
Configure Event Settings and Sync Marketo with Your Webinar configure-event-settings-and-sync-marketo-with-your-webinar

Follow these steps to configure the Marketo event settings and connect Marketo and ON24.

Set the Event set-the-event

  1. Choose the event you wish to associate to an ON24 webinar, then click the Event Actions drop-down and select Event Settings.

  2. Select ON24 as the Event Partner.

  3. Select the Login account (for example, the display name).

  4. Enter the Event Id (get this from ON24). Click Save.

    note note
    During peak times it can take 15 to 20 minutes for ON24 to make the Event information available to Marketo. If you receive an “Invalid Session Id” message, please try again a bit later.

Set the Schedule set-the-schedule

When you set up an event that is associated with an ON24 Webinar, the event schedule populates with data from ON24. To access the Event Schedule dialog box, follow these steps.

  1. Select the event. Click the Event Actions drop-down and select Schedule.

  2. Choose your Start Date, End Date, and Time Zone. Click Save.

    note note
    If you update any event information in ON24, you must click Refresh from Webinar Provider in the Event Actions menu to see the new data populate.

Now you can move on to the next step: creating child campaigns and local assets.
