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Automated Personalization Summary reports

Specialized summary reports are available to users of Automated Personalization activities in ۶Ƶ Target.

Automated Personalization is available as part of the Target Premium solution. It is not included with Target Standard without a Target Premium license.
  1. Click Activities, click the desired Automated Personalization activity from the list, then click the Reports tab.

    If you have many activities, click the Filter ( Filter icon ) icon to filter the list by selecting options from the Type, Status, Reporting Source, Experience Composer, Metrics Type, and Activity Source drop-down lists.

  2. (Optional) Click the Download ( Download icon ) icon to download the summary view (for example, comparing Control and Targeted traffic) as broken down by all available success metrics.

Automated Personalization provides the following reports:

  • Activity Level
  • Offer Level
  • Automated Segments
  • Important Attributes

Activity Level report section_6F72FC5C790B4492B3DCECBFFA971337

The Activity Level report compares the aggregate performance of using an Automated Personalization algorithm to randomly served content (control).

The standard rules of results interpretation for A/B testing still apply, including lift, confidence, trending, duration, and so on. For more information about interpreting results, see Statistical calculations in A/Bn tests.

Offer Level report section_CAA6409879E349C6906E2BE8156D87A1

The Offer Level report for the Random Forest experience compares the performance of each algorithm-applied offer to the same randomly served offer (Control). Thus, offers should not be compared against each other in this view.

Click the experience algorithm (Random Forest or control) to view the Offer Level report.

A clock icon indicates that the algorithm model is still building. A check mark icon indicates that the base algorithm has been established.

Offers can be shown within reporting groups, and these reporting groups can be collapsed and expanded. Click Control or Targeted in the table to view rolled-up information by reporting groups, rather than by offers.

Automated Segments

Click the Automated Segments icon. This report shows how different visitors respond differently to the offers/experiences in your AP/AT activity. This report shows how different automated segments defined by Target’s personalization models responded to the offers/experiences in the activity.

For more information, see Automated Segments report.

Important Attributes

Click the Important Attributes icon. This report shows how, in different activities, different attributes are more (or less) important to how the model decides to personalize. This report shows the top attributes that influenced the model and their relative importance.

For more information, see Important Attributes report.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there differences in data between the Activity Level and Offer Level reports?

Activity Level report: Visits recorded on the Activity Level report capture the number of visits to the control experience(s) vs. “targeted” traffic. Targeted traffic includes a mix of exploration traffic and personalized traffic.

Offer Level report: Impressions recorded on the Offer Level report capture the number of impressions for each offer. Therefore, in an activity with more than one location, the total number of visits recorded in the Offer Level report across all Reporting Groups is equal to the multiple of the number of visits recorded for Control or Targeted traffic in the Activity Level report times the total number of locations in the activity. Impressions of default content occurring in locations where default content was an available option are recorded in the “Default Content” offer group. Impressions of offers that were unassigned to a reporting group are recorded in the “Ungrouped” offer group.

The number of impressions recorded on the Offer Level report might not be an exact integer multiple of the number of visits recorded in the Activity Level report. This is due to minor discrepancies that occur in the capture of reporting data traffic over the internet (typical discrepancy rate is below 5%). Thus, the number of impression will not be an exact multiple when the number of locations available in the activity changed after the activity was activated.