
5 minute

The Annotations component is one of the simplest, yet in the long-term, one of the most time-saving functionalities offered in ۶Ƶ Analysis Workspace. Unlike any other functionality within Workspace, it serves as a narrative historical memory for you and your fellow Workspace users.

Simply put, Annotations are short description texts that can be added to date trended data within ۶Ƶ Workspace. Annotations offers context to everyone who uses Analysis Workspace in understanding your company’s data history, helps more quickly analyze performance and gives all your reports a highly customized feel.

Use Cases

There are multiple situations where Annotations are particularly handy:


Creating and editing Annotations is intuitive and almost self-explanatory. Either right-click on a data point within a date trended visualization or freeform table and choose “Annotate selection” to create an annotation or use the main navigation to “Components > Annotations” to create and edit annotations.

For all the details of how Annotations work, be sure to see the video tutorial on Experience League.

Tips & Tricks to Get You Started

Finally, here are some useful tips to get you started using annotations right away. Using these suggestions will help make your annotations effective, clear and informative for all users.

For detailed documentation, please visit Annotations overview and surrounding articles.