Order Payment Status Report

Payment Services for ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Commerce and Magento Open Source offers you comprehensive reporting so that you can get a clear view of your store’s transactions, orders, and payments.

There are two available Order payment status reporting views to enable you to quickly view the payment status of your orders:

  • Order payment status visualization view—Chart available on the Payment Services Home that is a visual representation of aggregated payment statuses per day from the Order payment status report view
  • Order payment status report view—Report available in Order payment status that shows detailed payment, invoiced, shipped, refund, and dispute statues for all transactions

The Order payment status views help you easily understand where a specific order is within the order to cash process flow. These reports allow you to quickly view orders—based on their payment status and payment date—and identify any potential issues.

You can download Order payment statuses in a .csv file format for use in existing accounting or order management software.

You cannot view financial reports if you have not onboarded and activated Live mode for Payment Services.

Order payment status data visualization view

The Order payment status data visualization view is available in the Payment Services Home. It is a visual representation of the aggregated payment statuses per day from the detailed tabular Order payment status report view.

On the Admin sidebar, go to Sales > Payment Services > Orders to see the data visualization chart of payment statuses.

Payout data visualization in the Admin {width="800" modal="regular"}

Click View Report to navigate to the detailed tabular Order payment status report view.

Customize statuses timeframe

By default, 30 days of payment statuses are shown.

From the Order payment status visualization view, you can customize the timeframe for the payment statuses you want to view by selecting a date range:

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Sales > Payment Services. The Order payment status data visualization view is visible in the Orders section.
  2. Click the Range selector filter.
  3. Choose the applicable date range—30 days, 15 days, or 7 days.
  4. View the statuses info for your specified dates.

Statuses information

The payment statuses for a selected date range are shown on the left of the Order payment status data visualization view. The dates for the selected date range are shown on the bottom of the view. If there were no orders on a particular date, that date does not appear.

The Order payment status data visualization view includes the following information.

Amount range for orders in specified time frame; data on the Y axis (left)
Date range
Date range for the specified time frame; data on the X axis (bottom)
Order authorized
Capture requested
Capture requested for order
Capture confirmed
Order capture completed
Partial capture
Order partially captured
Capture failed
Order capture failed
Order voided

Order payment status report view

The Order payment status report view is available in the Home view of Payment Services. It includes detailed statuses—payment, invoiced, shipped, refund, dispute, and more—for all transactions.

On the Admin sidebar, go to Sales > Payment Services > Orders > View Report to see the detailed tabular Order payment status report view.

Order payment status transactions in the Admin {width="800" modal="regular"}

You can configure this view, per the sections in this topic, to best present the data you desire to see.

You can download payout transactions in a .csv file format for use in existing accounting or order management software.

The data shown in this table is sorted in descending order (DESC) by default using the TRANS DATE. The TRANS DATE is the date and time when the transaction was initiated.

Payment status updates

Certain payment methods require a period of time to capture the payment. Payment Services now detects the pending statuses of a payment transaction in an order by:

  • Synchronously detecting pending capture transactions
  • Asynchronously monitoring pending capture transactions
Detecting the pending statuses of payment transactions in an order prevents accidentally shipping orders if the payment has not yet been received. This can occur for e-check and PayPal transactions.

Synchronous detection of Pending capture transactions

Automatically detect capture transactions in a Pending status and prevent orders from entering a Processing status when such a transaction is detected.

During customer checkout or when an admin creates an invoice for a previously authorized payment, Payment Services automatically detects capture transactions in a Pending status and shifts corresponding orders into Payment Review status.

Asynchronous monitoring of Pending capture transactions

Detect when a pending capture transaction enters a Completed status so merchants can resume processing the affected order.

To make sure this process works as expected, merchants must configure a new cron job. Once the job is configured to run automatically, no other interventions are expected from the merchant.

See Configure cron jobs. Once configured, the new job runs every 30 minutes to fetch updates for orders that are in a Payment Review status.

Merchants can check the updated payment status via the Order payment status report view.

Data used in the report

Payment Services uses order data, and combines it with aggregated payment data from other sources (including PayPal), to provide meaningful and highly useful reports.

Order data is exported and persisted in the payment service. When you change or add order statuses or edit a store view, store, or website name, that data is combined with payment data and the Order payment status report is populated with the combined info.

There are two steps in this process:

  1. The index is changed data either ON SAVE (every time order info or store info is changed) or BY SCHEDULE (on a pre-configured cron schedule), depending on how it is configured in Index Management in the Admin.

    By default, data indexation occurs ON SAVE, which means that whenever something changes in the order, the order status, the store view, the store, or the website, the reindexation process happens immediately.

  2. The indexed data is sent to the payment service, which then populates into the Order payment status report.

The only data that is exported and collated for reporting purposes is data used by the Order payment status report.

The data shown in this table is sorted in descending order (DESC) by default using the ORDER DATE. The ORDER DATE is the date timestamp when the order was created.

Configure data export

Even though, by default, reindexing happens in ON SAVE mode, it is recommended that you index in BY SCHEDULE mode. The BY SCHEDULE index runs on a cron schedule of one minute, and any changed data appears in your Order status report within two minutes of any data change. This scheduled reindexing helps you reduce any strain on your store, especially if you have a large volume of incoming orders, because it happens on a schedule (not as each order is placed).

