Third Quarter 2024 Financial management enhancements

This page describes all financial management enhancements made with the Third Quarter 2024 release to the Preview environment. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment with the Third Quarter 2024 release.

For a list of all changes available at this point in the Third Quarter 2024 release cycle, see Third Quarter 2024 release overview.

Billable and non-billable expenses fields available for projects and tasks

Preview release: May 10, 2024; Production for all customers: May 10, 2024

To help you more easily view expense types, expenses have been separated into billable and non-billable expenses on projects and tasks. The following fields are available for you to add to views and reports:

  • Planned Billable Expense Cost
  • Planned Non-Billable Expense Cost
  • Actual Non-Billable Expense Cost
  • Actual Non-Billable Expense Cost

The Baseline, Template, and Project (Financial Data) reports also include the new fields. These fields are not available on the project and task details pages.

Billable expenses are marked as billable to the customer. Non-billable expenses are not marked as billable.

For more information about marking an expense as billable, see Manage project expenses.
