Create tasks

In this video, you will learn:

  • The long way to create a task in a Workfront project
  • A few handy shortcuts for creating tasks

Create Tasks. In this video you will learn the long way to create a task in a work front project, and a few handy shortcuts for creating tasks. There’s a lot to know about using tasks in your project. This tutorial is just about creating tasks. There are several other tutorials that will get into the finer details about using tasks. I’ll start with a simple project where I already added some tasks. Now let’s add some more. The long way to create a task. The long way to add tasks is with the new task button. It’s not really that long, but it can be if you need it to be. So for right now we’ll add a name. That’s a required field. Description is optional but a good idea. Other things like the duration. Most of the time when you’re first building out a project, you don’t know all those things. If you do, go ahead and put them in. But there’s plenty of time to do that later. If you want to get into the additional options, you can click on more options here. And now we’ve got some basic information. The status is new to start with by default. There are no more required fields, just the task name. So all these others are optional and can be added as you need them. There’s a lot of tutorials, like I said, that will get into more details about other fields here. But we’ll just scroll past them so you’ll see how long this is. And then we can click on create task when we’re ready to create it. We successfully created the task and it adds it to the bottom of the list. And from here we can move it up to another place if we want to. Just click and drag and we can move it up and if we hesitate a little bit, then you see how that task four became highlighted. If I let go now, what I was telling Workfront is that I want this to be a subtask of task four. If I didn’t want it to be a subtask of task four and I just was dwelling there a little longer than I realized and suddenly it became a subtask. Then I can easily make it not a subtask by clicking Outdent. Now I’ve brought it back to the same level as the other tasks. What I really wanted to do was put it up at the top, so I’m going to do that again. And there we go. We can reposition any tasks that way. Okay, now for some handy shortcuts. There’s an add more tasks button here at the bottom. I can click that and the easy thing about this is it brings me right to the task name, which is the required field, and I can type in the task name. Now if I just hit enter here, I’m brought to a place where I can add another task. If I want to tab over, I can make my assignment right here. I can add any other things that I might want to. I can click down on this area to save it. So using inline edit is great help to quickly put in tasks. The fields that are available here, the task name, assignments, these are all of course only a few of the fields that we saw in the new task button. So there’s a bunch of different views that show different fields depending on kind of what you want to put in here or what you want to see in your view and also what you want to have available to you when you’re adding new tasks. Suppose I wanted to add a description field when I was adding new tasks. I would choose a different view here that has a description field in it. Additional information. And then as I’m adding tasks, or even after I’ve added the task, I can quickly go in here and put in a description. Now when I add tasks with the add more task button, you notice that they all go at the bottom here. So again, I can click and drag them up to another place if I want to. Now if I want to put a task in a certain position to start with, I can always go to the place I want to put it in. Let’s say I want to put a new task between task five and task six. I can right click here. It selects that when I do. And then I can choose insert task below. Now I’ve got that other task. Can hit enter to save it. And it’ll keep adding more tasks until I decide that I’m done. So that’s the basics of creating tasks.