Convert an issue/request to a project

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • Initiate the conversion from request to project
  • Select the appropriate project template
  • Complete the conversion from request to project

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to convert an issue or request to a project. First, find the issue for this demo. This is the issue we want to convert. Click to select the issue. Then click the three dot menu at the top of the list and select one of the convert to project options. You can convert it to a blank project if you want, but the most common and the best practice is to convert it using a template. At this point you’ve already reviewed the request and have an idea of what template to select. Clicking on Convert the project to template gives you a list of all the templates that have been shared with you. You can click on any template to get a little more information about it. Event template shows us the top level tasks and these custom forms. This doesn’t look like the right template for creating a brochure. Direct mail Print brochure Has a title that fits better. And you can see that it has a custom form named print request form. This is a template will choose now that you’ve selected it. Click on Use template The project name and the description will be copied from the issue by default, but you can edit them here if you want. Most of the project fields are preset in the template to make your job easier and promote consistency for reporting. Here are the custom forms we saw in the template preview. as we scroll down to the print request form. see that many of the fields are already populated since the issue had this same custom form, Any of the fields filled out in the issue custom form now appear in the project custom form. This is because the print request form was created as a project and issue custom for. As you can see here and setup. And it was attached to the issue. Next we come to the conversion options. there are two options here. Keep the original issue and tie resolution to this project is checked, which means the original issue or request will not be deleted. Both this project and the issue will exist at the same time. But even though the issue still exists, you can’t market as resolved because the project is working to resolve the issue. When the project is marked as complete, the issue status will automatically change to resolved. If the original issue wasn’t checked, the issue would be deleted as soon as we click on convert to project. If allow Roy Campbell to have access to this project, we’re checked. The person who made this request. Roy Campbell in this case would have access to the project and could easily keep track of how it’s going. when you’re done with the project settings, click on convert to project If you go back and look at the open request, you can see that the new project is visible in the converted to column. The converted to column shows if an issue has been converted to either a task or a project. To find out which one, you can just click on the task or project name and see where it takes you. Or you can hover over the name and look closely at the URL that appears at the lower part of the screen. In this URL, you can see the word project. This issue was converted to a project in this URL? You can see the word task. Since this issue was converted to a task.