System Tokens Glossary system-tokens-glossary

In addition to person tokens, you can use some really cool system tokens. Here they are.

Your account time zone settings affect when date and time tokens run.

system.date system-date

The {{system.date}} token will render current date at runtime like so: Aug 08, 2013

Works in:

system.time system-time

The {{system.time}} token will render the current time at runtime like so: 04:34 PM (GMT -0700)

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system.dateTime system-datetime

The {{system.dateTime}} token will render the current date and time at runtime like so: 2013-08-08 16:36:13

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The {{system.forwardToFriendLink}} token allows you to control the placement of the ‘Forward to a Friend Link’ in Emails.

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The {{system.unsubscribeLink}} token allows you to control the placement of the unsubscribe link in an email.

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The {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}} token allows you to control the placement of the View as Web Page link in an email.

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