You can change the index mode—ON SAVE or BY SCHEDULE—in the Admin.

To learn how to configure the data export, see Command-line configuration.

Select data source

In the Order payment status report view, you can select the data source—Live _ or Sandbox—for which you want to see report results.

Data sources selection {width="300" modal="regular"}

If Live is the selected data source, you can see report information for your stores that use Payment Services in production mode. If Sandbox is the selected data source, you can see report information for sandbox mode.

Data source selections work as follows:

  • If you do not have any stores that use Payment Services in Live mode, the data source selection defaults to Sandbox.
  • If you have any stores (one or multiple) that use Payment Services in Live mode, the data source selection defaults to Live.
  • Report exports always honor the data source selection.

To select the data source for your Order Payment Status report:

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Sales > Payment Services > Orders > View Report.

  2. Click the Data source selector filter and select Live or Sandbox.

    The report results regenerate based on the data source selected.

Customize Order dates timeframe

From the Order payment status report view, you can customize the timeframe of the status results you want to view by selecting specific dates. By default, 30 days of order payment statuses are shown in the grid.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Sales > Payment Services > Orders > View Report.
  2. Click the Order dates calendar selector filter.
  3. Choose the applicable date range.
  4. View the order payment statuses for your specified dates in the grid.

Filter report info

From the Order payment status report view, you can filter the statuses results you want to view by selecting filter criteria.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Sales > Payment Services > Orders > View Report.
  2. Click the Filter selector.
  3. Toggle the Pay Status options to see report results for only selected order payment statuses.
  4. View report results within an order amount range by entering a Min Order Amount or Max Order Amount.
  5. Click Hide filters to hide the filter.

Show and hide columns

The Order Payment Status report shows all available columns of information by default. You can, however, customize which columns you see in your report.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Sales > Payment Services > Orders > View Report.

  2. Click the Column settings icon ( column settings icon {width="20" modal="regular"}).

  3. To customize which columns you see in the report, check or uncheck columns in the list.

    The Order payment status report immediately shows any changes that you made in the Column settings menu. The column preferences are saved and remain in effect if you navigate away from the report view.

View statuses

The Order payment status report view shows comprehensive pay status information for each order.

By default, 30 days of order payment statuses are shown in the grid.

Scroll to the left and right to view order payment status information, including order date, authorized date, invoiced, shipped, pay status, and more.

The number of rows returned in a search, or shown in the default 30 days of order payment statuses, are shown above the Order payment status view grid alongside the Order dates calendar selector filter.

Pay status

The Pay status column shows the current status for any payment. A Capture failed payment shows a red alert status and a Voided payment shows a gray alert status.

Refund status

The Refund status column shows the current status for any refund. A Capture failed payment shows a red alert status and a Voided payment shows a gray alert status.

Update report data

The Order payment status report view shows a Last updated timestamp that shows the last time that the report information was updated. By default, Order payment status report data is auto-refreshed every three hours.

You can also manually force a refresh of the Order payment status report data to see the most up-to-date report information.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Sales > Payment Services > Orders > View Report.

  2. Click the Refresh icon ( refresh icon {width="20" modal="regular"}).

    The Order payment status report data is refreshed, an Update complete confirmation appears, and the latest information is present in the grid.

View disputes

You can view any disputes on your store’s orders, and navigate to the PayPal Resolution Center to take action on them, from within the Order payment status report.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Sales > Payment Services > Orders > View Report.

  2. Navigate to the Disputes column.

  3. View any disputes for a specific order and see the dispute status.

  4. Review dispute details from the by clicking the dispute ID link that begins with PP-D-.

  5. Take appropriate action for the dispute, as needed.

    To sort order disputes by status, click the Disputes column header.

Download order payment statuses

You can download a .csv file with all statuses visible in the Order payment status view grid, whether you are viewing the default 30 days of statuses or a customized timeframe.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Sales > Payment Services > Orders > View Report.

  2. If you want to see statuses for a timeframe other than the last 30 days, customize the date range timeframe for your statuses.

  3. Click the Download (

    download icon {width="20" modal="regular"}

    ) icon.

Your order payment statuses are downloaded in a .csv format.

Column descriptions

Order payment status reports include the following information.

Order ID
Commerce order ID

To see related order info, click the ID.
Order Date
Order date timestamp
Authorized Date
Date timestamp of payment authorization
Order Status
Current Commerce order status
Invoice status of order—No, Partial, or Yes
Shipping status of order—No, Partial, or Yes
Order Amt
Grand total amount of the order
Currency type of order
Pay Status
Status of payment for a specific order
Paid Amt
Amount paid on an order
Currency type of the amount paid on an order
Refund Status
Status of a refund on an order (such as information from returns, RMAs, and credit memos)— Requires refund, Refund requested, Refunded, Refund failed, or Voided
Refund Amount
Total of refunded amount for an order
Currency type of the amount refunded for an order
Status of any dispute on an order (information from disputes and chargebacks)—Open, Waiting for buyer response, Waiting for seller response, Under review, Resolved, or Other
Payment Method
Payment method used in the Commerce transaction for an order
Website from which the order was placed
Store from which the order was placed
Store View
Store view from which the order was placed