
Managing Users and User Groups managing-users-and-user-groups

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our . Find the supported versions here.

Overview overview

In AEM Communities, in the publish environment, users can self-register and edit their profiles. Given the appropriate permissions, they may also

Users registered in the publish environment are generally referred to as community members (members) to distinguish them from *users *in the author environment.

Permissions are granted by assigning members to one of the member (user) groups dynamically created when the community site is created or modified from the author environment. When working from the author environment, members are visible from the publish environment by means of the tunnel service.

By design, members and member groups created in the publish environment should not appear in the author environment. Users and user groups created in the author environment are similarly intended to remain in the author environment.

When users on author and members on publish come from the same list of users, such as synchronized from the same LDAP directory, they are not considered the same user with the same permissions and group membership in both the author and publish environments. The role(s) of members and users must be established separately on publish and author, as appropriate.

For a publish farm, registration and modifications made on one publish instance need to be synchronized with other publish instances in order for them to have access to the same user data. For details see User Synchronization, which includes a section describing What Happens When….

Contribution Limits contribution-limits

In order to protect against spam, it is possible to limit members’ frequency of posting content. Further, it is possible to automatically limit the contributions of newly registered members.

For details, see Member Contribution Limits.

Dynamically Created User Groups dynamically-created-user-groups

When a new community site is created, new user groups are dynamically created with uniquie ids (uid) and permissions appropriate for various administrative functions necessary to manage the community site either in the author environment (see Author Group Roles) or the publish environment (see Publish Group Roles).

The names of the groups are generated from the name given the site during community site creation. The unique ids avoid naming conflicts for similarly named community sites and community groups on the same server.

For example, if the site name were “engage” for a site titled “We.Retail Engage”, then one of the user groups created would be:

  • Community Engage Members

Author Environment author-environment

Tunnel Service tunnel-service

When using the author environment to create sites, modify site properties and manage community members and member groups, it is necessary to access users and user groups registered in the publish environment.

The tunnel service provides this access using the replication agent on author.

The Communities Members and Groups consoles are for the sole purpose of managing users (members) and user groups (member groups) registered only in the publish environment.

To manage users and user groups registered in the author environment, use the Security console

Author Group Roles author-group-roles

If Member of Group…
Primary Role
The administrators group consists of system administrators who have all the abilities of a Community Administrator as well as the ability to manage the Community Administrators group.
Community Administrators
The Community Administrators group automatically becomes a member of all community sites and any community groups created on the site. An initial member of the Community Administrators group is the administrators group. In the author environment, Community Administrators are able to create community sites, manage sites, manage members (they can ban members from the community), and moderate content.
Community <site name> Sitecontentmanager
The Community Site Content Manager is able to perform traditional AEM authoring, content creation, and modifying pages for a community site.
Community Enablement Managers
The Community Enablement Managers group consists of users who are available for assignment to manage a community site’s Enablement Managers group.
Community <site name > Siteenablementmanagers
The Community Site Enablement Managers group consists of users who have been assigned to manage a community site’s enablement resources.
An anonymous site visitor may not access the author environment.

System Administrators system-administrators

Members of the administrators group are system administrators who are able to perform the initial setup of an AEM installation for both the author and publish environments.

For demonstration and development purposes, the administrators group has a member whose userid is admin and password is admin.

For production environments, the default administrators group should be modified.

Be sure to follow the Security Checklist.

Publish Environment publish-environment

Becoming a Member becoming-a-member

In the publish environment, depending on the settings of the community site, a site visitor may become a community member

  • When the community site is private (closed):

    • By invitation
    • By actions of an administrator
  • When the community site is public (open):

    • By self-registration
    • By social login with Facebook and Twitter
If a site visitor registers as a member of one open community site, they automatically become a member of other open community sites on the same publish environment.

Publish Group Roles publish-group-roles

If Member of Group…
Primary Role
Community <site name> Members
A community site member is a registered user. They may login, modify their profile, join an open community group, post content to the community, send messages to other members, and follow site activities.
Community <site name> Moderators
A community site moderator is a trusted community member who is able to moderate UGC either in bulk, using the moderation console, or in-context, on the page where the content is posted.
Community <site name> <group name> Members
A community group member is a community member who has either joined an open community group or has been invited to a closed community group. They have the abilities of a member for that community group within the site.
Community <site name> Groupadministrators
A community site group administrator is a trusted community member who is assigned to create and manage sub-communities (groups) within a community site. Included is the ability to provide in-context moderation.
Privileged Members Security Group
A manually created and maintained user group for the purpose of restricting content creation. See Privileged Members Group.
An anonymous site visitor, who discovers the site, may view and search community sites that allow anonymous access. In order to participate and post content, the user must self-register (if allowed) and become a community member.

Assigning Members to Publish Group Roles assigning-members-to-publish-group-roles

When creating a community site in the author environment, or when modifying site properties, members may be assigned various roles performed in the publish environment, such as moderators, group administrators, resource contacts, or privileged members.

Enabling the tunnel service results in assignment choices being presented from members on publish instead of users on author.

