Command-line Configuration

After you install Payment Services, you can easily configure it from within the home or via the Command-line Interface (CLI).

Configure data export

Payment Services combines order data exported from Magento Open Source and ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce with aggregated payment data from payment providers to create useful reports. The Payment Services extension uses indexers to efficiently collect all necessary data for the reports.

To learn about the data used in Payment Services reporting, See Order payment status report.

Configure cron on Magento Open Source

If you want to use a BY SCHEDULE index mode on Magento Open Source, you must configure cron. See Configure and run cron.

Set indexers

Order data is exported and persisted in the Payment Service, using one of two index modes—ON SAVE (default) or BY SCHEDULE (recommended).

The following indexes are for Payment Services:

Sales Order Feed
Builds index of order data
Sales Order Statuses Feed
Builds index of sales order statuses data
Stores Feed
Builds index of store data

To change the index mode for all three indexers, run:

bin/magento indexer:set-mode schedule sales_order_data_exporter sales_order_status_data_exporter store_data_exporter
If you don’t specify any indexers in your command, all indexers are updated to the same value. If you want to change a specific indexer, you must list it in your command.

To learn more about manually changing the mode of an indexer, see Configure indexers in the developer documentation. To learn how to change it in the Admin, see Index management in the core user guide.

Manually reindex data

You can manually reindex data, instead of waiting for it to happen automatically. See Reindex in Manage the Indexers for more information.

When BY SCHEDULE mode is set, the system tracks changed entities and the cron job updates the index for them based on a set schedule. See Run cron from the command line in Configure and run cron) to learn how to manually trigger indexation using cron jobs.

Send reindexed data to payment service

After the data is indexed, it will be sent automatically to Payment Services. You can also manually trigger the process of sending indexed data with this command:

bin/magento saas:resync --feed [feedName]

Use the following command options:

bin/magento saas:resync --feed [feedName]
Performs a reindexation of the specified feed and sends it to the corresponding service
bin/magento saas:resync --no-reindex
Skips indexation and sends unsynced data from the indexes

The --feed parameter allows you to specify which feed you want to send:

Orders feed in Production mode
Orders feed in Sandbox mode
Order statuses in Production mode
Order statuses in Sandbox mode
Stores in Production mode
Stores in Sandbox mode

All data needed for the reports is sent to Payment Services automatically if cron is configured and installed. You can also manually trigger the process of sending cron data to Payment Services.

bin/magento cron:run --group payment_services_data_export

To learn more about reindexing and indexers, see the Manage the indexers topic in the developer documentation.

Configure scope via CLI

Payment Services allows merchants to use multiple PayPal accounts. Now, you can change scopes for these accounts via CLI.

To set the scope to the website level, run:

bin/magento config:set payment/payment_services/mba_scoping_level website

To set the scope to the store level, use:

bin/magento config:set payment/payment_services/mba_scoping_level store
If you want to change scope to store level, contact your Payment Services sales representative.

Once changing scope, flush cache to show changes:

bin/magento cache:clean:payment_services_merchant_scopes

Configure L2/L3 processing

Payment Services can process level 2 and level 3 data from card payment transactions to provide additional information for merchants.

Integration with Level 2 and Level 3 processing with PayPal is available for US merchants only. See in the PayPal Developer documentation for more information.

If you want to use L2/L3 processing data for Payment Services, or if you have any questions, please reach out to your Payment Services account manager.

To learn about L2 and L3 processing used in Payment Services, see Level 2 and level 3 processing.
