
Set up local Dispatcher Tools set-up-local-dispatcher-tools

۶Ƶ Experience Manager (AEM)'s Dispatcher is an Apache HTTP Web server module that provides a security and performance layer between the CDN and AEM Publish tier. Dispatcher is an integral part of the overall Experience Manager architecture and should be part of local development setup.

The AEM as a Cloud Service SDK includes the recommended Dispatcher Tools version that facilitates configuring validating, and simulating Dispatcher locally. Dispatcher Tools is composed of:

  • a baseline set of Apache HTTP Web server and Dispatcher configuration files, located at .../dispatcher-sdk-x.x.x/src
  • a configuration validator CLI tool, located at .../dispatcher-sdk-x.x.x/bin/validate
  • a configuration generation CLI tool, located at .../dispatcher-sdk-x.x.x/bin/validator
  • a configuration deployment CLI tool, located at .../dispatcher-sdk-x.x.x/bin/docker_run
  • an immutable configuration files overwriting CLI tool, located at .../dispatcher-sdk-x.x.x/bin/update_maven
  • a Docker image that runs Apache HTTP Web server with the Dispatcher module

Note that ~ is used as shorthand for the User’s Directory. In Windows, this is the equivalent of %HOMEPATH%.

The videos in this page were recorded on macOS. Windows users can follow along, but use the equivalent Dispatcher Tools Windows commands, provided with each video.


  1. Windows users must use Windows 10 Professional (or a version that supports Docker)
  2. Install Experience Manager Publish Quickstart Jar on the local development machine.
  • Optionally, install the latest on the local AEM Publish service. This web site is used in this tutorial to visualize a working Dispatcher.
  1. Install and start the latest version of (Docker Desktop / Docker Engine v19.03.9+) on the local development machine.

Download the Dispatcher Tools (as part of the AEM SDK)

The AEM as a Cloud Service SDK, or AEM SDK, contains the Dispatcher Tools used to run Apache HTTP Web server with the Dispatcher module locally for development, and the compatible QuickStart Jar.

If the AEM as a Cloud Service SDK has already been downloaded to setup the local AEM runtime, it does not need to be redownloaded.

  1. Log in to with your ۶Ƶ ID
    • Your ۶Ƶ Organization must be provisioned for AEM as a Cloud Service to download the AEM as a Cloud Service SDK
  2. Click on the latest AEM SDK result row to download

Extract the Dispatcher Tools from the AEM SDK zip

Windows users cannot have any spaces or special characters in the path to the folder containing the Local Dispatcher Tools. If spaces exist in the path, the docker_run.cmd fails.

The version of Dispatcher Tools is different from that of the AEM SDK. Ensure that the version of Dispatcher Tools is provided via the AEM SDK version matching the AEM as a Cloud Service version.

  1. Unzip the downloaded aem-sdk-xxx.zip file
  2. Unpack the Dispatcher Tools into ~/aem-sdk/dispatcher
code language-shell
$ chmod a+x aem-sdk-dispatcher-tools-x.x.x-unix.sh
$ ./aem-sdk-dispatcher-tools-x.x.x-unix.sh
Unzip aem-sdk-dispatcher-tools-x.x.x-windows.zip into C:\Users\<My User>\aem-sdk\dispatcher (creating missing folders as needed).
code language-shell
$ chmod a+x aem-sdk-dispatcher-tools-x.x.x-unix.sh
$ ./aem-sdk-dispatcher-tools-x.x.x-unix.sh

All commands issued below assume that the current working directory contains the expanding Dispatcher Tools contents.

video poster

The Dispatcher SDK, which is part of the larger Experience Manager SDK, lets AEM developers easily include AEM Dispatcher in their development flow, allowing them to immediately understand the effects of Dispatcher caching and security rules and adjust their code and configurations accordingly. The Dispatcher SDK download is comprised of two files: a shell script used for the installation on macOS and Linux and the zip file used for the installation on all OSs. To install the SDK on macOS or Linux ensure the shell script is executable and run it in the same directory as the zip file. On Windows simply unzipped the zip file.