The selected members will be automatically assigned to the appropriate group and their memberships will be included when the community site is (re)published.

Privileged Members Group privileged-members-group

The purpose of a privileged members security group is to restrict the creation of content for certain community functions to a privileged subset of a community site’s members.

The privileged members group is a member group created and managed using the Communities Groups console.

After a privileged members group is created, and with the tunnel service enabled, an existing community site’s structure may be modified to edit the configuration of its community functions to ‘Allow Privileged Members’ and add the created group.

The community functions which allow specification of one or more privileged members groups are:

When a community function is not secured (no privileged members group assigned), then all community site members are allowed to create feature content (articles, events, topics, questions).

Adding a user to a privileged members group for a community site will only grant them create privileges if they are also a member of that same community site.

Creating Community Members creating-community-members

Repository Location repository-location

In order for certain features to work properly, it is required to create users and user groups with the appropriate privileges.

When members are created in /home/users/community, they inherit the proper ACLs that give read privileges to members’ profiles.

Similarly, custom community user groups (such as privileged members groups) should be created in /home/groups/community.

Using the Communities Members and Groups consoles will create users and groups in these paths.

To specify a custom path requires use of the classic security UI, which is accessible at .

To give read privileges for custom member paths, on all publish instances set ACLs similar to /home/users/community:

  rep:privileges="{Name}[jcr:read]" >
    rep:glob="*/profile*" />

To give the proper privileges for custom member group paths, such as /home/groups/mycompany, on all publish instances set ACLs similar to /home/groups/community:

  rep:privileges="{Name}[jcr:read]"  />

Consoles consoles

There are four separate consoles available only in the author environment:

Tools, Security, Users
Tools, Security, Groups
Communities, Members
Communities, Groups
users on author
user groups on author
members on publish
member groups on publish
admin permission
admin permission
admin permission, tunnel service, user sync for publish farm
admin permission, tunnel service, user sync for publish farm

Community Enablement Manager Role community-enablement-manager-role

The ability for a site visitor to self register is typically not allowed for an enablement community as there are costs associated with each member. Enablement learners and resources are managed by a user assigned the role of enablement manager during site creation on author (added as member of group Community <site-name> Siteenablementmanagers). The enablement manager is also responsible for assigning learning resources to community members on author.

Only users who are members of the global Community Enablement Managers group may be selected as an enablement manager for a specific community site.

To create a user who may be assigned the role of Community Site Enablement Manager, use the classic UI security console in order to specify the path:

On an author instance:

  1. Signed in with administrator privileges, browse to the classic UI security console.
    For example,

  2. From the Edit menu, select Create User.

  3. Fill in the Create User dialog.

    • Path must be /home/users/community
  4. Select Create


  • In the left pane, search for the newly created user and select to display in the right pane.


In the left pane:

  1. Clear the search box and select Hide Users
  2. Locate and drag community-enablementmanagers to the Groups tab of the new user displayed in the right pane


Community Administrators Role community-administrators-role

As stated in the Author Group Roles chart, members of the Community Administrators group are able to create community sites, manage sites, manage members (they can ban members from the community), and moderate content.

Follow the same steps as creating and assigning a user to the role of enablement manager, but add c ommunity-administrators group under the user’s Groups tab.

LDAP Integration ldap-integration

AEM supports the use of LDAP for authentication of users as well as creation of user accounts. This is detailed in Configuring LDAP with AEM 6.

Following are some configuration details specific for community members and member groups.

  1. Configure LDAP for each AEM publish instance

  2. The LDAP Identity Provider

    • No special instructions
  3. The Synchronization Handler

    • Set the following properties:

      • User auto membership: community-<site name>-<uid>-members
      • User Path Prefix: /community
      • Group Path Prefix: /community
  4. The External Login Module

    • no special instructions

This results in users automatically being assigned to the community site’s members group and the repository location being /home/users/community and /home/groups/community, so that they inherit the appropriate permissions to see one another’s profile.

  • The User auto membership value should be the rep:authorizableId property, not the givenName (display name) from the profile.

Synchronizing Users Among AEM Instances synchronizing-users-among-aem-instances

When using a publish farm, ensure users have the same path on each publish instance by importing the users first to one instance and enabling user sync to Sling distribute the users to the other publish instances.

If importing user groups, to ensure the user groups have the same path on each publish instance, import to one instance, then create a package for export, and install that package on all other publish instances.

While the syncing of user groups through user sync will be included in a future release, presently only the *membership *of a user group will sync when user sync runs.

About Community Groups about-community-groups

When discussing groups, there are two distinct topics:

  • Community groups
    Community groups are the sub-communities which may be created in the publish environment for a community site which supports creation of community groups. Creation of a community group results in more pages added to the website and are managed in a manner similar to their parent community site. For more information visit Community Group Essentials for developers and Community Group for authors.

  • Member groups
    Member groups are the groups to which members may belong and are managed through the Groups console. Much of the discussion on this page has been devoted to member groups. The member groups automatically created for a community site, which are prefixed with Community, may be referred to as a community group, therefore the context of the discussion must be considered.
