Using Screens Content Provider using-screens-content-provider

Introduction introduction

Screens Content Provider, allows the content author to create and manage channels. The content authors can add new content, edit the content without worrying about the details of creating displays or player registration. The Content Provider provides an abstraction from the underlying details of developing content, displays, or player registration.

Objective objective

The following section describes how to create channels in Screens Content Provider, once you have setup Screens Services Provider.

Using Screens Content Provider screens-content-provider

Before you start reading this section, see Setting up Screens Services Provider to learn how to navigate to this user interface from Screens Services Provider.

Follow the steps below to log on to Screens Content Provider:

  1. Navigate to Home page.

  2. Select Experience Manager.
    Landing page for Quick Access to areas of Experience Manager.

  3. Click Launch from the Cloud Manager card. Once you have successfully logged in to Cloud Manager, you are ready to use the User Interface (UI).
    Four areas of Cloud Manager -- Brand Portal, Cloud Manager, Cloud Acceleration Manager, and Software Distribution -- each showing their own Launch buttion.

  4. Select the program for Screens as a Cloud Service and click the icon, as shown below to open the Cloud Manager’s Overview page for that specific program.

    Icon for Cloud Manager's Overview page is shown on the far left of a toolbar.

    note note
    If you have not created any program, see First Time Login to Screens as a Cloud Service. The topic guides you through adding a program for Screens as a Cloud Service, in Cloud Manager.
  5. Select the link from the Environments card so you can access the Screens Content Provider.

    Link highlighted from the Environments card that lets you access the Screens Content Provider.

    After you have logged into Screens Content Provider, Navigate to Screens> Content Provider.Now you are ready to create your content for content playback.

    Use Screens Content Provider to create and manage the following:

    • Projects
    • Channels
    • Locations

What’s Next whats-next

Now that you have learned how to navigate to Screens Content Provider, continue your Screens as a Cloud Service journey by reviewing the document, Creating and Managing a Project in Screens as a Cloud Service.
