Work with activities activities
In Federated Audience Composition, you can create compositions using two types of activites:
- Targeting activities let you build one or more targets by defining an audience and splitting or combining these audiences using intersection, union or exclusion operations.
- Flow control activities are specific to organizing and executing compositions. Their main task is to coordinate the other activities.
Targeting activities
- Build audience activity: Define your target population. You can either select an existing audience or use the query modeler to define your own query.
- Change dimension: Change the schema, also known as targeting dimension, as you are building your composition.
- Combine: Perform segmentation on your inbound population. You can use a union, an intersection or an exclusion.
- Deduplication: Delete duplicates in the result(s) of the inbound activities.
- Enrichment: Define additional data to process in your composition. With this activity, you can leverage the inbound transition and configure the activity to complete the output transition with additional data.
- Reconciliation: Define the link between the data in the database and the data in a work table, for example data loaded from an external file.
- Save audience: Update an existing audience or create a new audience from the population computed upstream in a composition.
- Split: Segment incoming population into several subsets.
Flow control activities
- AND-join: Synchronize multiple execution branches of a composition.
- End : Graphically mark the end of a composition. This activity has no functional impact and is therefore optional.
- Fork: Create outbound transitions to start several activities at the same time.
- Scheduler: Schedule when the composition gets started.
- Wait: Momentarily pause execution of a part of a composition.