Customize project headers with layout templates

Learn how to add and remove fields from project headers through layout templates.

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In this video, we’re going to show you how to remove and add fields to the project header through a layout template. On every project page, there is a header that provides high-level details about the project. Typically, it will show information on how much of the project has been completed, who owns or manages it, when the project is planned to be done, what condition the project is currently in, and what the status of the project is. These fields are meant to provide quick insight for anyone looking at the project page without having to go too deep. However, these fields may not work or provide useful information for everyone. For example, the Condition field. The Condition field lets the team know if the project is heading towards an on-time delivery, is at risk of missing the deadline, or is altogether late and won’t meet the project deadline. It uses various date fields to automatically calculate the condition of the project. However, how the field is calculated and why it shows a specific condition can cause confusion not only to your team, but to managers and leadership. So instead of leaving it in the project header and telling your team to just ignore it, you can remove it and replace it with more useful information for your team and or organization. Because project headers are customized through layout templates by work front administrators, it’s recommended that administrators and project managers talk to one another about what’s needed before making any adjustments. This way, you can avoid missing information and hiccups in workflows. When having those conversations, it’s important to keep in mind that the max number of fields that can appear in a project header is 5. You can have less, but no more. In addition, those fields are non-editable from the header and cannot include custom fields created by you. With that in mind, project managers can be more strategic about the information they want in the header and add what is useful to them. The first thing to do is remove any fields not needed for the project header. That’ll make it easier to see current project header fields. To remove them, go to the setup area, go to interface, and select layout templates. From here, you can either create a new layout template or use an existing layout template that is assigned to the appropriate individuals. From the layout template page, make sure that project is selected under customize what users see. Then go to the header field section. This will show the fields currently in the project header. Remove any of the fields, hover your mouse over the field name, and click the X to the top right. This will remove the field and indicate that it will be deleted from the project header once the layout template is saved. If needed, you can remove all the fields from the project header and start from scratch. If there are already five fields selected, you will not be able to add any more. However, if there is room for additional fields, the add field search box appears. When you’re ready to add new fields to the project header, you can either click in the add field search box to see a field list where you can scroll through and click on the field you’d like to add, or start typing the name of the field. Once the field appears, click on it. This will add the field to the header field section to indicate that it will be added to the project header once the layout template is saved. Once the field or fields you need are selected and show in the header section, you can rearrange them in any order that works for you. Being able to remove and add fields to your project header allows those involved in project work to see important information and know what’s going on with that project.