Configuring and Deploying AEM Screens configuring-and-deploying-aem-screens

This page shows how to install and configure the Screens players on your devices.

Server Configuration server-configuration

AEM Screens Player does not use the Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token. Therefore, to configure the AEM server to be ready to use for AEM Screens, skip the referrer filter by allowing empty referrers.

Health Check Framework health-check-framework

The Health Check Framework lets the user check if two necessary configurations are set up before running an AEM Screens project.

It allows the user to verify the following two configuration checks to run an AEM Screens project, that is, to check the state of the following two filters:

  1. Allow Empty Referrer
  2. https

Follow the steps below to check if these two vital configurations are enabled for AEM Screens:

  1. Navigate to .


  2. Click Execute the selected health checks so you can run the validation for two properties listed above.

    If both the filters are enabled, then the Screens Configuration Health Service shows the Result as OK with both the configurations as enabled.


    If one or both the filters are disabled, then an alert is displayed for the user, as shown in the figure below.

    The following alert showcases if both the filters are disabled:


Prerequisites prerequisites

The following key points below helps to configure and AEM server to be ready to use for AEM Screens.

Allow Empty Referrer Requests allow-empty-referrer-requests

  1. Navigate to ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager Web Console Configuration by way of AEM instance > hammer icon > Operations > Web Console.


  2. ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager Web Console Configuration opens. Search for sling referrer.

    For searching the sling referrer property, press Command+F for Mac and Control+F for Windows.

  3. Check the Allow Empty option, as shown in the figure below.


  4. Click Save to enable the Apache Sling Referrer Filter Allow Empty.

Apache Felix Jetty Based HTTP Service allow-apache-felix-service

  1. Navigate to ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager Web Console Configuration by way of AEM instance > hammer icon > Operations > Web Console.


  2. ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager Web Console Configuration opens. Search for Apache Felix Jetty Based HTTP Service.

    For searching this property, press Command+F for Mac and Control+F for Windows.

  3. Check the ENABLE HTTP option, as shown in the figure below.


  4. Click Save to enable the Http service.

Enable Touch UI for AEM Screens enable-touch-ui-for-aem-screens

AEM Screens requires TOUCH UI and does not work with the Classic UI of ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager (AEM).

  1. Navigate to *<yourAuthorInstance>/system/console/configMgr/com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.AuthoringUIModeServiceImpl*
  2. Ensure that the Default authoring UI mode is set to TOUCH, as shown in the figure below

Alternatively, you can also perform the same setting using yourAuthorInstance > tools (hammer icon) > Operations > Web Console and search for WCM Authoring UI Mode Service.


You can always enable Classic UI for specific users using user preferences.

AEM in NOSAMPLECONTENT run mode aem-in-nosamplecontent-runmode

Running AEM in production uses the NOSAMPLECONTENT run mode. Remove the X-Frame-Options=SAMEORIGIN header (in the additional response header section) from


This removal is required for the AEM Screens Player to play online channels.

Password Restrictions password-restrictions

With the latest changes to DeviceServiceImpl, you do not have to remove the password restrictions.

You can configure DeviceServiceImpl from the link below to enable password restriction while creating the password for the screen device users:


Follow the steps below to configure DeviceServiceImpl:

  1. Navigate to ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager Web Console Configuration by way of your AEM instance > hammer icon > Operations > Web Console.

  2. ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Experience Manager Web Console Configuration opens. Search for *deviceservice*. For searching the property, press Command+F for macOS and Control+F for Microsoft® Windows.


Dispatcher Configuration dispatcher-configuration

To learn how to configure Dispatcher for an AEM Screens project, see Configuring Dispatcher for an AEM Screens project.

Javaâ„¢ encoding java-encoding

Set the Javaâ„¢ encoding to Unicode. For example, *Dfile.encoding=Cp1252* does not work.

Use HTTPS for AEM Screens Server in production use.