This video uses macOS for illustrative purposes. The equivalent Windows/Linux commands can be used to achieve similar results.

Understand the Dispatcher configuration files

Experience Manager projects created from the are pre-populated this set of Dispatcher configuration files, thus there is no need to copy over from the Dispatcher Tools src folder.

The Dispatcher Tools provides a set of Apache HTTP Web server and Dispatcher configuration files that define behavior for all environments, including local development.

These files are intended to be copied into an Experience Manager Maven project to the dispatcher/src folder, if they do not exist in the Experience Manager Maven project.

A complete description of the configuration files is available in the unpacked Dispatcher Tools as dispatcher-sdk-x.x.x/docs/Config.html.

Validate configurations

Optionally, the Dispatcher and Apache Web server configurations (via httpd -t) can be validated using the validate script (not to be confused with the validator executable). The validate script provides a convenient way of running the three phases of the validator.

code language-shell
$ ./bin/validate.sh ./src
code language-shell
$ bin\validate src
code language-shell
$ ./bin/validate.sh ./src

Run Dispatcher locally

AEM Dispatcher is run locally using Docker against the src Dispatcher and Apache Web server configuration files.

code language-shell
$ ./bin/docker_run_hot_reload.sh <src-folder> <aem-publish-host>:<aem-publish-port> <dispatcher-port>

The docker_run_hot_reload executable is preferred over docker_run as it reloads configuration files as they are changed, without having to manually terminate and restart docker_run. Alternatively, docker_run can be used however it requires manually terminating and restarting docker_run when configuration files are changed.

code language-shell
$ bin\docker_run <src-folder> <aem-publish-host>:<aem-publish-port> <dispatcher-port>
code language-shell
$ ./bin/docker_run_hot_reload.sh <src-folder> <aem-publish-host>:<aem-publish-port> <dispatcher-port>

The docker_run_hot_reload executable is preferred over docker_run as it reloads configuration files as they are changed, without having to manually terminate and restart docker_run. Alternatively, docker_run can be used however it requires manually terminating and restarting docker_run when configuration files are changed.

The <aem-publish-host> can be set to host.docker.internal, a special DNS name Docker provides in the container that resolves to the host machine’s IP. If the host.docker.internal does not resolve, please see the troubleshooting section below.

For example to start the Dispatcher Docker container using the default configuration files provided by the Dispatcher Tools:

Start Dispatcher Docker container providing the path to the Dispatcher configuration src folder:

code language-shell
$ ./bin/docker_run_hot_reload.sh ./src host.docker.internal:4503 8080
code language-shell
$ bin\docker_run src host.docker.internal:4503 8080
code language-shell
$ ./bin/docker_run_hot_reload.sh ./src host.docker.internal:4503 8080

The AEM as a Cloud Service SDK 's Publish Service, running locally on port 4503 is available through Dispatcher at http://localhost:8080.

To run Dispatcher Tools against an Experience Manager project’s Dispatcher configuration, point to your project’s dispatcher/src folder.

code language-shell
$ ./bin/docker_run_hot_reload.sh ~/code/my-project/dispatcher/src host.docker.internal:4503 8080
code language-shell
$ bin\docker_run <User Directory>/code/my-project/dispatcher/src host.docker.internal:4503 8080
code language-shell
$ ./bin/docker_run_hot_reload.sh ~/code/my-project/dispatcher/src host.docker.internal:4503 8080

Dispatcher Tools logs

Dispatcher logs are helpful during local development to understand if and why HTTP Requests are blocked. Log level can be set by prefixing the execution of docker_run with environment parameters.

Dispatcher Tools logs are emitted to the standard out when docker_run is run.

