect operations of push or pull by each object type for object schema and data itself. Stats cover new records, updates, deletes, and failed counts during sync. Users can filter by date, operation type or object type. Sync Status Dashboard shows status of sync cycles for the past five days.

Admin Permissions Required

View Sync Status view-sync-status

  1. Click Admin.

  2. Under Integration, click Salesforce, then the Sync Status tab.

By default, stats will be sorted by most recently started. You can sort by Started At or Ended At (from most recent to oldest) by clicking the sort icon.

Filter Sync Status filter-sync-status

  1. To filter the data, click the filter icon to the far right of the page.

  2. Select your date and time range, then click the drop-down(s) to filter by Object Type, Operation Type, and/or Status Type.

  3. Click Apply.

OPTIONAL STEP: To export sync errors, click Export. The data will be exported as a CSV.

Sync Status Fields sync-status-fields

Enum Values
Started At
The sync cycle start date/time (User's timezone)
Ended At
The sync cycle end date/time (User's timezone)
Object type
Contact, Person, Task, Opportunity, Lead, Others as below
Operation Type
Operation types as below
Status of the batch
Succeeded, Failed, Incomplete, In Process, Cleaned up*
Count of new records
Count of updated records
Count of deleted records
Failed Item
Number of records whose sync failed
Count of records skipped because there were no changes to fields of interest for the Sync

*Data reverted to previous state of integrity after sync step failure.

Object Type object-type

Account Type
Custom Objects
Campaign Member Status
Email Template
Person (Lead)
Opportunity Contact Role

Operation Type operation-type

Operation Type
Found against these Objects
Operation type
Init link with Program
Linking Campaigns to Programs
Pull conversions
Person (Lead)*
Pull convert actions from SFDC to Marketo. Units(numbers) are Leads converting to Contacts
Update, Failed Item or Skipped
Pull deletes
Contact, Person (Lead), Opportunity, Campaign, Campaign Members, Opportunity Contact, Custom Objects, Campaigns, Campaign Member Status, Opportunity Contact Role
Deleted records of SFDC being synced to Marketo
Deleted, Failed Item or Skipped
Pull updates
Task, Person (Lead), Person (Lead) Queue, Contact, Event, Opportunity, Account, Account Type, Campaign Members, Custom Objects, Campaigns, Campaign Member Status, Events, Person Status, Opportunity, Opportunity Contact Role
Updates or New records in SFDC synced to Marketo, Pull Events as Activities
New, Updated, Failed Item or Skipped
Push new
Tasks, Email Templates
Push Tasks (activities)
Push updates
Tasks, Email Templates, Person, Contact, Campaigns
Pushing updates to SFDC and also deletes
Update, Failed Item or Skipped
Sync schema
Campaign Members, Custom Objects, Campaigns, Campaign Member Status, Tasks, Person, Opportunity, Opportunity Contact Role, Users
Syncs Metadata for different objects, to decide what new fields to sync in the next cycle
Sync with program
Syncs Marketo program with SFDC Campaigns
New, Updates, Failed or Skipped
Update activities
Pull Activities from Salesforce
Update FKS
Update foreign key of all objects

*Branding configuration at the subscription level decides the label - “Lead” or “Person” in the report.
