View project information

In this video, you will learn how to use Filters, Views and Groupings to view:

  • Project level information
  • Task level information
  • Issue level information

In this video, you’ll see some common filters, views and groupings that come with work front to help you quickly get information about projects, task and issues. Be aware that you can customize filters, views and groupings as well as create your own links to tutorials where you can learn to do this. Are provided in the text after this video. We’ll start with project filters. In this project list, we can see all the projects that we have right to at least view. There are 143 of them. Filtering the list will make it easier to deal with. Maybe I only want to see projects I own. I’ll click on filters. I have two saved filters, but I can open up the system. Defaults to show more. Here I find projects I own and projects I’m on. Projects I’m on will show me all the projects where I have an assignment, whether it be on a task or an issue or as a project manager. Projects I own shows only those projects where I am. The Project Manager. These are pretty common filters and they are duplicated up here for convenience. But I’ll choose projects I own from the list. That brings the number down to 123 projects. With stack filters turned on, I can add additional filters. Let’s add current. Now it’s 102 projects. Let’s add the filter for behind schedule. Now I’m showing three projects. There are many other filters to choose from, but what do they all mean? We can try them out or we can peek inside to get a clue about them. Let’s see if we can find out the difference between at risk and behind schedule. if we go to the at risk filter and click on duplicate, we’ll be taken to an edit window. Here we can see that this is filtering on the condition field. The condition field has two possibilities. It can either be set manually by the project manager or it can be automatically set to whatever is in the progress status field. The project manager can choose which option they want on a project by project basis. Now we’ll click on Cancel to go back to the filter list. We really didn’t want to duplicate this filter. Just look at it. Looks again behind schedule. Now. Click duplicate and we can see that this is filtering on the progress status field directly. Which one is the best for you? That depends on which one you’re using in practice. But now you know which field is being used in which filter. Click clear all. If you want to remove all filters and click the x. If you want to close the filters window. Now we look at project views in the standard view. We can see that planned start date and the planned completion date for each project in the list. What if we want to know the actual start and completion dates as well as the projected dates? We can switch to the all dates view for that. Here we can see the planned start date as compared to the projected start date. The planned start date is the date the project was planned to start. The projected start date is when work from calculated. The project could start. It was recalculated each day that the project didn’t actually start and the actual start date is when the project really did start. The projected completion date is when work front calculates the project will be completed at the rate it is currently going. If that date is later than the planned completion date, it shows up in red and the actual completion date is recorded. When the project was actually completed. Let’s look at the Real Story view next. Would you like to see the project condition along with the summary of how the project is progressing? Some organizations ask their project managers to submit an update at the project level each week with a summary. If you choose to do this, the summary can be seen in the real Story view in the condition update column. Let’s go back to the standard view. We can sort by any column by clicking on the column header. We’ll sort ascending on the planned completion date to see the oldest date at the top. Notice when I hover over here, it says planned completion date. That’s the same as do on. Now let’s look at project groupings. Groupings will put your project into groups based on certain fields. For example, we can group on progress status. All the projects with a progress status of on time or showing in the first group. We can click here to expand or collapse all groups and we can go down to whatever group we want and click on the group to see the projects in it. note that the sorting by date that we did now applies within each grouping. Another popular grouping is completion date by month. This is a great way to see projects nearing completion. Now let’s look at task filters. We’ll go to our summer catalog project. There are currently no filters going. You can see all unassigned tasks with this filter and assign tasks. In my role. Is good for people looking for tasks they might be able to help out with. We’ll clear all filters. The parent task structure is only visible when there are no task filters and the tasks are sorted. Ascending by task number. If you accidentally click on a column header, it will sort by it, but you can click on the header of the task number column to get it back in sequential order. Standard is the default task view, but it doesn’t show status. We’ll select the status view for that. Status shows the status column and also has a flags column. hover over the flags icons to see what they referred to. This flag is for the progress status of the task. This is for notes or comments. This is for documents. This is for open issues. This is for if there’s approval required or not. This is for a critical path. And this will tell you the milestone, if there is one on this task. If an icon is grayed out, it doesn’t apply to this task. If they aren’t grayed out, they do apply. And you can click on to go there just like notes. Now let’s go to task groupings. Many of the task groupings are similar to the project groupings, except they apply to other tasks like progress, status. If you click on the issues tab, you’ll find similar filters, views and groupings. The number in the Tabs area shows how many open issues there are on the project. We can filter on open issues if we don’t want to see any resolved issues in the list. Popular view is entry information. This will show how long it’s been since the issue was submitted for issue groupings. A popular one is primary contact. The primary contact is the person who submitted the issue.