Useful parameters for debugging Dispatcher include:

  • DISP_LOG_LEVEL=Debug sets Dispatcher module logging to Debug level
    • Default value is: Warn
  • REWRITE_LOG_LEVEL=Debug sets Apache HTTP Web server rewrite module logging to Debug level
    • Default value is: Warn
  • DISP_RUN_MODE sets the “run mode” of the Dispatcher environment, loading the corresponding run modes Dispatcher configuration files.
    • Defaults to dev
  • Valid values: dev, stage, or prod

One or many parameters, can be passed to docker_run

code language-shell
$ DISP_LOG_LEVEL=Debug REWRITE_LOG_LEVEL=Debug ./bin/docker_run_hot_reload.sh ~/code/my-project/dispatcher/src host.docker.internal:4503 8080
code language-shell
$ DISP_LOG_LEVEL=Debug REWRITE_LOG_LEVEL=Debug bin\docker_run <User Directory>/code/my-project/dispatcher/src host.docker.internal:4503 8080
code language-shell
$ DISP_LOG_LEVEL=Debug REWRITE_LOG_LEVEL=Debug ./bin/docker_run_hot_reload.sh ~/code/my-project/dispatcher/src host.docker.internal:4503 8080

Log file access

Apache web server and AEM Dispatcher logs can be directly accessed in the Docker container:

When to update Dispatcher Tools dispatcher-tools-version

Dispatcher Tools versions increment less frequently than the Experience Manager, and thus Dispatcher Tools require fewer updates in the local development environment.

The recommended Dispatcher Tools version is that which is bundled with the AEM as a Cloud Service SDK that matches the Experience Manager as a Cloud Service version. The version of AEM as a Cloud Service can be found via .

  • Cloud Manager > Environments, per environment specified by the AEM Release label

Experience Manager Version

Note that Dispatcher Tools version does not match the Experience Manager version.

How to update the baseline set of Apache and Dispatcher configurations

The baseline set of Apache and Dispatcher configuration is enhanced regularly and released with the AEM as a Cloud Service SDK version. It is best practice to incorporate the baseline configuration enhancements into your AEM project and avoid local validation and Cloud Manager pipeline failures. Update them using the update_maven.sh script from the .../dispatcher-sdk-x.x.x/bin folder.

video poster

In this video, you will learn how to update the baseline setup Apache and Dispatcher configurations provided as part of the AEM SDK Dispatcher Tools Release. This is necessary when local Dispatcher validation, or Cloud Manager pipeline fails and indicates that immutable files have been changed. This failure is often because the Apache and Dispatcher configurations for your AEM project are old and outdated. But, the Dispatcher tools provided baseline configurations are enhanced for reasons like security fixes, optimization and new feature support and are released regularly as part of the AEM as a cloud service release version. To demonstrate this, I have cloned the AEM WKND Sites Project from GitHub and switched to an older branch. This mimics the scenario where the Apache and Dispatcher configurations are old and the WKND Project’s code is outdated. The last commit on this branch is a year old and compliant with Archetype 35. To fix the issue, I have downloaded the latest 2023.1 AEM SDK version and extracted the Dispatcher tools into the Dispatcher SDK version. In my case, the version of the Dispatcher SDK is 2.0.163. Let’s get started to simulate the error scenario and how to fix it using the Dispatcher SDK’s “update_maven” script. When I validate the Dispatcher configuration from the WKND Project’s older branch, I get an error. To address this error, I will use the “update_maven” script. This script updates the Immutable Configuration files in the WKND Project. In my case, 10 files have been updated. However, the name and number of files will vary depending on how old your code base is and the current version of the Dispatcher SDK. After updating the configuration files, I rerun the validation and it passes. However, it’s best practice to review, understand and incorporate the immutable file changes in your project-specific files. For example, changes from the “default.vhost” file should be incorporated into your site-specific “vhost” file. If you recall, the site-specific “vhost” file is created by copying the “default.vhost” file and making project-specific changes. Likewise, the changes from the “default.farm” should be incorporated into your site-specific published farm file. Finally, after local verification of config changes, commit them and deploy them to AEM Cloud environments using the Cloud Manager pipeline. It’s important to note that there are times when a newly created AEM project from the latest AEM Project archetype version might fail Dispatcher validations with a similar error. This happens because the AEM archetype project is yet to incorporate the baseline changes from the latest Dispatcher SDK release into the archetype template. In such cases, use the same “update_maven” script to resolve the error. Now you know how to keep your project’s Apache and Dispatcher configurations up to date with the latest release of Dispatcher SDK. Thank you.

This video uses macOS for illustrative purposes. The equivalent Windows/Linux commands can be used to achieve similar results.

Let’s assume you created an AEM project in the past using , the baseline Apache and Dispatcher configurations were current. Using these baseline configurations your project-specific configurations were created by reusing, and copying the files like *.vhost, *.conf, *.farm and *.any from the dispatcher/src/conf.d and dispatcher/src/conf.dispatcher.d folders. Your local Dispatcher validation and Cloud Manager pipelines were working fine.

Meanwhile, baseline Apache and Dispatcher configurations were enhanced for various reasons like new features, security fixes and optimization. They are released via a newer version of Dispatcher Tools as part of the AEM as a Cloud Service release.

Now, when validating your project-specific Dispatcher configurations against the latest Dispatcher Tools version they start failing. To resolve this, the baseline configurations need to be updated by using below steps:

  • Verify that validation is failing against the latest Dispatcher Tools version

    code language-shell
    $ ./bin/validate.sh ${YOUR-AEM-PROJECT}/dispatcher/src
    Phase 3: Immutability check
    empty mode param, assuming mode = 'check'
    ** error: immutable file 'conf.d/available_vhosts/default.vhost' has been changed!
  • Update the immutable files using the update_maven.sh script

    code language-shell
    $ ./bin/update_maven.sh ${YOUR-AEM-PROJECT}/dispatcher/src
    Updating dispatcher configuration at folder
    running in 'extract' mode
    running in 'extract' mode
    reading immutable file list from /etc/httpd/immutable.files.txt
    preparing 'conf.d/available_vhosts/default.vhost' immutable file extraction
    immutable files extraction COMPLETE
    Cloud manager validator 2.0.53
  • Verify the updated immutable files like dispatcher_vhost.conf, default.vhost, and default.farm and if needed make relevant changes in your custom files which are derived from these files.

  • Revalidate the configuration, it should pass

$ ./bin/validate.sh ${YOUR-AEM-PROJECT}/dispatcher/src

checking 'conf.dispatcher.d/renders/default_renders.any' immutability (if present)
checking existing 'conf.dispatcher.d/renders/default_renders.any' for changes
checking 'conf.dispatcher.d/virtualhosts/default_virtualhosts.any' immutability (if present)
checking existing 'conf.dispatcher.d/virtualhosts/default_virtualhosts.any' for changes
no immutable file has been changed - check is SUCCESSFUL
Phase 3 finished
  • After local verification of changes, commit the updated configurations files


docker_run results in ‘Waiting until host.docker.internal is available’ message troubleshooting-host-docker-internal

The host.docker.internal is a hostname provided to the Docker contain that resolves to the host. Per docs.docker.com (, ):

From Docker 18.03 onwards the recommendation is to connect to the special DNS name host.docker.internal, which resolves to the internal IP address used by the host

When bin/docker_run src host.docker.internal:4503 8080 results in the message Waiting until host.docker.internal is available, then:

  1. Ensure that the installed version of Docker is 18.03 or greater
  2. You may have a local machine set up that is preventing the registration/resolution of the host.docker.internal name. Instead use your local IP.
  • From Terminal, execute ifconfig and record the Host inet IP address, usually the en0 device.

  • Then execute docker_run using the host IP address: $ bin/docker_run_hot_reload.sh src <HOST IP>:4503 8080

  • From the Command Prompt, execute ipconfig, and record the host’s IPv4 Address of the host machine.

  • Then, execute docker_run using this IP address: $ bin\docker_run src <HOST IP>:4503 8080

  • From Terminal, execute ifconfig and record the Host inet IP address, usually the en0 device.

  • Then execute docker_run using the host IP address: $ bin/docker_run_hot_reload.sh src <HOST IP>:4503 8080

Example error

$ docker_run src host.docker.internal:4503 8080

Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/10-check-environment.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/20-create-docroots.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/30-wait-for-backend.sh
Waiting until host.docker.internal is available

Additional Resources
